
Primeval Anomaly

[ Hidden conditions achieved ] [Unsealing new talent features ] [ Your memories are eternal ] [ Your memories will be sent back in time by consuming your remaining power. Estimated time reversal: ~17 Years ] "'Fuck this shit!!! This talent finally responds when I'm at death's door!' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Felix trudged through the VR game "Etheria" for 7 years with his joke of an "SSS" rank 'initial talent', "Eternal Scribe" - The talent's only use for him was to remember everything, just a higher level of photographic memory. Life had its highs and lows but he fought through trying to leave his mark but what was thought to be a mere VR world, left a deep, irreversible mark on the real World instead, the two worlds converged. Chaos ensued, people were granted powers from their "Game Characters" and brought to the frontlines to defend what was left of humanity. Eric was naturally there, trying to survive but alas two years after the Convergence he succumbed and died. (The novel will have a lot of adventuring, a lot of smut, minimal guild wars and a very OP MC who is not an idiot. If you like the combo then consider giving it a try. P.S. The starting prep arc is a bit long, but bare with it. A lot of info is spread out throughout the arc. Most importantly, all the really important Characters are fleshed out in that arc.)

PinkPencil · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
38 Chs

Ch 29: Heart to Heart (R-18)

(I'll be busy this whole day so I'm posting this chapter early)


Third Person's POV


27th December, 2014

3 years had passed.

*Step* *Step* *Step*

A dashing young man could be seen walking up the stairs.

His slightly curly hair were black as obsidian and his eyes deep black like the abyss itself.

The young man had an angular face, handsome enough to gush any woman's panties. But on the other side, his thick brows gave a feeling of warmth and reliability.

His straight nose gave a feeling of focus and resilience, but his droopy eyes gave a feeling of approachability and relatability.

His face encapsulated all these conflicting feelings in a perfect balance, giving him an otherworldly attraction.

He was very tall, standing at 6'5". But with his broad shoulders and a lean, muscular physique, he didn't look lanky at all. The loose sweater he was wearing completely hid the array of ripped muscles that made up his body.

His gait was composed and disciplined, with a straight posture and no unnecessary movements. It demanded respect from anyone who saw him for the first time.


Felix's POV


'*Sigh* Is it really the right thing to do? Rushing things might just end up making the situation even worse…. I think they are mature enough now but humans are complex. I just might be shooting my own foot….but there is no time, exactly 3 years later 'Etheria' would be released…. Silia has already memorized the glyphs and is learning how to image spells now… Mel and Irene, on the other hand, are nowhere near that level. They just don't take it seriously… I just hope it works out somehow…'

I entered my room and let myself fall on the bed.

At this point, I had grown even taller than the 'me' in the previous timeline. I just didn't know what was happening to me at this point. Just having mana couldn't explain this. I had mana in my previous life as well but nothing like this happened back then.

My mana pool had grown significantly larger now, enough to hard 'Compel' 55 people like a breeze. But it was still miniscule in comparison to what Earthlings and I had after the Convergence.

Etherians had been enjoying mana since birth, but I had never seen a case like me. If it was just genetic, then it could all be chalked up, but I clearly knew how I should be at this age. I had experienced it before. My past self was nothing close to this big at this age.

My bed had to be changed to accommodate my size, otherwise half of my legs would be dangling as I sleep.

Besides that, I could also feel a change within me. It was very illusive. Even with my years of experience, I still couldn't pinpoint it. I had tried to recall the same experience and feeling through my talent, but still I couldn't find it. It was incomprehensible to me at this point. I was honestly leaning on the side of it just being a placebo at this point.

Anyway, I was waiting for the girls to come over.

Irene and Melena had turned 15 and 16 respectively this year. I had consulted both Dad and Silia about it and they gave me the green light for telling the truth to Irene and Melena. I was still feeling a bit unnerved about it all, but it had to be done. I couldn't dilly-dally around anymore.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in"

*Click* *Creak*

"Hey, Feelee, what gives? Why did you invite us here with such a serious face?"

The chirpy Irene entered first. She had grown a lot taller now, roughly 5'8". She was maturing up to become an adult now. Her face had lost much of its baby fat at this point, slowly turning her into a stunning woman with large, vibrant blue eyes. Framing it all were her long creamy blond hair that reached her butt. I had never seen Irene at this stage of life in the previous timeline and was very glad that I did now. Her cheerfulness and warmth, coupled with her beauty, that was getting more polished year by year, was something I could never get tired of.

