

HUMAN BEING ALWAY WANT POWER ,MONEY ,AUTHORITY AND WOMEN . MEET THE SUN A GOD LIKE PROTAGONIST WHO HAS TRANSMIGRATED TO FANTASY WORLD AND WORLD HAS BEEN CHANGING ACCORDING TO HIS WILL . HE BECAME THE GOD OF THE WORLD BY CREATING HIS OWN SPECIES . _________________ This is the story of a normal boy named as sun , while working out suddenly the view before his eye covered in fog ,when opened his eyes he find himself in separate space and then meet a mysterious man , who gave him power and made him a Primordial Being and transported him to another world ### Readers, this is my first time, trying to write a story. So please ignore the grammar and other mistakes during my first few chapters, but as you read more chapters, the quality of writing is improved greatly, so before dropping the novel, please read up to 13 chapters, you all can feel the significant improvement in my writing. ### Readers, plz read the story and support me my leaving comments about my story or character or story line, in which I can improve my self ### Image cover is not mine . If it is your message me i will remove it

Rahaa_1298 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs


After hearing , what I want to know from the alen , I began to give my creation there first powers and skill , then i said

[ use { SKILL PROGINATOR }----Assign name of the species as DRAGEVILS] , then alen said -

[changes noted , the species created by Sir will be named as a DRAGEVILS species]

then alen again said [ Sir, please decide , as they are the first member of the species so what stats and skills you want to provide them. ] pointing the black mass of humonoid like structure in front of us.

Then , I recall what alen has said about the power level of this planet Tisdes , I again commanded with a wide grin in my face

[ Set stats of them at a default setting of 1 million.

Provide the creations 10 times the mana of an Ancient Dragon .(the ancient dragon has mana capacity of 1,00,000)

Also , give them deeper comprehension ability about weapon handling , magic and spirits magic, language and others (by this they need to see magic skill ,weapon skill or spirit magic only once and they will able to fully comprehend it ) .

Made there body skin as hard as dragon scale , give them high regeneration power of a royal vampire.]

then again a sound rang in my head [ stats and power updated for the first creations, sir choose their physical characteristic and behavioural nature ]

I said

[ For the characteristic make them as beautiful as Elfs and give them charming nature of vampire .

Also make them sly by nature and they should be prideful of themselves as they are superior to any other species, but they should also totally loyal to me .

As for the looks make then fair skin with healthy glow , with handsome facial feature of a european male and they will have a same look as me with black hair and purple eye but as a lighter shade (as mine are very dark black colour hair and dark but clear purple pupils) .

Make one of them a bluffed man with 6 feet 4 inches , having a disposition and dignity of the emperor , increase his strength by another 1 million .

Create a exclusive skill name {{ Guardian aura}} for him which will release a heavy pressure upon other person , even a person who is above him in cultivation will feel resistance from this skill . This skill will also directly increase his stats 10 time higher when facing the opponent of higher rank.

Another one will be slim but with all muscles will be at the right place with 6 feet height and will wear glass and will be cold and calculative by nature . He will have aura of cleaver and sly Person.

Increase his intelligence and agility stats by 10 time . Give him a skill {{future prediction}} as this name suggests it not that he will see the future but predict the future with 95 percent accuracy . Create another skill {{clear thinking}} as the name suggest , the persons mind will always be clear even in difficult situation . ]

After that, huge amount of mana and several universal law started to gather around the black humanoid structure as if there existence defy the logic of the world and slowly they started to change there shape and becoming more and more human in shape after some time the 2 opened there eye and stated to scan there surrounding like a child but upon noticing me they immediately get on there knees and greeted me union as if they already know my existence incorporated in there soul.

"We greet the supreme creator , our creator and a Primordial being who is destined to rule all over the galaxy . please accept our greeting O Great being ."

After seeing them as I have imagined them in my mind I feel a sense of happiness and attachment for these being . I can sense that their greetings were from the bottom of their heart without any flatteres .

Then I said-

" welcome to my realm , you 2 are the first members of my species ."

After a brief period of silence I again spoke by pointing my fingers towards one of them

"you will carry the name PARYAX ( i said toward pointing toward bluffed man) and you will be IIPSIR ( toward slim yet cleaver looking man with glasses) "

and with the wave of my hand there body get cover in black fog and after the fog clears , there body were cover in royal suit with black and golden mysterious runes symbols , which were glowing giving it the more mysterious and sophisticated look . The dresses were made by my Creation skill, so they increase the defence of the wearer by 10 times , increase magic regeneration 10,000 mana per minute , with clear thinking and emotion control etc .

Then they both bow and said

" thank you supreme one for the name and such a treasure "

Then I said it was nothing and told them to stand.

I spoke

" As, you are the first member of the species , so Paryax you, your progeny and your subordinate will belong to GUARDIANS and you as a leader of guardians will be named as ORIGINAL GUARDIAN of the Dragevils species and guardians job is to protect the Dragevils species from external or internal threats and if required guardians will be also the first force that will strike down the enemy in wars "

IIpsir you, your progeny and your subordinate will belong to ADMINISTRATORS and you as a leader of administrators will be named as PRIME ADMINISTRATOR. Your job is to make sure everything, within the species runs smoothly without any problem, you will take orders from me or give me suggestions for the development of the species whether it is an internal or external matter of species."

After listening to my command, they got on their knees and expressed their gratitude .