
Promise you will love me

Chantel has always being a bright girl. Her parents are well to do but she never let that get into her head. Right after her junior high school, she attained a full scholarship to study in one of the best senior high schools. There, she met Kevin, who promised her heaven and earth. But things did not turn out the way she expected it to be and she had to leave school. She hated Kevin for ruining her life, and vowed never to love again. Years later, she met Kevin again. But she could not forgive him. Kevin made his quest to get Chantel to love him again, like she used to. Will he be able to get Chantel to love him? Will Chantel give Kevin another chance to prove himself? Find out more from this intriguing story.

Maame_Efua_Quainua · Ciudad
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59 Chs


"But why? What's going on? Do you not want to be here with us anymore?" Cynthia asked her, with tears in her eyes. 

"I do. I wanted to finish my schooling here but I realised that I can't do that here anymore. Everything has gotten out of hands and I don't think I can handle this anymore," Chantel said.

"But, I thought you said you can handle everything. What happened?" Adiepena asked. 

"I thought so. But, I am not that strong to handle it. You know, my aunt once said that she would have wanted me to come to Canada to stay with her. I think I am going to do exactly just that."

"No, Chantel. If you leave, what happens to our friendship? How will we be able to see you or chat with you? This place won't be the same without you," Cynthia cried some more and Adiepena comforted her. 

"So, what happens now that you are leaving? Is there a way we can be able to communicate with you? Maybe your phone number?" Adiepena asked. 

"Yes. You have my father's number, right? Call me on that. And when I go to Canada, I will send my number there to you so that we can talk on whatsapp and Skype. Please, Cynthia, don't cry, okay?"

"Why shouldn't I cry? I am about to lose one of my best friends. Please, let me cry. Let me cry," Cynthia answered. 

Chantel hugged both girls and they cried together. "I will miss you girls a lot. I will always write to you. I promise."

Both Adiepena and Cynthia nodded. They were all sad about the situation but there was nothing they could do about it. 

"Well, I better start going now. My father is at the car pack waiting for me and I don't want him to wait any longer." Chantel stood and the others stood as well. 

They all stepped out of the room and walked towards the car pack. Chantel hugged her friends one last time and sat inside the car. All that time, her father was standing at the other side, watching the three girls. He was touched by what he saw. And was grateful that Chantel had such good friends who were so loyal to her. He smiled sadly to himself but promised to do everything he can to make this friendship last. 

He walked over to the girls and hugged them both. Then gave them some money to use for themselves. The girls thanked him for his kind gesture but that could not even take away the sadness they were feeling. Mr Asare sat in the car and drove off as Chantel and the girls waved at each other. That was how chantel left Queens high school to start her life somewhere else. 

15 years later

A 31 year old woman and a boy of 15 walked out from the airport holding hands. The young woman had a slender body and long curly hair. She was wearing a red straight dress and a black pair of heels which made noise whenever she walked. The boy is fair in complexion as the young woman, and is tall. He is also wearing a white T-shirt and blue tattered jeans with white sneakers. The Duo walked towards the exit and was turning heads since they got down from the plane. 

The young teenager, had a pair of sunglasses on and earphones in his ears. When they both came out of the airport,  they saw two women standing by the entrance waiting on them.

Adiepena and Cynthia stood by the airport waiting for Chantel. She had told them she would be returning today with her son. Even though they knew how Chantel looked like through the pictures she sent them, they still took out a card and wrote her name on it, just in case she does not make them out when they finally meet her. 

They stood at the entrance with the card in their hands, when the young lady and her teenage son came out of the airport. Cynthia was the one who spotted them first. She elbowed Adiepena slightly and used her eyes to show her what she wanted her to see. Adiepena gasped in surprise. She had tears in her eyes and almost screamed out in joy. 

Cynthia waved at Chantel when she saw her looking around. When the friends finally saw each other, they screamed in joy while jumping up and down. They hugged each other and kept screaming till they could not do so anymore. The boy walked behind his mother and took off his sunglasses, revealing the most gorgeous brown eyes anyone had ever seen. 

Both Cynthia and Adiepena looked at the boy in awe. They were totally surprised by the boy's appearance, as his he looked so much like Kevin. 

"Is that Travis?" Cynthia asked loudly, not been able to hide her excitement. 

"Yes. This is Travis. I told you I will be bringing him with me. And he has also not stopped bugging me about coming back home with me. Anyway, how have you girls been? It's been so long," Chantel said. 

"Yeah it has. Let's get in the car and we will tell you all about it on the way."

They all headed towards a Pajero, that had been packed at the other side of the road. 

"Whose car is this?" Chantel asked, after inspecting the car from the outside.

"It's mine.," Adiepena quickly answered. 

"What?! Wow girl. This car is so cool. And the color looks amazing," Chantel replied. 

"Thank you. But, are you going to just stand there and admire the car or you are going to get in?" Adiepena asked her. 

"Oh, sorry. My bad."

Chantel sat in the car with her son, Travis after they had packed their bags into the back of the car. Adiepena started the car and they drove off as they continued to tale about what they had been up to ever since they were all separated. 

"So girls, how is everything down here? Tell me, I am so eager to know."

Adiepena and Cynthia who were seated at the front, stared at each other and smiled. This was going to be a long ride.