
Queen of his heart

"You love me?", She asked with doubt. "Or else?", He answered with a lazy tone while leaning on the couch. "You know I just turned 18 today. And you are 24. We have six years of a gap. You have to wait for at least four years to marry me." "I am in no hurry." "My father won't agree with someone like you.", "Do I look like I care?" When she was called to leave, She just smiled at him and left. Since then, she can be seen many times in the Garnet Elysium, which holds its secret just like its owner. The employees treat her like a Queen. Why can't they when she is the Queen of their boss's heart? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liang Wu Rui, who was a ordinary high school student suddenly became the most important person of the mysterious person who runs a clubhouse in the city. Their relationship grew deeper and deeper by every passing day. Though they barely know eachother and he look aloof, cold and seemingly hide something, she never thought of these things. To her he is the as important as her life and to him she meant the whole world. Just pampering was not enough, he let her rule him and the empire he is trying to build.

kate_23 · Ciudad
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5 Chs

They can be regents, But there is always a True monarch above them

Wu Rui, who was initially enthusiastic to see what it feels like inside the club, gave the Tong Sisters a weird look. Sensing her glare, The two stopped in their track and smiled sweetly.

The silence prevailed for a minute and Wu Rui broke it first. "Why do I feel something is not right?"

The Tong sisters looked at each other. ' As Expected, her super sensing antenna caught them.'

" What can be wrong little Rui?, Tong Xin, the girl in the dress, spoke. After all, they have to change the topic. If not, who knows what will this little devil will do.

'Tong Xin! Tong Xin! Do you have to dig out own grave. It's well known that this little devil will not spare us if she sense that we used. Yet you have to lead the conversation in the same direction. Can't you say she is tricking us to walk in her trap?', Tong Lei, the other one thought to herself.

Wu Rui, swiftly turned to face them and gave a smirk. Within a flash, she raised her left leg and swung it towards Tong Lei.

Tong Lei who was caught off-guard almost got a hit in her face. Thank God, Tong Xin dragged her to the side while blocking Wu Rui's leg with her hands.

Upon sensing the tension of a potential fight, a few guards rushed towards them and were ready to throw them. When the guards were about to get their hands on the girls, " Stop fighting. You can't fight here. Others please mind your business. We will not disturb you guys. Go ahead please."

Seeing the guards, Wu Rui lowered her with the notion for withdrawing. She crossed her hands in front of her chest and looked at Mr. Yan, who pretty much came to their side from the entrance, for a few seconds. Her actions made the Tong sisters get confused of what is going on.

The Tong Sisters,Tong Xin and Tong Lei, can be considered as the second respected people in the Garnet Elysium after their Boss. In simple terms, They are the people who are at the high management of the house and work directly under the Boss. They can't be considered employees nor the person in-charge. If this was an ancient time, their position can be regarded that of a regents.

In fact, just like how they know nothing about their Boss, People don't know anything about these two woman.

There was another yarn that these two are the real boss of Garnet Elysium and the news that there is a Big Boss is all rumours. This was because, almost all the major instructions are given and overseen by these two.

" Mr. Yan right? This batch of newly recruited securities are not that bad, aren't they eldest Miss Tong? They know their responsibility and they have pretty good course of action. They are quite fast with their responding speed.", Wu Rui blanted out her thoughts.

"Then, Miss Tong, I will end their probation period and make them permanent. If nothing else, I will take my leave.", With that Mr. Yan withdrew himself.

Can't able to handle the awkwardness that was created from getting caught bluntly as it was too imposing with that stare from the little girl make the Tong sisters doubt their sense of knowing people.

Why do they really have to make the extremely impossible and crazy people their closed circle?

The one they let in was already enough to kill them alive and this little girl who seems so innocent and pure hearted turns exactly to be the same.

" Little Rui...", Tong Lei tried to break the ice.

" Well, I pretty much understood everything.So, don't bother explaining or come with any excuses. I advice you two to be more meticulous next time. Well, that doesn't mean that I am letting this go. You guys should satisfy all the curiosity I have about this place. Well, that may or may not include about the real boss as well, who knows when even I don't know."

Wu Rui...Wu Rui... did you know that last sentence of yours really caught the ears of a certain Big Boss who passed by you just now?

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