
Primordial: Reincarnate into Barbaric tribe with Farming System

In an Unknown world with various Beast a soul got reincarnated. With his knowledge and power he will conquered it all. Let alone some unknown obstacle even the Heavens will fear his footsteps. In the journey of fate only the mysterious system will be the only companion. 4 chapters in a week.

Masfiq · Fantasía
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10 Chs


"Naa oi Oster ya. Bekire... Ohire Sha dui ya notrede..." From a distant house beside the frozen lake, women are chanting while looking at the bonfire. They mostly wore one piece of black clothes. Their hair is disheveled, and their eyes are covered with black ink. They are Bene Gressili, the holy mothers of the Sky-root tribe.

Among them, a girl as young as 13 is also chanting while clutching her mother's clothes. She is scared of uncertain things. Looking at the flames, her mind is filled with uncertainty.

She has black eyes, raven-like shiny hair, and pale white skin, betraying the usual look of the other Bene Gressili.

The oldest among them is blind, with blonde hair, while the younger ones look scared. Only the middle-aged women among them look brave and shrouded in mystery.

This girl's name is Jarin.


It was 6 o'clock in the morning, perhaps. In the sky, the sun could be seen, slowly melting the snow on the street. Axel, whose hair is now much longer and whose body looks more refined, is wandering in the bustling market of the southern border.

The hunt has begun just as the Sēr predicted," Axel thought with a complaining look. "Just how much different is this world compared to the previous one?" A newfound determination is written in his eyes. "If I live or die, this world's beauty shouldn't be hidden from me.

Axel could be seen going from vendor to vendor of his tribe, and because of his hair and the tattoo is giving him quite a look from the vendors, which Axel does nothing but ignore.

Several children, as young as 6 to 12, are also going from shop to shop. But they don't exactly look like Axel or other Sky-root tribe members. Among them, people with black skin and white hair, as well as those with brown skin and green eyes, can also be seen.

They are the merchants or people from other allied tribes who are now living in the Sky-root tribe, waiting for their tribe to migrate here to take them. A smile formed on Axel's face. "Uncle Mani is quite different from the others," he said quietly as he made his way to the blacksmith shop. Until now, he had been going from vendor to vendor, looking for any food or seeds that interested him, but sadly, nothing could draw his interest.


I need an axe and a sword," Axel demanded.

Looking at Axel, the owner said, "Half sikhil each."

Axel, on the other hand, couldn't help but be surprised. He immediately countered, "Half sikhil for both, give or take."

The blacksmith looked at him with a troubled smile

It will take a toll on my business, please understand. I will give it to you at half and three-fourths of sikhils."

"Not interested, I should see another shop," Axel replied.

"Please, give it a chance, my lord. My weapons are made by the best smiths of the Wassex tribe."

"Half and one-fourth sikhils, no less, give or take!" Axel insisted.

Well, we've got business, my lord. But it's rare to see a Helper in the Sky-root tribe fighting with weapons."

"Consider it a hobby of mine! After all, in war, anything could happen. It's better to prepare."

Stopping his search, the shopkeeper nodded his head and took out a great sword inscribed with various words.

This thing is from a dead warrior slain by the General Gobu of our tribe. he is one of the strongest among them. Axel taking out the sword and swing feeling it's his match he smiles.

and Speak " It's a great sword."

Show me some Axe. Seeing his curious smile The shopkeeper again shown various weapons which were collected from dead.

Some were slain warrior from the general of tribes war hero.

Axels eyes were attracted toward a axe with blue handle. Tell me about it shopkeeper

The man looking at the Axel looked quite complexion a sad looked covered him.

this thing was collected by my grandfather. I don't know about it.

Axel on the other hand looked Surprise. This thing is Collected by your Grandfather and still looked quite new and sharp.

I don't care about other. Give me this..

The blacksmith face immediately covered with trouble face but he shrugeed in agreement.

Axel on the other hand took the axe and the sword in his interdimentional Storage secretly.

Afterall he is not Fan of showing off.


At the start of Wilderness of the Tribe Slums mostly habitats of War slave resides. Man's and woman are mostly work at their Owner home or laborious works for their owner.

In the Door which connect the wilderness painted red with blood.