Honestly, I wouldn't like to describe an underaged girl more than this, but she had gotten quite a lot 'fuller' now. Way more than how Silia was at this age. I'll stop at that.

"It was late, but maybe he's finally going through his brooding stage like we did."

Melena came in.

She was also maturing up. She now sported an 'A-line bob cut' on her shiny black hair. Like Irene, she was maturing up as well. In the previous timeline, her face had gotten into the information channel. I had seen the pictures of her face when she was an adult, and she was beautiful. But now she was becoming even more mesmerizing.

Her previous self had a dark aura around her which could be felt even through her pictures. It took one's focus off of her beauty and led them to start evaluating her as a weapon rather than a person. But now all I saw was a bright looking beautiful girl with a mischievous glint in her emerald green eyes. I had an inner satisfaction seeing her like this, and I hoped that she stays the same.


"Now~ Now~ Don't tease him. You guys know that he never called us up like this. It must really be quite serious."

Silia entered the room and closed the door behind her.

Unlike the girls, Silia was now an adult woman standing at an impressive height of 5'11". She was a really tall girl. Maybe only Nora Maverick could top her, but that's a story for another time…

There was an air of maturity to her that wasn't present 3 years back. Maybe it was my imagination, but her voice had a hint of sexiness to it. It was mellow but had sultry undertones to them.

She was already mid-puberty when I met her for the first time. She had a much more matured face than what we kids had at that time, but now it was a totally different matter altogether. There was no sign of baby fat on her face anymore, giving her a more angular face with prominent cheeks and a feminine but sharp jawline. Her cherry lips had gotten a lot fuller, inviting me to take a bite out of them. Her blue eyes had a different hue than Irene, but they matched perfectly with her wavy long red hair that framed her face. Even with all that, her eyes and expressions emitted a fresh and cheerful feeling, nothing like the almost robotic person she was in the last timeline.

Her body had also matured like a wine. She was wearing an oversized hoodie, but I could still see the outline of her busty and perky boobs as she moved. Her child bearing wide hips contrasted with her toned and slim waist, tempting me to bend her down right here and then. Her oversized hoodie fell below her butt, but couldn't hide the round protrusion of her full and bubbly ass. Her long and thicc legs were trapped by a tight pair of jeans. They seemed so juicy that it was hard to imagine how they could even fit into these jeans.

One of the best part about my talent was that I could glimpse at a person once and could recall that scene whenever I like. There was no need for obvious ogling. I am a man, so of course I used this feature to the limit. I did it even in my previous life… What? You got a problem with that?

Anyway, back to the topic.


"Silia's deductions are right. I do have something important to tell you."

I nodded at Silia and she nodded back at me.

Silia and I were together in this meeting. We had already discussed this upcoming meeting and how we should proceed with it. Silia obviously had to act like she didn't know anything about the topic and ask questions while acting confused.

She would also be my wingman and try to steer the conversation in the direction I want, while making it seem like she's curious.

"So what's the deal?"

"It's gonna be a lengthy talk, so take up your seats first. I would also really appreciate it if you don't interrupt me while I narrate. I promise I'll answer all your questions when the time comes. For now, just listen to what I have to say, silently. Can you guys do that for me?"

"I feel something fishy here. You didn't hookup with someone, right Fel?~"

Melena's voice was melodic and cheerful, but her eyes were anything but that.

"Stop with your yandere act, Mel. Just listen to what he has to say."

Unexpectedly, Irene came to my rescue this time.

"It's a serious topic, Mel. Nothing menial like what you're thinking. I shall start now, so don't play out your usual antics anymore."

And so I started to narrate the gist of the previous timeline.

The narration started at the point where 'Etheria' was launched and ended at the point of my death.

They had playful smiles on their faces at first, but after I started to tell them about the gruesome sights I had seen and the collapse of society I had witnessed, they started to take me more seriously.

They knew that I never talked about gory scenes like these with them. They knew that my code of conduct with them was highly filtered. I never even intentionally cussed at them or in front of them.

I could see that their minds had started to go full turbo now. They had started to connect some dots that they were never able to connect before. I could see clarity in their eyes now. As if they finally made sense of some things. After that, they had inquisitive looks in their eyes, but they controlled themselves until the narration was completed.






"*Sigh* The story from my side has ended. If you guys have any questions, then ask away."

