
Possible Ally?

Orion put out the fire and picked Elaine up, at the same time Jager picked up the leftover boar meat putting small slices in leaf pouches.

The two then started to walk straight ahead to where the old orc told them to go. Walking for several hours the group came across the beach.

"This is probably what he meant by watering hole, I don't see the village though. Let's keep going until we find it," Orion said keeping an eye on the still unconscious Elaine.

"We need to hurry, even though she might not feel the pain it probably still damaging her," Jager said who was now starting to run.

Orion followed suit and started running catching up with the lycanthrope, after 30 or so minutes they saw a big village with a dock and multiple ships. This was the black orc village.

"Orion do you know anything about the black orcs?" Asked Jager in a heavy voice, breathing hard and fast.

"Only that they were fighting with the red orcs when I was captured. Maybe it was some sort of power struggle between them?" Orion answered with another question.

"Do you think they are willing to help us if we say that we defeated the red orc leader?" Jager asked.

"That could cause trouble for the red orcs. We can't do that after one of them helped us," Orion said while putting Elaine down on the sand.

"What if they aren't friendly, we already know that they probably don't know how to speak common, do we just fight them then?" Jager asked sitting on the bright white sand.

After a long pause of Orion thinking, he couldn't come up with a solution however Yanuvo interjected in both their minds.

"I think I can help with the speech part but I don't know if they will be friendly. Also I'm sorry to hear what happened to you Orion".

"Okay, so we have that figured out but what about plan b?" Jager is rather inquisitive today, asking a lot of questions but for a good reason; He didn't want to die, well again at least.

Orion took a couple of seconds to formulate a plan and then spoke, "So this is what we will do, Jager we don't want you to be seen so hide somewhere while I take Elaine with me and have Yanuvo translate for me and tell me what to say".

"I guess if it doesn't work out well you want me to jump in on the leader or something, right?" Jager asked.

"Exactly. Now go hide near the village, if things get dicey you know what to do," Orion told Jager who was still sitting on the sand, and then picked up Elaine heading to the black orc village.

Jager disappeared soon after and Orion started to head for the village in front of him. Orion looked around while he was walking and wondered if things could have gone differently, he looked down at his arms and shed a little tear at the woman he saw, she looked almost exactly like his late wife.

'Elaine, you must be thinking that I'm a horrible person for misusing your name but I couldn't help it, as soon as I saw her I couldn't stop but think of you,' Orion thought.

"Yo man I know I shouldn't be interrupting this but you should probably get a move on, it's getting pretty hard keeping her under," Said Yanuvo inside Orion's mind, and just like that Orion snapped out of it and hurried up getting to the village.

It took Orion less than 5 minutes to get to the entrance and before he could do anything a group of three large female black orcs stopped him in his path.


"Wait, can humans even understand orcish?" Asked one of the three after the first one spoke.

"Whatever, can we just deal with this so I can go back to sleep?" asked the third one.

Orion confused at the situation Yanuvo explained to him, said with the help of Yanuvo in orcish "My friend got hurt by some magic, and the mage who did it is in your hands. From what I understand magic can only be discontinued by the person who cast it".

"Sister, what do you want to do?" Asked the smallest of the three.

"I'm surprised that you can speak orcish human, our village did capture a red orc mage a few days ago and you don't seem like you wish us harm. Felicia go get grandpa, and Felicity you can go home I don't think we will need you today if it's just this human" The biggest sister said.

"Thanks," said Felicity going on into the village taking Felicia with her.

"My name is Ana and those two were my sisters, were the entrance guards to our village. I'm sorry for what happened to your friend," said Ana.

"I'm surprised you're this friendly, I forgot to tell you something though," Orion said.

"Well, what is it?" Asked Ana.

"I had a friend hid just in case, if you weren't this friendly," said Orion, then in common he screamed out "Jager you can come out now, they're fine".

Jager then came out from one of the bushes behind Orion, "So Orion are they going to help us?".

"Maybe, one of the sisters is bringing an elder," answered Orion.

Then from behind Ana a big middle-aged orc around his 60s could be seen following Felicia and as soon as he got close.

"Greetings this here is Monue, home of the black orcs. I hear that you desire a meeting with the mage that did this to your friend? And who is your friend that I haven't heard about?" Asked the tall, tattoo-covered black orc.

"I'm sorry but I lied to you about that mage hurting my friend, in truth I don't know what's wrong with her except it's some sort of magical wound. Before you pass judgment on me however for deceiving you let me explain. I had no idea if you would be friendly so I came expecting you not to be, that is also the reason I told my friend behind me to hide," explained Orion.

"It is okay, I understand, even I would do the same in your situation. Now then, I'm afraid I can't do anything in regards to the mage since she has killed some of my people, but I am willing to trade you her as punishment for what she has done, now if you wish to discuss further follow me and if not you may leave," Said the orc as he left too for the inside being followed by both his granddaughters.

'I wonder if he will accept information for the mage then?' thought Orion to himself as he followed the orc inside with both Elaine in his hands and Jager to his close behind him.

The group entered a big hut close to the docks, and the orc sat down in a chair covered in animal pelts with both his granddaughters standing to his side. The orc signaled for them to do the same and then pointed at the chairs near the wall. Jager began moving three chairs parallel to where the black orc sat down, Orion placed Elaine in the middle chair and sat down next to her with jager sitting down to the other side.

"So before we get down to business my name is Borex, and you already met Ana and Felicia, what are your names?" Borex said while itching his scruffed beard.

"My name is Orion, the one that I was holding is called Elaine, and that young one over there is called Jager," Explained Orion.

"Good now that we got that out of the way let's talk business. If you want the mage it's going to be a steep price, and honestly speaking I don't think you can pay," said Borex.

"I may have some information regarding the red orc village, that you may be interested in," Orion said.

Borex was intrigued by the idea since they were at war with the red orc clan for a long time, ever since the red orc leader went mad.

"I'm listening, if the information is any good I'll give you the mage girl if it's not though we will be executing her, so do we have a deal?" Borex asked.

"It's a better chance than we had before, deal..." Orion said and preceded to tell the story of how the three of them escaped the red orcs, ".....so long story short that insane orc is dead with any remaining supporters of his along with him,".

"Boy, are you tell me the truth?" Asked Borex in a menacing voice.

"I am," Orion said with emotionless eyes.

"It looks like we both win today, if what you did told me is true then my village and the red orcs can become allies again. Knowing Norek he probably took command. This information here is more than enough to get you that mage girl. I'll call over our shaman and tell him to get ready for a blood contract, in the meantime why don't you get to know the village since I feel like we will be good allies in the future".

Sorry if my upload schedule is weird, I just write whenever I can.

Have some idea about my story? let me know also if you see any mistakes or if something isn't making sense.

Killerpandacreators' thoughts
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