
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantasía
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118 Chs

The five arrives

A few minutes ago, The people on the wall were firing at the green figures and the man with a green sword.

Midas was currently running through the battlefield slicing and dicing like it was nobody's business. His soul summons were still causing havoc and so were Solana and Luna.

Midas kept deflecting and dodging the arrows, spears, and spells being fired at him. He trusted Daren and knew he was going to take them out soon and he wasn't wrong.

Daren had appeared on the wall with Regallas. Daren took the left while Regallas went right. Daren did quick work on the people who were focusing on the battle and not on their surroundings. Regallas was slower as he did not have the shadow attribute to sneak around so he was seen and they focused their attacks on him but it wasn't a bother. He quickly dispatched the people on the wall.

Midas and the others felt the pressure reduce and went all out. Midas even summoned the manticore as full armor with his claymore. Hacking and slicing, he felt invigorated as he absorbed the souls from the battlefield and the others he left in the town. He added more soul summons and summoned them out to join the battle against their former allies. The battle was absolutely one sided.

As Midas was in battle killing people, he was struck by a giant fist. He managed to block but his arms were broken. He was sent flying halfway across the battlefield.

The twins ran in his direction, killing anyone standing in their way. They got to Midas, his armor had dissolved back into him. The manticore armor was badly damaged so it was recalled to slowly heal within Midas's soul. Midas's chest was caved in, his face was pale and had blood pouring out his mouth.

"Master" Daren yelled as he boosted through the battlefield. As Daren dashed forward, his shadow kept releasing a purple miasma but he was not aware. People kept falling as he passed through their shadows and dashing forward to meet his master.

Regallas on the other hand had a frown on his face as he stared at the owner of the fist. The person who punched was a very muscular giant-like man who stood at almost three meters. He was towering above everything like a tower. He also looked at Regallas as he licked his lips and was about to walk towards Regallas but then a voice stopped him from moving forward.

"Leo, you are so impatient that it's actually infuriating. We weren't supposed to reveal ourselves yet. You big oaf" A tall woman almost the giant's height, Leo yelled at him quite dissatisfied. She was wearing a red sundress and hat. She had brown hair with brown eyes, her face was quite average with chubby cheeks while her body was a bit plum.

"Aiesha, you can't blame me. He was strutting around the battlefield like he was a god or something. He was weak as I only used twenty percent of my strength" The giant, Leo blushed as he spoke

"Old man Choi, do you want to end that elf? I know how much you hate elves after your battle against that female prune. HAHAHA" Leo looked at another person that just arrived. He was a bald, white bearded old man with a hunched back and a wooden cane. He stayed in the air, just floating there with his eyes closed. It was the same old man that had attacked Priscilla when she was looking for the twins.

"Your recklessness will be the end of you, Leo" Old man Choi just said but he did not move to attack Regallas.

Regallas chose to retreat to where Midas was. Midas injuries were very grave and he looked like he was dying. Regallas got to Midas and said sadly "I am sorry I couldn't protect you, Senior brother"

"Oh please. It is gonna be alright" Midas said as he still kept his eyes on Leo and his posse. Two people joined them briefly. A short dark skinned man that looked really cunning and a little girl in a blouse and skirt. Leo and the others all surrounded the little girl like how guard would stay around someone of importance, signifying she was their leader.

A golden light descended on Midas and his wounds were healing at a fast pace. His caved in chest started cracking and popping, his arms straightened and his face started regaining colour.

Licht descended in front of Midas "Sorry I am late" He said with a smile.

Midas laughed as he shook his head. He had utmost faith in Licht, he knew he was not going to let his disciple die. The individuals on the battlefield were all staring at the group of people that were on their side.

"Is that the mysterious five?"

"Yeah, they are always in the town hall, only the old man has shown his face once. The others have never appeared in front of people till now"

"But why does it look like the little girl is the one in charge?"

"She most likely is. Don't you see their look of respect around her?"

They all speculated about the five. Their numbers had dropped from several thousand to less than one thousand now.

"That silver-haired man seems mysterious. I cannot see through him" The dark short man said slowly.

"Wow, even Ahang cannot see through him. He must be powerful then" Leo said as he licked his lips quite creepily.

"Hold it, Leo. I want to talk to him first" The little girl said.

She lightly hovered till she was in front of Licht.

"You are not from the empire. So who are you and why are you trying to destroy this place?" She asked quite emotionless

"Well, my disciple does not like how evil this town is so we are cleansing it," Licht said simply with a shrug.

"After you kill these people, will you leave?" She asked again

"Licht looked at Midas and nodded. Licht smiled "WELL, as far as he's appeased. I spoil my disciples, you see"

The little girl waved her hand and all the soldiers started to rot till they died. Now it was only Licht and his group with the little girl and her group that was left on the battlefield.

Midas, Regallas and the others shivered at how cruel the woman was. She just killed the people that were fighting for the town she was in charge of.

"Well, that's done. May I ask when you are planning on leaving?" The little girl asked

"Someone else is still alive," Licht said as he pointed at Leo.

"You can't be serious. You are pushing your luck" Her emotionless face became colder

"We aren't leaving till he's dead" Licht shrugged with a smirk on his face. It looked quite mischievous.

"Well, I was being civil but since you don't appreciate my goodwill. I guess we have to use force" She said and hovered back to her group.

"Master, what are we going to do now?" Regallas asked

"We are not doing anything. I am" Licht started to walk toward the five.

Meanwhile, as the girl returned, she was asked some questions by her group.

"Boss, is he going to go, or can I finally have fun?" Leo asked, cracking his fists

"He is very mysterious but I am getting a threatening aura from him," Aiesha said as she saw Licht discussing with Regallas

"Abigail, what is the plan?" Old man Choi asked, looking at the little loli whose name was Abigail.

"We are going to exterminate all of them. He wants Leo's life and he's adamant about that. So for that, he has to die. They all do" Abigail said with a menacing glare.

They all saw Licht walking towards them slowly. Every step he took caused tremors in their hearts. They did not understand why as they were the strongest people on this continent or at least they felt they were.