Melena was the one to speak up first.

"Is this really all real or is this some kind of a joke, Felix?"

"I swear, this is all as real as it can get. I know it's hard to believe, but seeing it with your own eyes should do the trick, right?"

I placed my palm in front of them and started to cycle my Law of Force on it.

My hand started to glow dimly with a very pale blue light. I kept it that way for a second or two and then shut the cycle down. Even though my mana had increased quite a bit, the increase was still only relative to my miniscule mana. It really was nothing much. I had a lot of explanations to give and questions to answer. I couldn't be in an exhausted state right now so I shut it down as soon as the spectacle caused the intended effects.

"Woah!" X3

Silia also acted in the same way. I could feel through telepathy that she really was mesmerized by the sight, even though she had seen it before.

"So this was all real… hey Fel… did yo-"

"Mel, know what you want to ask about. I'll tell you all about yourself and both of you too, after the general questions are out of the way. Please, just wait for a bit."

Melena nodded at me and quieted down for now.

"Alright, for now, except for the questions about yourselves, ask me anything you like. If you have any confusions, then you can ask me about those too. Mom and Dad have gone out on a date, so we have plenty of time."


And so the questioning began.

The first questions were about confirming their own deductions and mainly centered on my attitude towards them and the skills I had. I told them all about my past, my jobs, my talent, my abilities and even my real age. Of course, I didn't mention about my ability to 'Compel' and my telepathic abilities.

They were quite astonished at this and took some time to digest it all. For some reason, then even seemed a bit excited after hearing my real age…

"Hey Felix"

Irene innocently raised her hand.


"If your talent is rated at 'SSS' rank and it sucks so much, how bad are the other talents rated below it?"

I could feel my heart break into tiny little pieces….

It was an innocently asked question with no hint of mockery in it. Perhaps that was why I felt my heart breaking into pieces even more than guys who just mocked me in the last timeline.

"N-No… you don't need to worry… it's only my talent that sucks… probably even 'C' rank talents perform better… next question…."

Then came questions about their own training. I told them truthfully about the plans I had for them and all the other employees. While I was at it, I told them about the severity of learning the glyphs as quickly as they could.

Melena and Irene were visibly nervous when they heard that. To this day, they didn't take glyphs as seriously as they should've had.

They ranted about not telling them sooner, but I brutally pointed out their own immatureness from the past.

They asked some other miscellaneous questions and Silla joined in too, just to make it seem like it was all new to her as well.

The explanations and questions were coming to an end… or so I thought…

Silia raised her hand slightly to question me. It was a bit weird to see an adult do this, but as they say, attractive people can get away with anything.

"Go on, Silia. What do you wanna ask?"

"You said that people were categorized by their power and grade of talent in the previous timeline. So does that mean that there wasn't really much equality among people?"

"As unfortunate as it is, that was the truth. In Etheria, there were laws to protect the weak, but still, if someone much stronger killed a weak person, there wasn't really any prosecution on that. At most, they were given a fine. It was akin to a slap on the wrist. Other aspects were also affected by this and created a very blatant hierarchy among people. There were even people who believed that they had Nobel bloodlines and didn't even see a normal human as a living sentient being. And that was how things were before the Convergence. You already know what happened to society after the Convergence happened."

It really was quite unfortunate, but the law of the jungle is the purest law out there. Even on Earth, the strong will always exploit the weak. They would, of course, abide by the law on paper, but the governments had already made loopholes for them to exploit the masses.

"Ummm, I didn't mean the question in such a serious way, but thank you. What I wanted to ask specifically was that: If people were treated unequally, then doesn't that mean harems were a thing there? The strong would probably have a lot of partners, right? You never really said anything about how relationships worked in 'Etheria' and after the Convergence."


The whole serious atmosphere I had created was ruined. I could see Melena looking over at the other girls. Irene, on the other hand, had a weird glint in her eyes. I really didn't want to analyze her inner feelings right now.

"Y-yeah… what of it?"

"Fel, you still haven't answered my question yet. Were there official harems in the future or not?"

'What the hell is going on in that head of hers? What is she planning? No, I know exactly what she's planning!'

"Yes… there were. It was nothing important, so I just skipped that part…."

"I see… but please don't skip things in the future, even if you feel like they are menial. Some of us might consider such information VERY important."

Silia had a grin on her face as she said that. She then looked over at the other two girls alternatively. Both Irene and Melena also broke into a grin and nodded as they looked at Silia.

