
Progress Under the Sun

The death of the sun only brought eternal night. The gruesome loss from which the new sun is stagnant in rising. His progression towards Godhood, succession of the golden champion, and freedom to choose his destiny, the path of the new sun.

Progress_uts · Fantasía
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14 Chs


An adult voice approached the group of children, filled with arrogance. "Hey, superstar," he called out to Magnolia.

The man draped his arm around Magnolia's shoulders. Magnolia glanced at his arm, then up at his face. The man had light blue hair, black eyes, an average build, and an average face, but he was definitely taller than Magnolia.

"What do you want, Suegi?" Poison asked, annoyed.

Suegi smirked. "Oh, lighten up, Poison. I'm just here to talk to the general's favorite— our little superstar," he said, mocking Magnolia with his tone.

Abraham adjusted his glasses and spoke firmly. "Well, your presence isn't wanted, so leave!"

Suegi raised an eyebrow. "Oh? My presence isn't wanted? What do you think, superstar? Is my presence not wanted?" He directed his question at Magnolia, who remained silent, his words caught in his throat.

Suegi misinterpreted Magnolia's silence as arrogance and grew angry. "So l'm not worth talking to, huh, superstar?"

Without warning, Suegi grabbed the back of Magnolia's neck and threw him across the room. The sudden action drew everyone's attention, including the general's and the Pharaoh's.

Poison tried to intervene, but Sous stepped in front of him, blocking his way.

"Don't you want to see what this Magnolia kid can do?"

Magnolia picked himself up, slightly dazed.

Before he could fully regain his footing, Suegi was upon him, landing a punch to Magnolia's stomach that knocked the wind out of him. Suegi followed up with an axe kick, striking the top of Magnolia's head.

Magnolia fell, blood trickling from his mouth.

"Is that all from the so-called superstar who made the general use his contract?" Suegi taunted as he lifted Magnolia by the neck and tossed him to the center of the room.

"Guys, he's not fighting back," someone murmured nervously.

Sous responded, "Hold on, I can feel something's about to happen."

Suegi approached Magnolia in the center of the room, his gaze fixed on the necklace around Magnolia's neck. "Hey, what's this?" Suegi reached for the necklace.

"Don't touch that..." Magnolia muttered weakly.

"What? It's not like you're going to stop me." With a yank, Suegi ripped the necklace from Magnolia's neck and dropped him to the floor. He walked back toward the children, more arrogant than before.

"Sigh, Amelia, go heal him-"

But as Amelia prepared to approach, Magnolia stood up. His eyes were shadowed by his hair, and his fists clenched in rage. Smoke began to emit from his palms.

He walked slowly toward Suegi, the room eerily silent except for Suegi's gloating.

Suddenly, Magnolia ran at him.

"SUEGI, BEHIND YOU!" A soldier yelled, but it was too late...

"Why so angry, Magnolia?"


Before Suegi could fully turn around, Magnolia's strike severed Suegi's hand, which had been holding the necklace. The dismembered hand flew through the air and landed in front of the children. Suegi screamed, but the wound was cauterized, leaving no blood.

Magnolia stared at Suegi, then walked over to the severed hand. He picked it up and removed the necklace. As he looked up, the children realized how dangerous Magnolia truly was.

The Pharaoh watched with a smile. "Atta boy."

"He did that without breaking a sweat?

This boy..." the Pharaoh remarked, impressed.

The Pharaoh teleported next to Magnolia.

"Good one, Magnolia. You've yet to disappoint me."

Magnolia's wounds began to heal as he opened his eyes, finding himself in an empty void. He wandered, noticing his injuries had vanished. There, he saw a familiar figure: Ra, with ragged clothes and a hawk's head.

Ra, limping slightly, approached Magnolia.

A white light surrounded Magnolia, which then turned bright orange as Ra appeared.

Ra placed a hand on Magnolia's shoulder.

"Do you want to become strong? Do you wish to hold the power of the Sun?"

A blue flame appeared on Magnolia's hands. "Now, what will you do? This power will reveal itself to the world..."

Magnolia awoke next to the other recruits.

"When will he wake up?"

"Any time now. He must have been exhausted from the damage he received."

"I guess you're right, Matthew. He is stronger than expected."

"Yeah, you're right about that," Luna agreed, looking down at Magnolia.

Magnolia opened his eyes and saw the other recruits around him. "What are you guys doing?"

"Making sure you're okay," Poison replied.

Emma peeked from behind the door, admiring Magnolia.

"What you did back there was awesome, kid. Seriously amazing. We should spar sometime."

Emma approached Magnolia, her voice shy. "You... you did a great job, Magnolia."

"Thanks," Magnolia said. "Can you help me with my necklace?"

Emma hesitated but nodded. "Y-yeah."

She helped fasten the necklace around Magnolia's neck. "Thanks, Emma."

Emma blushed and looked away. "Now, sit down," commanded the general.

The children sat on the sand as the general addressed them. "Hello, children. This first test will assess your intelligence."

The test included questions on battle scenarios, agriculture, and resource management. The Pharaoh had them demonstrate their abilities related to their contracts.

"Now, you will brawl with my subordinates to showcase your capabilities in a battle scenario."

"But first, l'd like to introduce someone," the Pharaoh said, lifting his hand. All eyes turned to the door as a boy walked in. He had golden hair, red eyes, brown skin, and a slim but muscular build. His clothes were well-worn, and he bore signs of recent fights.

"This boy is Ren, your newest comrade.

Now for the rounds to test your usefulness."

"Round 1 will be Ren versus Kibo."

"Round 2 will be Valentina versus Luna."

"Round 3 will be Magnolia versus Poison."

"Round 4 will be Matthew versus Abraham."

"Round 5 will be Emma versus Sofia."

"Round 6 will be Amelia versus Sous."

"You have one week to prepare for your fights. I suggest you train hard."

"YES! I get to fight Magnolia just like I wanted!" Poison exclaimed with excitement.

"Abraham, huh?" Matthew muttered, walking away.

"I-I have to fight Sofia?" Someone said, anxious.

"This should be easy." Another replied. 

"Abraham, huh?" Matthew muttered, walking away.

"I-I have to fight Sofia?" someone said, anxious.

"This should be easy," another replied.

"I fight Valentina…. this will be tough," Valentina said, walking past Luna. "Don't be weak..."

"I must fight a girl?" another questioned.

"Don't underestimate me just because I'm a girl... You will lose," Valentina warned.

"Now remember, you all have one week to prepare. Go now!" the Pharaoh commanded, dismissing the children.