
Chapter 11: Change of Heart

The whole trip back to Winterfell, Ned Stark didn't say much to his men. He was too consumed in his own thoughts, much had happened in the year long rebellion.

He had seen many things, but much of it he kept putting in the back of his mind, ignoring little signs that made many things not add up.

Anyone in his shoes would probably do the same unconsciously, his father and eldest brother were unjustly killed by the king, plus it seemed that all the talk of the rebel armies were either of the burning of his father, older brother choking himself to death trying to save his father, or about how his sister was being raped, repeatedly, probably as they spoke.

It would drive anyone into a figurative narrow tunnel mentally, solely focused on the opening at the end you would not see what was going on around you, even if you did see something, your mind would ignore it due to wanting to just get to the light at its final goal.

Now that the war was over, at least for now it was, his mind was flooded with memories of things he had overlooked.

Robert proclaiming his engagement before it was official, while also whoring with multiple women daily, he'd proclaim his love for his sister Lyanna while he fondled a woman's breast as another would be sucking his cock.

The wedding arrangements that his foster father, Jon Arryn, had arranged between not only Brandon and Catelyn but also between Jon Arryn himself and Lysa who was Catelyn's younger sister.

Ned had originally liked the idea himself of the marriage between Robert and his sister, him and Robert were brothers already unofficially, so making it official just seemed right. At the same time he didn't after seeng what Robert was doing every single day.

Ned also knew his father's feelings toward his sister, she was his only daughter and he loved her dearly. Ned knew that ultimately it would be up to Lyanna to agree. So even though his father did approve of the union, he wouldn't force her if she didn't want to, which this was highly uncommon for Lords to do.

They didn't marry for love, they married for benefits. It wasn't uncommon for girls who had their first moonblood to be wed off to a man two or three times her age, sometimes even more, especially if it would bring benefits to her family. She wouldn't have a choice.

Ned had made sure to tell Robert this exact thing, that just because his father approved didn't mean it was a yes. Rather than listen and wait for the signed contract before announcing it, it was as if Robert was purposely trying to force it. Which in a way is exactly why Robert did so, Robert knew Lyanna didn't like him at all.

By Robert announcing it was official, he was trying to force the honorable Stark's to have no choice but to agree, otherwise risk looking like their word was no good.

Then with the conversation between Robert and Tywin in front of Kings Landing, something seemed off, like they had a prior agreement beforehand.

Ned was seeing many inconsistencies that he had previously just overlooked since he felt the war was right.

'If what Lyanna said is true, which I don't doubt her, then this whole thing was a lie. A lie someone went to great lengths to perpetuate, going so far as to confiscate or block her multiple letters to us to try to clear the rumors. Someone wanted my family brought down. But who? Who would benefit? And who in gods name is that Aiden? How did he show me that vision?' Ned thought as they rode.

After several days Howland Reed had finally felt the need to talk to Ned, he too knew something wasn't right. But not for the same reasons as his good friend. He had felt the powerful Warg that tried to invade Theo Wull mind, luckily he had the special knife made from the branch of a Heart Tree which had protected Theo in time.

Usually a warg shouldn't be able to do such a thing, the human mind and an animals are vastly different. Howland only knew one kind of person who could do such things, a Greenseer.

All Greenseers were wargs, but not all wargs were greenseers. Greenseers were extremely powerful compared to regular wargs. While wargs could have multiple familiars, or bonded animals, they very rarely went above five unless they only bonded to birds, then they could get more, but even then no more than fifteen.

Greenseers didn't have a limit, they didn't even have to bond with an animal to invade its mind and take over. A warg could only enter the mind of an animal that they were bonded too.

Greenseers were the rarest of all the documented abilities with the First Men, even rarer than skin changers. Howland felt a very evil presence was within that raven, a very powerful one. He had wanted to bring it up to Ned, but after seeing him in deep contemplation as they rode, he had been putting it off.

Once night came and the group made camp, Howland came and sat next to Ned by the fire and signalled the others to give him a few minutes alone.

After the men left, Howland spoke, "Do you see anything in the flames Lord Stark? You've been staring at it as if you do."

Ned simply replied, "Did I do the right thing?"

Howland released a sigh, "Honestly my lord, I don't know. Was there much of a choice? That boy would've probably been able to kill all of us with ease."

Ned shook his head and explained, "I don't mean that, that boy was right, Lyanna and my nephew wouldn't have been as safe as I'd like to think they would be in the North. I mean the war, I'm sure you realize it too, Robert's whole rebellion was based on lies and plots. They were wed Howland."

Howland now realized what Ned was asking before, he thought a moment and gave a nod and replied, "Aye, but again my answer doesn't change much. Did you have a choice? Your father was murdered by the Mad King, had you not went to war then you may have lost the north. Honor dictated a response."

"There's that word again, honor. It's all I've heard lately. What good is honor if it sacrifices those you love?" Ned commented rhetorically.

"Aye, it is said love is the killer of honor, it's why none of the Kingsguard are allowed to wed or father children. If you had to make a choice, save your king or save your child, any man who says they would save the king is either a lieing cunt or they don't have a child of their own, so they don't know how tough a choice it would actually be. Honor dictates to save the king, but your heart says otherwise." Howland answered anyway.

Seeing Ned nod in agreement but not speak, Howland decided to continue, "Lord Stark, I need to tell you something important. I am a warg."

It took a moment for Ned to register what Howland said, once it did Ned's eyes widened in surprise, all northerners knew about the legendary ability of warging.

Long ago it wasn't a uncommon ability, so it was recorded in almost every northern nobles library, especially the Starks.