'Silia Myers! You don't know what kind of hornets' nest you are stirring! I had them both under control after so much effort!'

I stared at Silia with bloodshot eyes. Silia just looked over at me for a second and then ignored me completely.

'Control yourself for now, Felix Hudson! There is no need to play at your opponent's rhythm.'

"Anyway, I'll now be telling you all your personal information now. We'll be having a private meeting one-on-one style. You can disclose your information to others if you want to, but on my part, I'll be telling you your information privately. Silia, your turn is first. The rest of you move out of the room. You have seen my powers. I can easily detect if any of you are eavesdropping, so just be good girls and give others some space."

The other girls were a bit pissed, but still moved out of the room and closed the door. I could detect that they were not near the door anymore and were moving in the direction of Melena's room.

"Silia, yo-"



Third Person's POV


Felix could be seen lying, pinned against the bed with Silia hovering above him on all fours.


"Hush~ Felix~ They're gonna hear us if you speak so loudly~"

Silia lowered her face to Felix's ear and whispered in a sultry tone.

Felix's eyes shook, but he composed himself.

Silia moved her face from his ears and took it in front of his face. Their noses were practically touching each other now.

Silia opened her mouth and whispered in a sweet, mellow tone.

"Tell me, what other choice did I have but to do this?~"


Their breaths mashed together and their lips slightly grazed each other's as she spoke.

"I know you have a special place in your heart for Irene. But what about me and Melena?~"


"We have both felt your subtle biases towards Irene. I am not envious. Irene is a wonderful person to be with, even I feel this way. But how can I let myself just watch from the sideline?~"


Their breaths increased in intensity as time passed.

Silia's tone changed to a serious one, suddenly.

"I am of age now and I've been of age for a long time now. I could've already been with another guy if not for you, Felix. Even if they aren't really comparable to you, there are still a lot of capable and handsome guys at my college. They even explicitly show their liking and admiration for me. I could've just gotten into a relationship with one of them, but I have always waited for you, Felix Hudson. A very long time at that. Honestly, if you hadn't shown me and told me what you did, I wouldn't have been waiting for you here."


Felix's eyes shook with conflict as he heard that. He knew it was the truth.

Silia's gaze was bore into his eyes with intensity.

Their breaths became rapid.

"If you don't give me a confirmation now, then I'm sorry, but I'll have to move on. Felix Hudson, do you want to see me with another guy?"


Felix firmly said with a hint of possessiveness in his voice.

Silia was elated inside after witnessing this, but kept a strong front for now.

"Then what is stopping you?!"

Felix closed his eyes for a while and then opened them back again.

"*Sigh* You know things are more complicated than that, Silia… With mana all of our lifespans will increase significantly, but the powerful ones will have tens if not hundreds of times longer lifespans. I know my future and yours too. Even if we somehow survive the disaster, what will you do when I perish due to natural causes?"

"I'll find a way to increase your lifespan somehow. Even if I can't, I'll still have our children and their children to look after. Fel… it's not that I haven't thought of it….the moment this thought came to my mind, I've been banging my head to find a solution… but I can't wait anymore… I really can't… I have fallen for you over these years *sniff*… I love you Felix…"

*drip* *drip*

Silia's tears started to drop on Felix's face.


Felix raised his hands and wiped Silia's tears away. He was quite shaken inside after seeing Silia's miserable state.

"Honestly, I don't want to lose you either… Your feelings are not one-sided Silia… I…I love you too….*exhale* I don't know how we'll work this out and how our future will be, but fuck it! Let's do this! You better not regret it, Silia!"

"*sniff* *chuckle* I will never, I promise."

Silia had one of the purest smile she had ever made in her life after she heard his answer. She rested her head on Felix's and rubbed her nose on his' as she answered.

"Let's not lie here though, I know you like Irene the most. I'm sorry, but I'll have to take something from you before she can…"

Felix had confusion in his eyes as he heard that, but it was instantly resolved a second later…

Silia tilted her head a bit and pressed her supple, cherry lips onto Felix's. After the small bit of hesitation in her heart dissolved, she initiated a full-fledged kiss with him.

Felix responded and kissed her back with vigor.

*smooch* *smooch*

Their lips mashed together in a wild and wet dance.

Felix grabbed onto her head with one hand and wrapped the other one around her willowy waist.

In response, Silia dropped from her all fours position and directly laid on top of Felix.

