
The Fight in the Mansion

It was now midnight in the city, it was a moonless night of darkness the likes of which most people have never seen before.

"I know everyone said they are ready for this but if we do this we will be seen as traitors, never to be able to return to the Federation. So I'll ask again, is everyone ready for this?" Asked Elaine in an oddly reassuring voice almost like she wanted the group to stay and not get involved.

"Elaine we really want to do this, and so what we won't be able to come back unless we wish to be hunted down," said Jack in the corner of the room putting not only a dagger on his side but also grabbing a large rifle and slinging it on his back.

"I'm glad that Eric asked for the extra firestones, my supply was running low it would have been a hassle if I had to buy more after tonight," Sith said as she entered the lobby with the armor piece she had grabbed from her room.

"I'm ready for action as soon as you are captain," said Eric in a grandiose voice full of gusto, in his hand his battleaxe and wearing a heavy plate mail that covered his body head to toe.

"Elaine, I'm ready too," Orion said.

"Well let's go do this thing, not only for Nex but for every other woman that the prime minister bought and probably abused," said Elaine in a voice full of not only slight rage but also resolve.

The prime minister lucky enough for them was living just outside the capital which was right next to the brigade's headquarters. The mansion the prime minister was living in was quite laterally a fortress that almost no enemy had ever breached through.

The mansion had high walls reaching 20 meters in height and were surrounded by a moat. The walls were being patrolled twenty-four hours a day with no window of blind times between the patrol guards. If that wasn't enough the entire building was also surrounded by a barrier that would notify the mages inside that there were intruders.

"Security fitting for one of the most important people in the world don't you think?" Said Jack hiding behind a tree.

"Does everyone see that clearing, that's where the barrier starts As soon as we pass that point they will know we are coming at which point we will need to act quickly and find out where the prime minister is in the house," said Elaine in a hushed voice trying not to get the attention of the patrolling guards.

"That's all well in good but how exactly are we going to get in?" Asked Orion.

"I can help with that. I just need to climb the wall and open the front gate," Sith answered rather quickly.

"Okay, that's how we will get in. Though Sith be careful since they know you will be there already. It won't be like your usual mission where they don't know you're there," Elaine said.

Just like Sith said she was going to do she did climbing the wall is she did though an alarm could be heard from inside.

'The gate lever is almost always on the tower next to the gate, let's hope this one is too,' Sith thought to herself as she slathered to just above the gate heading inside the tower that laid there. Lucky enough for her the lever to the gate was there.

Just before the barrier line, the team was waiting and then saw the gate was starting to open.

"Sith opened the gate for us, we need to go now," Elaine said queueing the rest of the team to start running.

The team reached the gate and entered in only to be met with 30 or so guards waiting for them inside.

"Greydark what are you doing in my home in this hour?" a female voice asked from behind the men.

"Well it looks like we won't have to go looking," Jack said.

Elaine rushed towards the voice with disregard for her own life and just as she was next to the man a large explosion hit the man, Orion looked back to see where the shot came from and it was Jack who fired it.

"What are you 3 waiting for? Go and help Elaine fight," Jack said to Orion, Eric, and Sith who was still on top of the wall. Sith climbed down as the other two rushed to help Elaine fight.

Orion pulled out his sword and swung at the line of enemies in front of him, it didn't matter that these people had magic armor on they just got sliced in half by the sheer weight of the sword feeding it mana.

Just like that 5 people died.

Eric did the same however when his swing connected it only did minor damage and so he opted to use brute force instead, swinging again he hit a person with the side of the blade crushing the person in the armor.

one more fell.

Sith coming from above landed behind the formation silently and spat out some sort of clear liquid, and after a mere moment, 3 people started screaming in horror, as Orion could see the armor melting and the men's flesh become liquified showing their bones, the men then collapsed probably dying from the pain caused by their legs becoming nothing but red puddles on the ground.

Three more now lay dead.

Jack then fired another shot hitting the ground where a large number of guards with shields were standing, making them fly from the explosion making them an easy target for Elaine's saber killing each one in quick succession.

Only three guards remain and everything felt like it happened quicker than a blink of an eye. These guards were different from the rest though they were dressed in robes and held staffs instead of swords, they were either sorcerers or mages.

"Hi lad keep good care of that sword, Elaine I think you know what will happen if we try to fight them, remember our first training mission, right after you found Sith? I'm going to do it!" Eric yelled out.

"Are you sure you want to do it, Eric?" Said Elaine while she watched Eric run full speed at the 3 magic users.

"Yeah I had a long and fun life," said Eric when he came in striking range of the guards, he tried to hit one but was too slow and was electrocuted by the guard to the left of the prime minister.

"Did you really think that would work? These are the best sorcerers in the Federation," however Eric gave Jack the opportunity to ready a shot, and as soon as the prime minister spoke he fired it at them just barely missing though and hitting the mansion wall above them causing both debris and dust to fall on top of them.

"You missed," the sorcerer to the right of the prime minister said.

"Who said I was aiming at you? Sith do it!" Jack said.

Soon after that Sith spat out the clear liquid at the 3 guards only managing to kill one of them though since the other two protected themselves with a barrier. Taking advantage of the situation Orion swung his sword at the barrier shattering it and killing another one of the sorcerers.

Now that the barrier was down Elaine came running over and killed the last sorcerer.

Zero remain.

"We can ..." Not letting the prime minister finish Elaine grabbed on to her throat and said, "where are the women!".

"What are you talking about?"

"I know you know, now answer my question!"

"They are not here anymore I sold them off," the prime minister said while being in tears.


"Please, please I'm begging you, just don't kill me..... I'm begging you," the prime minister said feeling the grip around her neck tighten.

"YOU KILLED NEX, I HAVE NO PITY FOR YOU," and when Elaine said those words a loud snap could be heard from her direction and the body of the prime minister became like a rag doll and she was dropped to the ground.

"Hey, are you okay? Calm down a bit," said Orion tapped Elaine's shoulder, and as soon as she turned around Orion saw she was crying profusely.

"It's okay, just cry, we're here for you," Orion said while hugging Elaine.

After 5 minutes of crying, Elaine spoke, "We can't stay here, we need to start to head to the border and go from there".

"What about Eric?" Asked Orion.

"There is nothing we can do, I'm sorry Orion," said Jack


"So after we headed out to the border everyone but me and Elaine went our separate ways, and eventually we came to an elf village, and she and I started our new lives. After a while, I and she started dating and decided to get married and guess what she told me she was carrying my child that's when that bastard orc attacked us and she wasn't able to protect herself, apparently it was because elf pregnancies take a lot of energy from the mother so she was too weak to fight,".

"I'm so sorry bro," Jager said

"It's fine, the sun is coming up let's get going," Orion said while getting up.

"Wait what happened to your sword then?" Jager asked.

"Oh that, I hid it just outside the elf village, after we get the orc ill ask Elaine if we can go and get it," Orion said.

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