
Problem creating system: SSS Rank Problem to Start

Liang Wei mattered to himself, "While everyone has super systems, I have a Problem Creating System!," Liang Wei is a young cultivator from a family of cultivators who has been admitted to a prestigious sect as an outer sect disciple with the help of spirit stones. However, his poor cultivation attitude makes him the target of ridicule and bullying by his fellow disciples. One day, he wakes up to find himself in possession of a new system called the Problem-Creating System (PCS). With the Problem-Creating System (PCS), Liang Wei can receive randomly generated problems that offer valuable rewards upon completion. Through this system, Liang learns important lessons in determination, creativity, and problem-solving that he applies to his cultivation, impressing his fellow disciples and improving his skills. With the PCS by his side, Liang is ready to face any challenge and become the most powerful cultivator. Liang Wei proudly declares, "While everyone has super systems, I have a Problem Creating System!, bring it on, I can tackle any problems that come my way and grow stronger with each obstacle I overcome."

Topu_Mojumdar · Fantasía
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11 Chs

The Mountain Expedition

Liang Wei and Chen Yan woke up early the next morning, feeling refreshed and ready to continue their journey up the mountain. They decided to go higher up the mountain to look for herbs that were protected by beasts. They knew it would be dangerous, but they were both determined to succeed.

As they climbed higher, they held a conversation about their families and dreams. Liang Wei told Chen Yan about his parents, who were both cultivators and had high hopes for him. Chen Yan, on the other hand, came from a humble background and had no family in the cultivation world, he was discovered to have cultivation talent during a cultivation test in a city. However, he was determined to become a powerful cultivator and make a name for himself.

"Look what we have here, a third stage and fourth stage cultivators, let me take a look at you sacks", they hard, Suddenly, they encountered a group of disciples from another sect who had come to rob them. Liang Wei and Chen Yan quickly drew their swords and prepared to defend themselves.

"Look, they think they can fight against us! beat them up boys", they were four cultivators, three at the fifth stage and one at the sixth stage of the qi refining realm.

"Whoosh!" Chen Yan's sword sliced through the air as he attacked one of the disciples. He knew he needed to act fast to take down a disciple or they would be surrounded.

"Is this all you got?", But the dispel from the other sect stopped his attack easily Chen Yan is a normal cultivator, he can't fight cultivators at a higher realm than him.

"Clang!", Liang Wei's sword clashed, with one of the other disciple's weapons. His sword the 'radiant sky' is a high-level sword, it easily cut the opponent's basic level sword and his flesh. He moved fast and attacked another disciple

"Pow!", Liang Wei easily cut through another disciple. He was surprised y how weak those disciples are.

"What?", Other two cultivators were shocked,

"Slash!", Chen Yan took chance and delivered a powerful sword attack to the chest of another disciple, knocking him down.

"Eh?", the leader of the group was shocked his fallow dispels were taken down in an instant."You ants, you think you are something because you took them down?" He released his sixth stage qi as he charged at them.

The fight was intense, but Liang Wei and Chen Yan were able to defeat the disciple and defend themselves. They took their valuables but didn't take their weapons and let them.

The heavenly sword sect allows the disciple of other sects to enter the black mountain knowing they will take their resources mainly because they went their disciple to compete for recourse and grow but killing disciples is forbidden.

They had a bountiful harvest from those disciples, but they still need more for their missions so they capped on going higher into the mountain.

"wow! Liang, you are awesome, How were you able to defeat cultivators of the higher realm so easily?", Chen Yan said as they walked higher. Chen Yan was really surprised by Liang Wei's ability and skill, he was able to defeat fifth-stage cultivators easily and hold on his own against sixth-stage cultivators.

"It might be because I have a strong foundation, I was stuck in the first realm for so long and I practiced with my sword regularly", Liang Wei said. the truth is He didn't know himself, but the problem-Creating System allows his cultivation to progress each rank in the most perfect form, which in turn, allows him to have better control over his qi and body.

As they claimed the mountain they spotted that a group of three wolf beasts was guarding herbs, Beasts are stronger than humans in the same realm, and they are not confident about taking on those beasts.

"We should split up", Linag Wei said. As they approached a particularly dangerous area, they decided to split up, with one acting as a decoy while the other gathered the herbs they needed. Chen Yan volunteered to be the decoy, and Liang Wei went to gather the herbs.

"Snap!" - A twig snapped under Chen Yan's foot, alerting the beasts in the area. Chen Yan quickly runs off his heart beating fast. the wolfs run after him.

"What a stupid idea, Who can run from wolfs?", Chen Yan cursed as he run for his life

"Roar!" - A pack of wild wolves appeared, ready to attack Chen Yan. Chen Yan becomes scared he runs faster. but a wolf jumps at him.

"Swish!" - Chen Yan quickly drew his sword and attacked the first wolf that came at him. the wolf stopped to defend himself. Chen Yan used the chance to run off.

"Thud!" - The wolf stomped on the ground heavily after Chen Yan's strike and run after him again.

The wolves continued to attack, but Chen Yan could bearly hold his own. Meanwhile, Liang Wei was gathering the herbs, he needed to avoid any beasts in the area. After he gathered the herbs he left, not long after he left the wolfs returned.


