
Psychopath Self Insert Into DXD As Scáthach: Rise Of House Valefor

" As Scáthach, I would fuck up the DXD universe as a whole." So I said while I was high... ...And y'know what happened after I said that? Well, let's just say, a R.O.B respected me a little too much and granted my 'wish', throwing me Into DXD with the Class Card: Scáthach, from the Nasuverse. And to make matter worse, I'm the last Devil of the Valefor House. " Harem It is then." ** - [ I own nothing, but my own creations ] - - [ Tags: Highschool DXD ~ Fate/Grand Order ~ Solo Leveling ] - - [ Extra Tags: Male MC ~ Handsome-Beautiful MC ~ Harem(Its DXD) ~ Stronger To Stronger ~ Psychopath & Unpredictable MC ~ WishFulfillment ] -

DarlingOfScathach · Cómic
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2 Chs

[ Chapter - 1: The Last Member Of House Valefor ]

Whoever said death is nothing to be afraid of has likely lived a full life. Though, I suppose the same could be said for the reverse. Those who fear death have never truly lived, but I'm getting a little ahead of myself.

My name is Nico. Nico Scáthach O'Rourke. Yeah, I know a mouthful of a name I have. Don't blame me, blame the quirky unusual family I used to have.

And dying? Not fun, trust me, I did It already. And let me tell you, dying hurts, hurts like a bitch. Try not to die if possible, but it can't be helped—friendly advice—stay dead. Trust me, coming back sucks.

...But, Here's the thing about death. Everyone have their own interpretations of what would happen after they die. Those who are religious end up in heaven, hell, purgatory, nirvana, or whatever place they believe they'll end up in. Atheists and others who don't believe in anything… well, they'll end up wherever they think they'll end up after death.

Sounds like a pretty good deal if you have high hopes for the afterlife. Of course, some don't want to die or aren't willing to move on to whatever they think the afterlife is. Now, those people become spirits, demons, and vengeful souls, and so on, typical horror stories origin.

None of those sound fun unless It's In a Hentai, and even then, you're on a tight rope.

Why am I saying all of this, you all might ask?

...Well, probably because waking In DXD as Sung Jin-Woo, would do that do you. Oh? Did I also add, I have a Class card: Lancer Scáthach from the Nasuverse...

...No? Then, now you know~

Why did I wake up here?

...Well, let's just say a R.O.B loved me a little too much after hearing me say: " As Scáthach, I would fuck up the DXD universe as a whole." While I was high off my Kite.

Remember my dear children: Drugs are bad... Unless they make you feel Good, then hand them over, and let's blow this joint and make some clouds.


These were Nico's thoughts upon waking up with a new body, and new memories...on a fucking wooden park bench, with bright crimson blood all over his hands and shirt that possesses a gaping hole through It.

He then proceeded to close his eyes and open them again, closed and opened them again, and again, and again...

Till he knew this real... Really real.

' Well shit. It looks I got yeeted Into DXD as the one and only child of the Noble House Valefor. A Devil House.' Were his thoughts, collecting his new memories In one go.

To his new knowledge, the original Nico Valefor was an overall nice guy with a slight taste for the unknown and cheap candy. And oddly enough, he didn't know he was a Devil, even at death's door he still didn't know, dying to a Fallen Angel by the name of Yuuma Amano: Also known by her real name: Raynare, because for no fucking reason, other than not liking for him.

Like really? Who the the fuck does that? In DXD, he guesses this is normal, having Gods, Dragons, and Devils all around the world.

Well, he could thank her. Because If not for killing the past owner, he'll have no idea who'll he'll get stuffed Into by that R.O.B.

' Judging by the faint sunlight, I'd say it's about 6:30-AM.' He noted, as he felt his lips turn Into a full-on smile.

Looking and finding the area absolutely desolate and whispering, he mumbled," It's quiet. Far too quiet..." He can physically and mentally feel himself drowning In silence.

Too much silence.

It's not like he is trying to hide, but there should be at least some people walking back home from work. Hell, there aren't even any cricket sounds.



... At least until he saw two people, two very familiar people walking to the part area he is In. And oddly enough, It seems they can't see him or sense him.

[" Kill...Kill...Kill..."] At the back of his mind is a rageful and vengeful roar, asking, ordering him to kill that blasted Fallen BDSM Angel.

' Quite my dear friend. We will have our fun, real soon. Trust me, on that.' He calmly said to his friend that is the hateful and wrathful past owner's Will and Soul.

[" *Grrrr!*...Okay... Brother..."] Roaring In fury, the soul growled out In full-on Devil anger.

They stopped and he heard the girl say: " Issei, can I ask you to do something for me?"

' 10-out-of-10, that is one of the best way to ask someone If they love you.' Nico noted, wishing he had some popcorn.

" Will you die for me?" She asked once more, as he saw the youthful-looking girl change her clothes into black straps. Her face took on a more mature look, gaining larger breasts, slight increase in height, donning a sadistic and cruel smirk, but the most prominent feature was her two black feathery wings.

" It was a good date, but all good things must come to an end." She said In a sadistic yet elegant manner, summoning a dark pink spear of some sort and aimed at the guy, but he looks like he's focusing more on her breasts.

" Die."


The sound of the wind. A nasty noise followed after the Fallen Angel threw the Spear at Issei.

What followed after that, was Issei's body getting thrown across the floor In an amusing way to Nico. Hell, he even clapped and whistled at a job well done to the Fallen Angel, In a very British-like way.

Footsteps close in on the poor-poor Issei while he's on the ground.

A small voice then reaches him. The Fallen Angel's sadistic and cruel yet lovely voice:" Sorry. You were a threat to us, so we decided to get rid of you early. If you want to hold a grudge, then hate the God who put the Sacred Gear inside you."

Retaining a very confused expression that screamed, " What?!" He heard "Her" footsteps get further away from him.

At the same time, he started to lose his consciousness. 

" Tsk-Tsk, the play Is already over? I thought we'll get more drama thrown In the mix. How unamusing." a very carefree charming male voice, remarked as he walked to the dying Issei.

Leaning over Issei is an extremely handsome muscular young man with profound gray eyes, black hair, and sharp facial feature that show he looks more Korean than Japanese, and yet looking Korea he spoke perfect Japanese, as If It was his Mother language.

" You look like you need help~" Squatting by the human, the Devil smiled sinisterly as his eyes glowed purple:" So about a deal with a Devil?" With a smile threatening to split this face apart, he added:" Don't worry human. We are a good Devil~"


Good Devil?

Issei is sure, this young man is no good person, especially with fresh blood all over his shirt... But with the way It is right now, this man is his only hope from Death.


" *Cough!*...Deal...*Cough!*" With that one simple yet dangerous word, Issei Hyoudou, fate is sealed.

" Pleasure doing business with you Issei Hyoudou. May fate be kind to you." With glowing purple eyes, Nico smiled and started walking away, holding a purple cage with a black-white-red sphere Inside It.

" He's all yours Crimson Princess~" Saying such out of nowhere, Nico walked away with a hip In his steps.


' Who...No: What was that?' Watching the dangerous extremely handsome young man stroll away from the park, said Crimson Princess asked herself feeling her whole body scream at her to run and hide from that thing In human form.
