

HUMAN BEING ALWAY WANT POWER ,MONEY ,AUTHORITY AND WOMEN . MEET THE SUN A GOD LIKE PROTAGONIST WHO HAS TRANSMIGRATED TO FANTASY WORLD AND WORLD HAS BEEN CHANGING ACCORDING TO HIS WILL . HE BECAME THE GOD OF THE WORLD BY CREATING HIS OWN SPECIES . _________________ This is the story of a normal boy named as sun , while working out suddenly the view before his eye covered in fog ,when opened his eyes he find himself in separate space and then meet a mysterious man , who gave him power and made him a Primordial Being and transported him to another world ### Readers, this is my first time, trying to write a story. So please ignore the grammar and other mistakes during my first few chapters, but as you read more chapters, the quality of writing is improved greatly, so before dropping the novel, please read up to 13 chapters, you all can feel the significant improvement in my writing. ### Readers, plz read the story and support me my leaving comments about my story or character or story line, in which I can improve my self ### Image cover is not mine . If it is your message me i will remove it

Rahaa_1298 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs

End of berus duchy

After a few moments, both individuals dispersed from the site and could be seen high up in the sky; that was also their afterimage. 

A series of shockwaves spread throughout the sky of the Merus, causing everybody in the capital to be filled with fear. 

The fight was so fierce that even the remnants of their attacks were enough to cause a huge carter to fall to the ground, but the scene was also beautiful yet horrifying, as that was not some fight that a random person or soilder could interfere with. 

Suddenly, a person collided into the city wall from high up in the sky. 


However, something happened. A figure wearing dark red armor emerged from the broken wall's rubble, shaking the dust off his armor as though nothing had happened, and began to move in the direction of the person who had landed a little distance away.

"Kick me out of the blue; that was unfair. I believe we were demonstrating our sword skills, but Atlas, I will do as you say, senior."said Ynder with a smirk, suddenly disappearing from his position, startling Heret.

As of right now, Heret believed that even though Ynder and he weren't fighting with all of their might, they were still exerting a great deal of strength. But now, Ynder's speed has surpassed his wildest expectations.

"Why are you spacing out in the middle of the battlefield?" was a whisper that Heret heard suddenly, and at the same time, a powerful blow to the heret's abdomen caused him to instantly drop to his knees and cough up a mouthful of blood.

The punch has an incredible amount of mana in it, and Sun was the one who originally used this technique during Ynder's species transformation.

Even so, Ynder did not succeed in obliterating Heret's body entirely, though it did inflict a great deal of harm.

With great difficulty, Heret asks, "How?" 

When Ynder hears this, he immediately crouches down and says, "What does this mean? Isn't I stronger than you?" Hearing this heret got goosebumps as Ynder spoke with a simple expression as if it were universal truth.

After that, Ynder gets up and walks over to a nearby rock, where he sits down to give the heret some time to recover from that blow. 

After a few moments, Ynder saw that Heret's body started to move, and after much effort, he was standing.

Then Heret and Ynder locked gazes. "Has it taken your sweet time to recover, Duke Heret?" Ynder said with a smug smile, and Ynder hurled a high-grade portion [1] in Heret's direction before he could respond.

"Take it for the next round; your subordinates are watching, or did you really think I was bluffing earlier about being strong?" 

Hearing this, the doubt in Heret's heart about whether to hold onto his pride or drink it became clear, and with one gulp, he drank the portion despite feeling ashamed and humiliated, and within seconds, his body miraculously recovered. 

Then, both of them started to approach each other while holding weapons without wasting any time. 

They accelerated with every step until, at the last 10 meters, both vanished, leaving the afterimage behind. 

Afterwards, the sound of sword clashes reverberated throughout the area, but no one was able to see them. 

While Ynder is enjoying the fight to the fullest, he feels two purple eyes watching him from behind, and suddenly a deep, regal voice rings through his head

"Stop fooling around, and finish him."

When Heret noticed that Ynder was distracted, he unexpectedly teleported beneath him while they were still in the air, grabbed his right leg, and threw him to the ground. Just when Ynder's body was about 10 meters from the ground, Heret again teleported himself behind his back and gave him a reverse elbow stike on his back, enchanted with mana, which caused a bone-cracking sound.

Once more, the force of the elbow shot was so great that it caused Ynder's body to fly away. 

Heret saw this and felt his adrenaline shoot through him, certain that he could win this fight because he felt that Ynder could not respond to his attacks. 

Without wasting any time, Heret teleported above Ynder's body once more. He then folded his leg backwards in midair and landed on Ynder's body, giving him a mid-air knee slam. 

