
Princess & Knight

As a daughter , I had to engaged someone I had never seen or spoken to because I wanted to obey my parents, I did not try to understand him even after getting engaged. Even thought I got engaged to some one I didn't like , I didn't feel bad because two months later I was ready to go to higher education in Australia, Then I hope I never meet him again, but will fate meet us again? -------- MEI ROULAN------- Ever since I was a child , I lived a relaxed life without listening to what my parents told me. I know about love the day I saw her for the first time. After 2 years later . my parents forced me to engaged my father's best friend's daughter. I thought marrying the girl I loved, but never thought of being someone's else. But what to do? I didn't speak a word to the girl I saw , I didn't even know her name. But I never thought that my whole life change because of the girl I engaged. will I really love the one I'm engaged to? ------------ LI XUAN ----------

Moon11 · Adolescente
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9 Chs

Taking Care Of Each Other

Knock....knock...Rose opened the door because of the sound of knocking on the door.

"Captain, what are you doing at this time?" Rosy asked.

''Did you ask for soup from the cafeteria? I came to give it.'' said and gave her the soup.

''Hmmm. Shiner has fever. That's why I ordered.''

As soon as Li Xuan heard it, he went into Shinar's room, where he found her curled up in the bed, wrapped in a blanket like a baby.

Sitting next to her on the bed, he placed hand on her forehead and asked, "How did you suddenly get a fever?"

Rosy, who came near him with a towel and a bowl of hot water, replied, "Today's photo shoot was at the beach. Maybe that's why.''

He then wiped Shinar's face with a wet towel and took her in his arms. As Shinar felt warm, she opened eyes and saw Li Xuan , "What are you doing in my room?" Who gave permission to come here?'' she asked with difficulty.

''Shut up silly girl . Do I need anyone's permission to come into my Fiancée's room? '' he said covering her with the blanket.

"Did you remember that you have a fiancée?" she said closing her eyes.

At that moment, Li Shun had no answer. He stared at Shinar sleeping in his arms.

By the next morning, Shinar's fever had subsided, and as she was getting ready to go to the lecture, she remembered what had happened the night before, "Rosy, did Li Xuan come to my room yesterday?" she asked with her eyes narrowed.

''Hmmm. He didn't just come. He took care of you all night.'' Rosy said.

'' What? Was he in my room the whole night?'' She asked in surprise.

''Yes. Do you know Shinar? I thought that the way the captain took care of you yesterday, he had the experience of taking care of you when you were sick.'' Rosy said jokingly.

"Maybe" she said and left before Rosy could ask any more questions.

After going to the lecture hall, Li Xuan was nowhere to be seen, so Shinar was happy to teach that day. But for some reason she felt lost.

When Shinar went to the Head Captain's office, she saw that he was upset and asked, "Head Captain, is there something wrong?"

Then the captain gave a long sigh, "Our former captain died suddenly today."

Shinar looked down sadly.

"Now the problem is Li Xuan?"

When Captain Li Xuan's name was mentioned, she looked at him in surprise and asked, "Li Xuan? Why him?''

The former captain taught Li Xuan everything from the first time he came here. They are really like father and son. You also know about his temper?'' When he said that, Shinar was confused.

"Don't look at me like that. I know you are his fiancée. That's why I think it would be good if you talk to him a little.''

Shinar couldn't think of what to say or ask at that moment, so she smiled lightly and nodded.

At the Head captain's request, she was told to talk to Li Xuan, but she couldn't think of what to say to make him feel better.

She was relieved that she didn't get to see Li Xuan even for a moment that day. It was because she had nothing to say to comfort Li Shun.

That night she went to the lab and when she came back it was past midnight. The room she was in was on the top floor of a two-story building at the end of the camp. The lift was broken that day so she used the stairs.

Downstairs in the building was a laboratory and rooms where old items were stored. There were four rooms upstairs and she and Rosy were the only ones on that floor.

She had never used the stairs, so she did not know that there were no lights. She climbed the stairs slowly, fearing the darkness. When she went a little further, she saw a figure of a person, she stopped in fear and held the light of the phone towards it.

'' My God! Are you crazy, Li Xuan? Are you trying to scare me?'' she asked, breathing fast.

As there was no answer from him, Shinar stood in front of him without saying anything else and he also got up from there.

"What are you doing sitting on the stairs in the middle of the night without going to sleep?" Li Xuan hugged her before Shinar finished saying it.

He kept his face on her shoulder and hugged her tightly, and said "I was waiting for you for so long?"

Shinar, who could not imagine anything from what happened in an instant, could not scold Li Xuan's behavior as usual.

"Wait for me?" Why is there a problem?'' she asked casually.

''Why don't you scold me for letting go while hugging you like this?'' he asked curiously.

"Um... it's this..... I know you're not in a good mood today. That's why I thought not to blame. But only for today. If you do something like this again, I will not only scold you but also beat you. Do you understand?'' she said.

Hearing what she said, a smile appeared on Li Xuan's face and he hugged her even tighter.

''You idiot , are you trying to kill me? I can't breathe already. '' she said, pinching him.

'' Princess , Thank You. To be with me'' he whispered.

Suddenly Shinar felt hot and wet on her neck and it made her whole body go cold and tingly. She felt his lips licking to her neck. And Li Xuan's rapid breathing made her heart beat even faster.

Shinar closed her eyes and took a deep breath. '' Do you dare take advantage of me? she said angrily.

Then Li Xuan kept his face on her shoulder again and was silent for a while.

An angry Shinar felt a wet on her shoulder as she tried to push him away from her. Shinar suddenly stopped pushing him away, "Li Xuan, are you... okay?"

Shinar started to worry when she heard Li Xuan's sneeze. She, who had not even touched him so far , patted him on the back with the intention of comforting him.