
Problem creating system: SSS Rank Problem to Start

Liang Wei mattered to himself, "While everyone has super systems, I have a Problem Creating System!," Liang Wei is a young cultivator from a family of cultivators who has been admitted to a prestigious sect as an outer sect disciple with the help of spirit stones. However, his poor cultivation attitude makes him the target of ridicule and bullying by his fellow disciples. One day, he wakes up to find himself in possession of a new system called the Problem-Creating System (PCS). With the Problem-Creating System (PCS), Liang Wei can receive randomly generated problems that offer valuable rewards upon completion. Through this system, Liang learns important lessons in determination, creativity, and problem-solving that he applies to his cultivation, impressing his fellow disciples and improving his skills. With the PCS by his side, Liang is ready to face any challenge and become the most powerful cultivator. Liang Wei proudly declares, "While everyone has super systems, I have a Problem Creating System!, bring it on, I can tackle any problems that come my way and grow stronger with each obstacle I overcome."

Topu_Mojumdar · Fantasía
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11 Chs


Liang Wei sat in the corner of the sect's training grounds, watching as the other cultivators sparred and trained. He was a bellyful kid, the youngest and smallest of his class, and he often felt invisible among the more skilled and confident cultivators.

He had been admitted to the sect thanks to his family's sprite stones, but he knew that he didn't truly belong. His cultivation attitude was poor, and he lacked the natural talent that seemed to come so easily to others.

As he watched the other cultivators, Liang felt a pang of envy. They all seemed so confident and powerful, with their advanced cultivation techniques and powerful martial skills.

But Liang didn't have a system like the powerful cultivators he read but did - a powerful tool that could help guide them on their journey to greatness. He often wondered what it would be like to have a system of his own, to feel that sense of power and control.

One day, as Liang was walking home from the training grounds, he stumbled upon an old book lying in the dirt. Curious, he picked it up and opened it, revealing strange symbols and diagrams that he didn't understand.

Suddenly, the symbols began to glow, and Liang felt a strange sensation wash over him. It was as if he had been struck by lightning, and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

When he awoke, Liang found that he had been granted a strange new power. He didn't have a powerful system like the powerful cultivators, but he had something unique - the Problem Creating System.

"Congratulations, Host, binding successfully, You will receive your first problem mission in 3 days"

" With the Problem Creating System, the Host will receive problem missions to overcome. These missions could range from simple tasks F rank to complex challenges SSS and would require you to use your skills and knowledge to overcome them. for each completed mission, you would receive corroding rewards that could help you in your cultivation journey."

"Eh! What?" Liang Wei shouted.

At first, Liang was skeptical of the system. It seemed more trouble than it was worth. But then he received his first problem mission, a SSS rank Mission.