
Quest for the Divine Treasure

BigGrimm_07 · Fantasía
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2 Chs

The beginning of the Quest

Finally it's time. I'm gonna die after all my time of pain it's gonna be over. That is what I was thinking as I was siting on the street, bullet holes all over my body. A few seconds later I was dead, and suddenly I found myself in a weird black room with nothing around me except the darkness. As I was sitting there thinking about all the pain in my life, my hole family dying in front of me not being able to stop it. Being left alive as my torture, and realizing that I'm gonna spend the rest of my life trying to kill the person who killed them, but it was over I was killed by that person.

Realizing I would never get revenge I was angry. If my family could see the expression on my face they would think that I hated them.So a few seconds latter I started to get sad hating myself for not being able to do it. I started to calm down, but still was angry. I started to see a faint lite so I wanted nothing more than to get to it thinking I was actually alive, as I was getting closer I could hear things but didn't know what or who it was. Few seconds later I was at the end of the lite and saw what it was I could not help but be startled. I was in a baby's body and there was someone holding me witch I assumed was my mother. As I saw her she was beautiful I could not help but be in awe at her face. She was without a doubt the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. There was also a man there I assumed he was my father as I looked at him I saw he had a crown on his head and I thought is he a king. Few seconds later the man spoke in a different language that I could somehow understand as I had never learned it before and said "Welcome to the world my son, we will call you Jacob" .

My mother nodded in agreement as she smiled the man started to pick me up and said " crown prince Jacob what a wonderful name it is". My mother started to say something "Naturally as we picked it", she said as she smiled and my father handed me back . "Well I will take my leave so you can rest I will visit you later I love you and you",my father said as he stood up and left ( as I was given back to my mother to rest I started to think was I reincarnated , did I take over a body, did I somehow go into someone else's mind. I decided to test it so as I thought of moving my hand I did so that ruled out number three and I didn't have any way to possess any body so number two was out so that only left number one which had to be right )so I let it sink in for a little while and suddenly I started to feel tired so I fell asleep.

So if anyone noticed the () at the last bit that is to show the Main Characters thoughts just to clear that up sorry about any typos

BigGrimm_07creators' thoughts