1 Perfect Blonde Man

Once upon a time in skull island... "Oh. I am miserable without the husband. I might leave and find a blonde man myself." Queen Kong got up and departure from skull island headed to New York City.

Duration in the apartment at New York City... "Sipping! Sighs. Oh, wells? I think my coffee blender is quake and what's going on? AHH!" A adventurer Dave Seville noticed it, but he screamed at Queen Kong is peeking at the window. Whatever funny happens outside of his apartment... "I have to grab a blonde man out of that." She breaks in and picked him up recently. "Oh no! Grunting!" He been taken by Queen Kong. "All right. I better go back to my hometown skull island."

Return back to Skull Island... "Ouch! Stay away from me," monster!? A adventurer Dave Seville exclaimed. "I love you," blonde man. Queen Kong is crushing on him. "I am not a blonde man. My name is Dave Seville of a adventurer. "Oh. Want a coconut milk," Dave? She smiles at him. "Yeah. I take and eat it," Queen Kong. "My name is Queen Dionne Kong." She introduced. "Do you mind to take me back to New York City please," Queen Dionne Kong? "No. You stay with me." Queen kong answered says no to him. "Aw! I'm stuck with a beastly Queen Dionne Kong!?"

Tonight in her cave at Skull Island.... "Snoring loudest!" She asleep recently. "Grunting! Oh. Maybe I should sleep now." A adventurer Dave Seville been holding in her hands. To be continued...

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