With that pose, Ynder and Heret crashed onto the ground, transferring all of the force from Heret's knee slam and the fall from the sky to Ynder's body. Though not strong enough to kill, the force produced was so strong that even SS-rank cultivators could not escape unscratched.

As the dust settles, two men are visible in a sizable crater; one is lying on the ground, and the other one is standing beside him. 

Heret, assuming he must have done considerable harm to Ynder, began to make plans for how he could continue with negotiations and bring this conflict to an end.

Indeed, Heret started to consider a cease-fire agreement because, contrary to his initial belief, Ynder must actually possess initial or mid-rank SS cultivation rather than the SSS rank that he previously thought.

In spite of this, though, it is better to have him as a friend than an enemy.

But all of a sudden, a voice interrupted his flow of thought.


Listening to it, Heret got a cold sweat because 

When he observes Ynder, he sees that Ynder is unscratched and has a large, weird, creepy smile that is almost touching his eyes.

When Heret sees that, he, in an instant, leaps out of the crater and backwards.

After a short while, Ynder stood and began to dust off his clothes.

A few moments later, Ynder spoke, but only Heret could hear him.

"Sorry, heret," leaving all the formalities; why care about formalities with a soon-to-be dead person?

"Your death order was sanctioned by that person himself." Said Ynder in a deep voice, with pure malleability.

After hearing it, Heret asked in a perplexed manner.

"What death order? Who is this "that" person? What do you mean?" 

With only a few chucles, Ynder looked at Heret and said 

"I cannot answer that; I would have entertained you a bit more, but his orders are absolute." Said Ynder and assumed his stance, pulling his left leg behind and bringing his entire body forward while grabbing his sword at his waist.

Seeing that, Heret also raises his hand to seize his sword, but just then he feels a sharp pain in his right elbow. This is when he realizes that the cracking sound of bone he heard during the fight was actually from his bone, not the other way around, but at that time he was too high on adrenaline to feel it.

But unknown to Heret, during that movement, Ynder murmured a line. 

""Void lighting arts: 2nd form; true lighting".

After he says that, Ynder's body begins to faintly glow before he disappears in the next instant. Actually, Ynder did not disappear; instead, he transformed into lightning. A few moments later, a bright white bolt of lightning emerges from the crater where Ynder had been standing and goes through Heret's body. A few seconds later, Ynder reappears, seen sheathing his sword.

Just then, in the heret's body, a fine, white line appeared. Within seconds, the number of lines increased, turning into an uncountable line, shocking everyone with what was happening and what that white line was. Soon after, tiny chunks of mass began to fall from the heret's body, turning the powerful SS rank cultivator into nothing more than a heap of vile, bloody fragments.



The army of Berus Duchy completely lost all will to fight after witnessing the horrifying death of their leader, and they quickly surrendered to the army of Ballad.

A part of the ballad army then advances into the capital and takes control of the castle by raising its flag atop the structure, where the flag of the Berus family had previously been seen.



Under the jail's underground complex.

There's a man in one of the underground prison cells who looks a lot like Heret, and he's chained to the floor. 

The man was staring with his blurry eyes at someone on the other side of the bar, completely lifelessly.

Following that, the man across the bar said, "Any last wish, son of Heret?" The man says it, his voice emotionless and icy.

The chained man pauses to consider his words before speaking.

"How did your army arrive outside of our capital without even altering us? It is practically impossible." The man spoke in a feeble voice.

"We had employed a greater teleportation spell with the help of being of the same caliber as me." 

The man's eyes dilated, thinking that even the man before him was too much to handle, but another being of the same caliber aided the ballad. Berus duchy destines fall is written by heavens.

Next, the imprisoned man spoke in a tremulous tone.

"Lord Ynder, can you kindly allow me to know the name of that being who is so proficient in such space elements. As his junior, who also has the same affinity, he has my respect."

Ynder chuckles.

"You wizards always surprise me; on your last night of life, you wanted to satisfy your curiosity!!.


Rufus von Helios is his name. the leader of a recently established religion. "What's the name?" He starts to recall, racking his brain, "Ahh!! Helios Church. I told you everything I knew as your last wish. Then, good luck in your afterlife." After that, Ynder turned around and departed from the prison premises.


Portion grades are divided into low, mid, and high according to their effectiveness.

A low-grade portion will only cure minor bursts or illnesses like the common cold or fever, but a high-grade portion has the ability to restore a severely damaged body to its previous undamaged state.

Spell grade: it is also divided into lower, middle, and greater spells.

A lower spell can kill a normal person, but a higher rank has the firepower to obliterate a whole city.