2 Chapter One.

"Where are the scouts we sent the other day?" Commander Afri asked his most trusted soldier who was busy looking at the map of the area which was expected to be the war venue. "They should be here soon" he answered. "They sent a message earlier" he added and continued with what he was doing. "Where is it" Commander Afri demanded. "Here, Ser" the solider said and gave the letter to him. Commander Afri read the contents of the message and threw the letter into the fire. He watched as the flames consumed the paper and the reflection of the flames revealed his old, war- distraught face. He was no more than 30 but he looked 50. "Tell everyone to get ready" he commanded and the solider left after nodding.

Everyone gathered together; all men- both young and old. They waited for the war speech of their commander. There was fear in their eyes. Most of them were with their families. The women were sad because some of them knew they might not see their husbands again. The children played around. Some were playing with the swords and arrows and their mothers had to take it from them to prevent them from hurting themselves. The commander came out and saw them. He knew he had to do something to encourage them. He shouted

" Soldiers of the sun!!! Men who shine brightly in freedom. We are going to war to face a great army. I know this will cause you all to fear. Do not be. We have withstood them for years. This is another chance the gods are giving us to show them we can withstand them again. So, stand up, be courageous and fight for your homes, your wives and children. Show them what it means to be free ".

Everyone gathered their weapons. Some took spears, some swords and the last group took bows and arrows. They all marched to war looking at each other; having trust in the other man because they have known one another all their lives. They knew they were facing a larger army and they were the only country remaining that is fighting for her honour.

The Yellow army, numbered about seven thousand (7000), marched all night until they reached Lobonim- the border between the yellow country and the black country.

The Yellows stationed their army at the side of their country overlooking the black army. There was a clear difference. The black army numbered fifty thousand (50000) men. Among the black army were slaves who carried weapons and machines of war. Whites and reds could be seen among them. The black had horses and winged beasts; who are large enough to carry four heavily built men.

There was fear on the face of the Yellows. They have withstood the blacks for years and it seems they cannot win again today unless a miracle happens.

Commander Afri and some generals of the Yellow country moved forward and stayed few feets away from the rest of the army. He looked at his fellow generals and his soldiers. He saw fear and defeat. He was like a King to them. The yellows don't have rulers because they believe in freedom. He knew they were hopeless but he had to do something.

He spurred his horse on and raced around his army shouting words of encouragement. He was answered with a shout. He knew he needed a plan; a plan that would work. He came a bit further towards the black army and shouted

"Let your champion fight against me. If he wins, we will surrender and if I win, leave us alone".

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