
Another Idea pt.2

"I do not want to convince you to love me. I'm only confessing because if I don't, I'll live my life wondering if you ever did love me back and that's worse than death to me."

I looked at him and waited for an answer. His blank stare drove me crazy. Does he feel the same way? Maybe this was all in vain, I wasted my time for something that wasn't going to even happen.

"I-I'm sorry." he mumbled

My mind became dull out of nowhere. I gave him a polite smile and left. Grabbing my bag and umbrella, I exited the building into the pouring rain. The clean smell of the rain made it easier to breathe. Why was I holding my breath in? Was I doing it the whole time? I felt a drop of water slide down my face, did my umbrella have a hole in it? Wiping the drop away, another one came.


Thank you for reading!✊🏻

Have a great day!


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