
Quirk Singularity [MHA]

Kosuke Keteru, a boy born with it all. Wealthy parents, smart, and powerful. He truly had everything one could want. Until everything he held of value was taken from him by rogue villains; Crashing through the city of Tokyo and inadvertently killing his family. Feeling himself fall into a pit of endless hate, anger and a need to fulfill his revenge. The persona; "Prime." was created.

pinto · Cómic
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4 Chs



A villain that goes by the name of, 'Earth Shatterer,' crushed and killed my parents during a drug induced rage. The nonsense he spouted when he killed them replayed in my mind ever since I first heard it the following morning.

A video of their death, alongside tens of others, was posted on the internet hours before it got taken down by administrators. The villain said, and I quote, "Useless rules to protect useless people! If someone is blessed with power, why shouldn't they use it!?" After his slurred monologue came a round of deranged laughter- no doubt due to the substances he was on.

That Friday night, my life had crumbled. Everything I thought I had was swept from underneath me. The money stayed, but the happiness, the excitement, the bittersweet aspects of life had been taken from me.

I was seven years old at the time, and way to spoilt. I cursed everything around me, gods, heaven, hell- even the grass that grew out of the earth. My grief controlled me for a while.

A long, long while. If I remember correctly, it was about seven months. My butler, Kogane, was a nice old man. But I cursed and blamed him too. I threw random, hurtful words at him, saying that he should've been there with them. Maybe he could've protected them and died in their stead.

I regret it now, but I'm grateful he's still around. Smiling happily every time he sees me. Catering to my every need despite me telling him that it was fine, and I didn't need a butler.

My regret and grief died out eventually and I sobered up. Realizing that the worlds not fair and neither is life and death. But one thing was for certain. I hated the system that made public display of quirks illegal.

My parents were people pleasers; Golden hearted people that wouldn't even kill a fly- Let alone harm someone else despite the fact their lives in danger. That was stupid.

For a group of scientists loved for their knowledge, they sure were dumb.

I kept telling myself that the reason they died was because of the stupid laws, and that the laws should be changed. Despite my parents being valuable in their respective fields. The villain didn't even get the death penalty for manslaughter or whatever they labeled mass murder.

That's what enraged me the most.

If the government that swears to be just and always be on the side of the people won't do what's right… I decided I'd do it myself.