

What will you do when you wake up in the middle of the night and find a man, dressed in a black suit, black shoes, and black leather gloves looking at you with a professional smile? Scream? You can try. Call Police? Many tried before, but none survived. Pray to your God? He will pray with you for your survival before gouging out that pink tongue and gulping it down in one swift move. This is the story of a man with a twisted personality, who is searching for the meaning of his life. He lives for the thrill and goes to any lengths to get some excitement. In his fury, he impulsively kills a girl whose death was never reported in the news. Is she still alive and if yes, why didn't she report him to the police? What will he do when a mysterious part of his past is uncovered due to this event? What happened to him that he became a monster? What will happen to him in the future? P.S. He never loses his professional smile during working hours.

SilentMan · Fantasía
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19 Chs

How A Professional Falls In Love.


'And the Winner is... Nye!!!"


Sometimes I want to commit a massacre.

I distanced myself from Charlotte but before doing that, I moved a chock of hair behind her ear, giving another ponderous long lick on her earlobes to mark my territory as I saw her body shuddered, and twitched convulsively. She probably came. After all, she is a normal human, and I don't know whether her libido has been quenched properly or not.

After that, it was uneventful as Nye, Charlotte, and I went to a bar where we drank merrily but Charlotte was very careful and immediately stopped Nye from overdrinking.

She still has some rationality and has not gone completely delusional as she wants to keep a safe distance from me.

I wonder how long it will take for her resistance to break?

When we reached the subway, we decided to split. I told them I have a friend nearby but he lives in the opposite direction and he has been calling me to meet him when I mentioned I was in this area.

Nye wanted to visit the bar again with my friend, but Charlotte pulled him away.

And thus...

...I decided to visit the crime scene.


This is absurd.

The entire apartment has been cleaned up with nothing but dust lying around.

I am sure that girl used to live here and invited those two guys for some reason when they mixed some illegal drugs inside her drink or food sneakily. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense for guys like them to install security devices in their apartments, even if they did, they would disable it before doing the deed.

I am sure they have committed similar crimes, blackmailed girls before, so it makes sense for them to be unknown of the emergency alarm at that girl's house in the heat of the moment.

But now the question is, who cleaned it all up?

No, it's not real-estate agencies.

I have been keeping tabs online to buy or rent an apartment in this area, but this apartment never shows up.

The police don't have time to clean the apartment.

So the conclusion I come to is that this was the girl's apartment.

And from my deductions, since this apartment does not belong to those two men, their families wouldn't clean it up. So the only other option left is for the girl herself to clean it all up.




Why have I been thinking this girl doesn't have a family?




I think I have seen those Azure eyes before. A memory of an advertisement on a billboard flashed in my mind on the day of the crime.

This girl...

I quickly unlocked my phone, searched through multiple websites... and...

'Paradise Advertisements'

"Lixia" I muttered under my breath as my breathing almost stops.

{Said to be an orphan. Debut as an ambassador for the controversial company 'Paradise'.}

You must be thinking why 'Paradise' has been so controversial? First of all, the government has strict regulations regarding androids. Nobody is allowed to buy them. But here a company offers to 'rent' them instead of giving full ownership for sensual needs only. Despite so many ups and downs, the government allowed them to do business under rather strict conditions that the public doesn't know of.

Secondly, many butthurt individuals who couldn't satisfy their partners thought their partners would visit 'Paradise' often and labeled it as a 'Cheating Company'. It's hilarious because the company's response on this issue has been very clear that androids are just 'machines' and it is equivalent to a toy.

But since these androids look exactly like a person, or could be custom-built according to your preferences, these low self-esteem clowns feel like they are getting cucked by a machine which is even more humiliating.

Anyways, there is no report of Lixia's death. What the actual fuck.

I must have read about her before and that is why I subconsciously thought she didn't have a family... but who cleaned her apartment?

I clearly remember killing Lixia.

I sat on the floor, leaning against the wall of the bedroom in which I committed murder a few cycles ago while browsing the IntraNet intently.

I have to get to the bottom of this, to satisfy my thirst for curiosity. This is unique, never happened before. A model like her should have gained publicity if she died and it would be difficult for the Police to keep it hidden.

But if she didn't die, why didn't she report me to the Police? She might have a bad memory and couldn't recall my face, but my outfit was clearly visible and since Police have also seen me in this attire it was more than enough evidence to put me behind bars until they gather more evidence against me.

This is so abnormal and freaky that even a professional like me feels chills in his spine.

Since I couldn't find any clues regarding Lixia's death, I decided to go back to my apartment.

As soon as I reached the entrance of my apartment, my curiosity got the best of me, so I sent a few particles of my body to sneak up on Charlotte.

Tsk Tsk Tsk. She is frantically rubbing herself with tears streaming down her cheeks. Look at her, she is so happy that she is crying.

I examined Nye's condition and from my observation, she sucked him dry that he fainted from exhaustion but the itch in her groins is asking for me isn't it?


A devilish smile crept up my face as I chose to ignore her condition. I wonder how long it will take for her to come begging me on her knees?

I plopped on my bed, unsatisfied with the way my life was going. It is still not much fun...

Now that I have some free time, I should focus on something that I have been thinking about for a while.

I opened my phone and browsed shopping sites...

I need a mask, a cap, and a camera. I want to Livestream my professional adventures. Mask shouldn't hinder my ability to eat and the camera must be of high quality.

I am not dumb enough to buy everything from an online shopping website. If I stream after I buy these things, Police will get to me, so I only bought a camera. In the current era where people like to stream so many things, buying a camera is not suspicious.

I have enough experience to tweak my nano-tech clothing and I could just add a mask and cap to its limited functionality with my own experience.

This could be exciting.


A new cycle, A new me.

I was walking to my office building as usual.

As a professional, there were several things in my head and as I looked at the contact information on my phone, I felt like it should be about time...

Ren, that Police Officer's wife would call me soon. Even though we exchanged contacts, she would have refused to take my 'goodwill' for granted, at that time... not now.

How do I know it? Well, it is the job of professionals to research their clients. And I know why she would call me instead of calling the company.

Thinking about it a smirk crept up my face naturally.

As I entered the lobby, I glanced over at the receptionist...

Oh, she was changed. Now it's a guy. Well, I am not sexist and anyone who has the required skills to work deserves a chance.

Anyways, I exhibited a big smile... and he smiled back...

...with all his white teeth showing.

--A Professional.

Oh my God!

I am in love.

Naturally, my love is also professional. I don't like sweet talking. So maybe I'll just eat him on a special occassion. And by 'eat', I mean 'eat'... :O

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