
QT: Beauty And The Beasts

Latham lived a miserable life on earth. He died and transmigrated in the body of the crown prince of Zoltar. A world of beasts where men are handsome and charming in every possible way. The place of his dreams where he could be someone that he has ever wanted to be. Stuck in the body of the next king of the kingdom. How will he, a modern boy from another world navigate through life in the royal palace? Will he be able to avoid falling for the handsome beasts and keep himself alive long enough to be king?

Xizzem · LGBT+
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11 Chs

Two: Waking up

It was a morning like no other in the king's palace, his eldest son has been ill for almost a month now. The King has gone out of his way to find the best healers in the land to attend to him but in vain.

Every one of them has nothing good to say about his son's condition. He has spent a fortune buying the best pills to cure him, there has been no improvement in his condition.

He was starting to lose hope that his son might never wake up again. He stopped everything and stayed home to look after him.

The king had also sent the royal physician to have a look at him but even he could not help the crown prince. The world had told him to let his son go and perform his last rights rather than wasting his wealth on the crown prince's treatment.

The day was just coming to a start and a maid in black and white clothes was headed to the east wing of the palace with warm water and a set of changing clothes.

She walked elegantly as she sang in a soft voice that only the walls around her could hear. She was in a hurry to get to where she was going, she needed to complete her duties before the king came by to check.

She rushed into the room at the end of the corridor and locked the door behind her. She walked to the window and opened the curtains letting the rays of the sun enter the room.

She dusted the room as she continued to sing her song. When she was done, she looked at the bed by the wall and sighed.

She felt very bad for the young handsome prince sleeping on the bed, she was employed there only a few weeks ago. She had no idea what had happened to the prince or why he was in that condition but she did know that ever since she came to work there the prince has never moved.

She took the warm water and helped the young prince to take a bath and helped him change out of his clothes. She finished with her chores and left the room as quiet as she came in.

She ran into the king who was going to meet his son, she quickly bowed her head and waited for him to pass by before she continued on her way.

The King was not in a good mood today as the last physician he had asked to take a look at his son had told him that there was nothing he could do for the prince.

He was helpless and for the first time, he hated his position as a king. What good is being such a reputed king if he can't even save his favorite son who needs him?

He sat down next to his son and held his hand in tears, the pain of watching his son on that bed asleep with no movement was slowly breaking him apart.

His son was not strong and her core had not developed yet but he loved him all the same. He didn't care that he was not like other children or that he lacked any talent whatsoever because to him, the prince will always be his little boy. His eyes were wet with tears for his child.

"I wish that I could see your bright smile once again my beloved son," he said his voice breaking.

He just wanted him to be okay. His world was not the same without his children and he couldn't stand anything happening to them.

He had two sons and three daughters and he loved them all equally. He squeezed the prince's hand gently to get him to react at least even a bit.

He remained quiet and didn't move at all. The King got out of the room when it became too much for him to bear. He walked away very quickly to get away from the room.

Back in the room, the young prince moved his hand. He opened his eyes and closed them again because of how bright the room was, he adjusted his eyes to the light.

He got up but fell back on the bed due to how exhausted he was. His whole body was so tired and wobbly to the point that his hand wasn't responding to his command.

He lay down looking at the ceiling and wondered what was going on. The room he was in looked completely different from the one that he lived in. She turned her head and looked around the room, 'Is this what heaven looks like?' he thought.

He wasn't able to get up for hours and nobody even came to check up on him. His stomach was demanding food from him but he had no strength to get up and look for food.

He was confused by his surrounding as everything looked very expensive and old. Not that they were worn out but they looked like the things people used in the past. Things he used to see on TV on those dramas that are from the past.

"What are you doing here?" he heard and became alert, she looked around the room but there was no one in the room with her.

"Who is there?" He asked as a chill went through her.

"Who I am is not important. The question is what are you doing here?" the voice asked again this time sounding even closer.

"What do you mean, I should be asking you that. What are you doing in my room?" he asked as fear twisted her gut.

"Your room? Ha! Ha! Ha!" he laughed sarcastically. "Don't try to be funny, the owner of this room past away a few minutes ago. I will ask you one more time who are you?" he roared and he trembled.

He couldn't see who it was that was talking to him but his gut told him that it wasn't a ghost. He could feel intimidated by the man's voice so clearly, he was not someone to mess with especially since he knows that he is not himself.

Latham had pretty much figured that something wasn't right but he didn't know what was wrong.

"My name is Latham Lane," he said to the voice.

"Where are you from Latham?" the voice asked him.

"I have already told you who I am and now it is your turn," he replied.

"Who I am is of no importance to you. From now on you shall be my disciple and I expect you to not disappoint me. Your name was Latham but from now on your name will be prince Adrien Amblecrown, the crown prince of Zoltar" the voice said and he listened attentively.

"You still have not told me who you are and how can I be your disciple?" Latham asked him.

"Don't argue with me, you can either do as I tell you or refuse me. I would not encourage the latter as I would get very angry and when that happens it won't be good for you," he said in a threatening harsh voice.

"I don't like being threatened Mr. I dare you to show yourself to me and see what I do to you," Latham said being irritated by the voice.

Just then a man in a white robe appeared above him floating mid-air wearing a white mask. Latham couldn't move as he felt suppressed in the bed.

All his bones and muscles were in pain from the pressure that he was subjected to. The pressure the man was emitting was so powerful that he was going to be nothing but broken bones if he doesn't tune it down.

He opened her mouth to speak but his throat was constricting and could hardly let air into his lungs let alone get a word out.

"Now that you have seen me listen carefully. From today onwards you will be my student and that means that you have to do as I say. I can see that you are weak so I will give you one of my pets to be your spirit animal and help you heal your soul. The beast will not only heal you but will help you with all the tasks this world has to offer. All I ask in return is that you tell no one of me and for your loyalty," he said and disappeared.

Latham was breathing very fast to accumulate the air his lungs needed. His heart had become fearful, how did he end up waking up away from the twenty-first century to a place where people float on air.

That man's presence was enough to send him to the land of the dead. 'Where in kpop's name am I?' He asked himself and just then a white fox appeared above him.

"Hi new master, my name is Nuru and I am your spirit animal. Master has sent me as a gift to you," said the fox.

That was the last straw for Latham, he fainted after seeing a fox talk. While he was unconscious Nuru sealed their contract and their souls merged as one. Latham got better and his body became energetic again.


"Yes master," the fox answered the voice.

"Under no circumstances should you tell him who I am, he should not come to know of this until the right time."

"Understood master." replied the fox.