
Questionable Savior

A splash of water awoke a sleeping red orc in a wooden cage.

"Wake up, bitch," The warden said.

The prisoner held out her hand but nothing happened, she looked at her hand and thought 'Oh right, they took my stuff. I think I have been here for 3 days or so and it already feels like I want to die'.

The warden then opened the cell and grabbed the woman by the hair dragging her outside.

"Stop! That hurts, if you wanted me to walk all you had to do was ask," said the woman to the warden that appeared to be ignoring her completely, and then under her breath, she said "asshole".

The warden didn't say anything or did anything in response to her plea and he just contained to drag her through the sandy ground. The woman out of anger said, "Could you at least tell me where I'm being taken, or are you so stupid that you can't even answer that?".

He didn't respond; again. Eventually, she was dragged to a hut that was covered in skulls and weird writing that reminded her of the ancient languages she had to learn in her past. Though her admiring didn't last long since the warden threw her on the ground next to the door

"Hey! Are you braindead? why did you throw me?" Said the woman out of spite.

Tired of hearing the woman speak, the warden smacked her in the face, knocking the kneeling woman's head to the ground.

"Shut the fuck up! A bitch like you who killed my people shouldn't even be allowed to live but the chief said that he had some other plan for you," the orc looked furious but held back on hitting her more, he then grabbed a rope from his side attaching her to a nearby fencepost.

The woman spat in the warden's face and screamed curses at him while struggling to get loose from the rope that tied her in place. The warden just wiped his face and went to the door of the hut.

The warden arrived at the door of the small hut, looking very serious he knocked on it. A small, very fat, ugly little creature dressed in very intricate and beautiful silk, which was unusual since all the other orcs she had seen before in the village didn't wear anything even close to what this goblin was wearing, came out to greet the warden.

"Shaman, I got the woman that the chief requested here. I'm going to inform the chieftain now that the request has been complete, keep an eye on the mage," the warden spoke to the fat goblin.

"You dare speak to me in such a disrespectful tone? I'm leagues above you in society ill have you beheaded!" The goblin said in a raspy and arrogant voice, some would say a voice perfect for a personality like his.

The warden paid no mind to the assaults made by the goblin and just walked off, while the little guy watched as his words left no mark it seemed to anger him even more.


After talking with the chief for awhile a group of 2 people came out of a hut.

"Orion I'm going to go walk around near the port, come and get me if anything happens okay?" Said the young man with Orion.

"Try not to get into any trouble, people here might not be as accepting as Borex. Just be careful," said Orion to the young man who left for the ports already too far to hear him.

'Weird kid, hope he doesn't get into too much trouble'

A menacing figure approached Orion at a slow pace. The black orc was weirdly slander but had an aura to him that exceeded the expectations of Orion. As the orc drew nearer he spoke in orcish.

"Are you the human that the chief spoke about? I have the woman you asked for. I have a piece of advice before you do it though, she is dangerous and cunning so don't let her do what she did to my friend to yours".

Orion questioning the advice the orc gave asked, "Wait! what do you mean?".

However, by the time he asked the man was gone, and Orion was left worried but he couldn't worry about that hit now, what is important right now was saving the woman who saved him from his depression.

'You realize that you don't know where that woman is, right?' Yanuvo asked.

'Oh shit, he didn't tell me where she was. Where is that orc?' Orion answered the voice in his head, trying to look for the orc but had no luck.

Orion started to ask around for the man but all that amounted to was cold glares by the village folk. 'I guess I was right in assuming the people won't be as accepting, they are probably still mad about what happened'.

After an hour or two, Orion happened upon a small hut adorned with skulls and runes that had a red orc woman attached to one of the fenceposts near the building. She was not moving and from what Orion could see she tried hard to struggle out since her wrists were bleeding and so too were her feet. The woman was asleep, 'I guess she tired herself out trying to escape, she must be the red orc mage but I wonder why she isn't just using magic to escape?' Orion thought to himself at the same time getting near it.

Before Orion could knock on the hut door the smallest, ugliest, Fattest goblin he had ever seen exited and got startled by the man in front of it.

"What does an inferior life-form want from the great Zinki, the almighty, if I wanted to you would be dead before you could blink again, Zinki is the strongest being in the universe!" The goblin said in orcish

"What the hell is that thing? I wonder why this child is all by himself?" Orion said in common and the look on the goblin worsened, changing from mild arrogance to full-on hatred.

"I, the great Zinki, shall not tolerate this anymore, I am no child. Zinki is the strongest," Zinki said as he tried to hit Orion in the leg but even when the goblin punched his hardest yet Orion didn't feel anything leaving the goblin in an embarrassing light and also with a hurt fist. Zinki didn't speak for a couple of seconds but then said, "and therefore I am also very humble and accepting".

'What the fuck is up with this guy? First, he touched my stomach, and then he told me he is accepting, actually, he is probably crazy.' confused Orion questioned himself.

"Zinki are you the one I have to talk to; to get the mage? I'm Orion and Borex told me I can take the red orc after the shaman performs some kind of ritual. I see she is attached to your house, could you be the shaman I need to talk to?" Orion asked in a very soothing voice as he was worried the Zinki would go crazy.

Zinki looked proud once more and stood tall again, "Oh, you mean me? I'm the shaman you need. If I were not here, you would not be able to take your rightful prize, laughable. Of course, Zinki knew that all along," he said as he laughed.

"So.... are you going help me?" asked Orion, as the goblin kept on laughing.

"I Zinki the all-powerful will help you, for I am Zinki," The goblin said arrogantly.

"What do I need to do?" Orion asked.

"Don't worry about a thing, Zinki will take care of everything!" Zinki screamed seeming to be more excited than ever.

Then as the goblin said those words he headed off to the imprisoned red orc woman attached to the fence wall.

I know this chapter took a lot of time but somethings came up so I had trouble getting to it, hopefully, I can start writing more chapters sooner.

As always please put any recommendations in the comments section

Killerpandacreators' thoughts