Whew, that was close," Liang Wei said as Chen Yan joined him. "Did you manage to get what we came for?"

Liang Wei nodded and showed Chen Yan the sprite grass he had collected. They both smiled in satisfaction, knowing they had accomplished their mission.

Together, they continued on their journey, encountering more beasts and collecting more valuable herbs

Liang Wei and Chen Yan continued their journey up the mountain, searching for valuable herbs. As they climbed higher, they encountered more and more beasts, making it increasingly difficult to find what they were looking for.

After a few hours of searching, they stumbled upon a particularly well-guarded area. A group of three beasts was circling around a few patches of sprite grass, their eyes fixed on any intruders. Liang Wei and Chen Yan knew they had to be careful.

"Let's split up," Liang Wei whispered to Chen Yan. "I'll act as a decoy and lead the beasts away while you go in and grab the herbs. Be quick and don't get caught."

They decided to use the same strategy again simple but effective.

Chen Yan nodded in agreement, and Liang Wei slowly made his way towards the beasts, drawing their attention. The beasts let out a fierce roar and charged towards him, but Liang Wei was quick on his feet. He dodged and weaved around their attacks, using his sword to strike when he saw an opening.

"Roar!" - The first beast let out a roar as it charged at Liang Wei. "Swish!" - Liang Wei swiftly dodged the attack with a swishing sound. "Crack!" - Liang Wei's sword struck the beast's tough skin, creating a cracking sound. "Thud!" - The beast fell to the ground heavily after Liang Wei's powerful strike.

The other two beasts closed in on him, but Liang Wei was ready. He gathered his qi and unleashed a powerful strike that sent one of the beasts flying. The last beast let out a fierce growl and charged at him, but Liang Wei managed to dodge and strike it with his sword.

Meanwhile, Chen Yan had successfully snuck in and grabbed the sprite gasses. He returned to Liang Wei, trying to avoid any beasts on the way. but as he returned he was shocked to find Liang Wei knocked out all the beasts.

"Why? Why make me sneak in if you could knock out the beasts!", Chen Yan was truly surprised by Linag Wei's improvements."How did you become so strong"

"Hard work,", Liang Wei said without linking. "Did you manage to get them?"

Chen Yan nodded and showed Liang Wei the sprite grass he had collected. They both smiled in satisfaction, knowing they had accomplished their mission.

Together, they continued on their journey, encountering more beasts and collecting more valuable herbs. By the end of the day, they had gathered a bountiful amount of materials, and their spirits were high.

After they were done, they returned to their base of operation, the bear cave they had found earlier. They talked about their experiences and shared stories about their adventures.

"Ha ha ha!" - Chen Yan laughed as he told a funny story about a failed cultivation attempt.

"Ooh!" - Liang Wei winced as he talked about the time he was injured.

As they rested, they noticed a strange energy in the air. They quickly realized that it was a group of disciples from their sect who had come to check on them. They welcomed them they were inner sect disciples working to make sure everything was fine on the mountain.

As the night fell, they sat outside the cave and enjoyed the beauty of the night sky. They eat beasts meat as well.

"Wow!" - Chen Yan gasped as he looked up at the stars.

"Chirp!" - A cricket chirped nearby, adding to the peaceful atmosphere.

Liang Wei felt a surge of energy inside him and knew he was close to breaking through to the fourth stage. He closed his eyes and focused on his cultivation, feeling the energy flow through him.

Liang Wei continued his cultivation, sitting cross-legged and focusing his mind on his qi. He could feel the energy flowing through his body, and he knew he was close to breaking through to the fourth stage of cultivation.

He concentrated even harder, pouring all his energy into his dantian. He could feel the pressure building, like a dam about to burst. Suddenly, he felt a surge of energy rush through his body, and he knew he had done it. He had broken through to the fourth stage of the Qi refining realm.

"This is the first time I have broken through by myself after reaching Qi refining realm," Liang Wei felt like crying. you can feel how important those minor accomplishments are when they are not easy to complete.

Liang Wei went out of the cave and looked around. He could see the stars twinkling in the sky above him, and he felt a sense of accomplishment. He had been working towards this moment for so long, and now he had finally achieved it.

The next morning, they continued their journey, encountering more beasts and gathering more herbs. "Crackle!" - Lightning crackled in the distance, adding to the excitement of their adventure.

Liang Wei and Chen Yan continued their ascent up the mountain, feeling more confident and experienced than before. As they climbed, they discussed their progress in cultivation and shared techniques they had learned.

"I've been practicing the Lightning Sword technique," Chen Yan said. "It's difficult, but I think it will be worth it in the end."

Liang Wei nodded in agreement. "I've been working on my control of the qi flow. It's not as flashy, but it's essential Sword drawing technique."

As they talked, they noticed a group of disciples from a rival sect approaching. This time, they were more cautious and prepared for an attack.

"Let's try to reason with them first," Liang Wei suggested.

Chen Yan nodded and they stepped forward to speak with the other disciples. However, the other group was not interested in peaceful dialogues.