The first Stark king had actually ensured his bloodline would be magical, he took wives from every conquered king that had a wife or daughter with an ability, after he killed the enemy king.

After they gave birth to his children, he matched those children together and blended the blood, this made it so his future descendants would have a strong affinity to magic.

"I say this because I too think there is more to this war than we thought. Do you remember the day we left the tower, when I threw my dagger and stabbed Theo in the shoulder?"

Ned thought back on it and did remember it, a fight had almost broken out, but when there was no injury when Howland retrieved it, the fight didn't continue due to the others were highly confused.

"Aye, the look on everyones face was priceless." Ned had said as he smiled a little at the memory, removing the dagger from his side to admire.

"As you know, the dagger is magical in nature, more tool than weapon, the dagger isn't meant to hurt physically, besides unlocking the magic within Stark blood it's a weapon made to fight Greenseers. The blade is made from obsidian and reinforced with a branch of a Heart Tree. It is blessed by the Old Gods, I received it from a Greenseer when I went to the Isle of Faces at God's Eye lake in the Riverlands, he said it was made by your ancestor. Theo was being invaded by a very evil entity, had I not quickly used the dagger, he would've been turned into a operative spy for whoever this Greenseer is."

Ned scrunched his eyes at Howlands words, he asked, "Your sure about this?"

"Aye, never been surer of anything. I am a warg as well, I had felt that bird but thought it my son at first, we wargs can sense when a familiar of another warg is around. But as I felt the presence, I realized that it wasn't him. This person is stained with corruption, he has performed blood sacrifices many times. They are extremely dangerous, probably even more so than that boy." Howland said with a serious look, a hint of fear even flashed across his eyes as he remebered that darkness.

"This world is really going to shit isn't it?" Ned said with a sigh, he already had enough to worry about as it was, and now he is learning of another hidden danger besides the one before.

Then he thought of something, Ned then asked, "Could they also have been the cause of this war?"

Howland could just shrug and reply, "It's possible, but I can't say for sure. I just know he was trying to imprint themselves into Theo's mind so he could see thru them whenever he wished."

Ned thought on it some more and then asked, "What did you mean inside the tower when you said 'blessed by the gods'? Is that what that boy Aiden is?"

"Aye, but not of the old gods or the seven, I have seen divinity before. The Isle of Faces is a sacred place to the Old Gods. It was where the Peace Treaty between the First Men and the Children of the Forest was signed five thousand years ago. I had felt a hint of the divine there and had visions, I was shown glimpses into the future." Howland said.

Ned didn't know what to say, had he heard this before his visit to the tower he probably wouldn't believe it, but now he has seen some unbelievable things himself. Now he didn't find it impossible.

"What did you see if you don't mind me asking?" Ned said as he looked back towards the fire.

"I saw the tower we had just left, but what I saw was very different from what actually happened. In my vision that boy never showed up, Lyanna and everyone else were supposed to be dead. Only me, you and your nephew along with the midwife were the only ones to leave that place alive. Willam Dustin, Ethen Glover, Martyn Cassel, Ser Mark Ryswell and Theo were all killed by the three Kingsguard before we were able to win." Howland explained what he saw while on the island.

"Well that explains how you knew we should head there when we left to look for her. I thought I was losing my touch at getting information." Ned said after thinking back on their journey from Kings Landing. Howland had basically directed them right to the place.

"Aye, I was wanting to figure out a way to try to avoid losing so many men, but then that boy showed up. Aiden. He changed everything." Howland said with a defeated sigh.

"Aye, more than you know. The North owes that boy much, I am afraid of the repercussions but I think it for the best. The North will be distancing itself from the crown, at least till we can get to the bottom of whose scheming. Winter is coming. We need to know who our enemies in the dark are." Ned said resolutely, he didn't want to believe that it was Robert and his foster father Jon Arryn, but until he knew for sure he didn't want to leave the North vulnerable to this hidden enemy.

"Aye my lord, that maybe for the best. Plus if that Aiden sees that you have seperated from those murderers of women and children, perhaps we will be spared his anger. That boy isn't normal. I think I'd rather face an actual dragon than that pretty boy." Howland joked as he tried to lighten the mood.

"Aye, but his anger isn't misplaced. I find myself disgusted by their actions, encouraging rape and murder of the innocent. They seem to forget their oaths as knights when it suits their needs, but unlike them the North remembers." Ned said with a determined expression. He would get to the bottom of this, he felt betrayed and lied to.

Aerys may have done the deed, but someone else moved the pieces on the board to make that happen. He would find out who.

"Aye, the North Remembers." Howland replied back. Both men sat in silence pondering their next actions.

As Ned studied the dagger the men returned and began to talk about previous battles on the battlefield, as well as women they had conquered.

Then, as Ned was mesmerized by the dagger in his hand, a low guttural growl was heard, it came from the tree line.

Looking at the dagger once more that was in his hand, Ned felt a power within him beginning to stir.

He men began to surround Ned protectively, they had lost too many Starks already, they weren't about to let another fall.

Just as they began to surround them, Ned surprisingly raised his hand to stop them, he felt a familiarity to the growl as he held the ceremonial dagger.

To all the mens shock a large black Direwolf walked out from the woods.

"What is a Direwolf doing this far south of the wall? They haven't been seen in almost a hundred years." Willam Dustin excaimed aloud.

"That's not an ordinary Direwolf." Howland said as he felt his own warg powers reacting.

The men then noticed Ned's eyes were no longer grey, rather they were a milky white color. This indicated that Ned was a warg at lease.

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