*smooch* *smooch*

Her soft and supple breast pressed on top of his chest as they kissed.

Silia moved her hands to Felix's head and grabbed onto his hair. In response, Felix also strengthened his grip on her hair.

'The kiss is great, but she still needs some experience.'

Felix suddenly shot his tongue into her mouth mid-kiss.

*ah~* *slurp* *slurp*

A kiss was a whole new experience for Silia, let alone one this perverted.

As Felix's tongue entered her mouth, it met with her own tongue and started to swirl around it. Silia felt her mouth and especially her tongue tingle at this debauched way of kissing.

But she didn't back away and shot her tongue into his mouth as well. She opened her lips and pressed it against Felix's already open lips.


They both relished each other's tongues and saliva. Their tongues traveled to every nook and cranny of each other's mouths as if they were mapping out an uncharted cave.

As the kiss went on, Felix slowly lowered his hand on her waist and started to feel up her ass.

Silia was already feeling really hot inside now and didn't shy away. She raised her big, bubbly ass and pressed it against Felix's hand, as if encouraging him to do more.

Felix didn't disappoint and started to knead her soft ass with his large hand. As he kneaded her ass into all kinds of shapes, his hand was slowly inching towards Silia's clothed slit.

*mmhh~* *Slurp* *ah~* *Slurp*

All this stimulation overloaded Silia, and she started to make small whisper-like sweet moans in between their sloppy kisses.

The kiss continue this way for a few minutes until Silia shuddered and her eyes shot open. She reluctantly moved her lips away from Felix's.

"Haah~ Haah~ Felix~ Let's stop here~ I won't be able to control myself if we go any further~ I'm already having a hard time stopping my moans~ Please~"

Strings of saliva connected to their lips as she breathlessly spoke to Felix in an aroused tone.

Silia could feel that Felix's fingers had already reached her pussy. The digits were caressing her pussy through the jeans she was wearing.

She had masturbated before, but this was something entirely different. The stimulations she was receiving couldn't even compare to the times she rubbed one off alone.

Felix's eyes gained some clarity. He had a sly smirk on his face as he heard her plea.

He grabbed her hair tightly and lowered her head until his mouth was near her ear.

"Ho~ Silia~ You wanna play with fire but also don't wanna get burned?~ Isn't that a bit too selfish?~"

His breaths on her ear stimulated her even more, and she shuddered.

"I-I don't want to steal more from Irene than this. Please, let's stop right here."

Silia said in a mosquito like voice.


Felix made a huge sigh and hugged Silia tightly.

Luckily for Silia, Felix was no virgin, who would get hard just after a passionate kiss. He had been with and had fucked quite a lot of women in his previous life. He knew how to control himself when needed.

He removed his hand from her pussy and grabbed back her ass. Felix's other hand that was grabbing onto her hair started to massage her head.

He hoisted her up and sat with his back resting on the bed's headboard.

Silia buried her head inside his neck in embarrassment. She had finally come to her senses and was shocked at her own boldness.

"Hehe~ look at you being all embarrassed now~ But seriously, are you really okay with sharing your man with another woman?"

Silia jolted a bit at the question and wrapped her long legs around Felix's waist tightly.

"Fel…. no person would like to share their partner with another person, unless they are into that kind of stuff. I….I know that you like Irene a lot and I just feel guilty about it. I feel like I'm stealing something important from my precious friend…. Like I said before, I like Irene a lot too. The same goes for Melena as well. It doesn't really feel bad to become a real family with both of them … Now, don't ask me this question again or I might just change my mind and hoard you all for myself."

"I… I am quite a bastard, aren't I?...."

"Hehe~ That you are~ Don't worry, I'll still love you~"

"I love you too…"





Their horniness was slowly disappearing, and what came after was just pure love. They stayed in the same position and said sweet nothings to each other for a while until….

*knock* *knock*

'Hey! You guys still there?! What's taking so long?!'

Irene's voice could be heard from behind the door.

"The explanations will be coming to an end soon! 2 minutes max! Just wait for a bit!"

Felix gave an excuse and they both quickly cleaned themselves up and straightened their clothes.

When they were done, their gazes accidentally locked onto each other's.



They couldn't help but chuckle. It was a pretty exciting day.

"Come here."

Silia came forward, and they shared another short kiss. It was nothing perverted, just a sweet, loving kiss.

*Click* *Creak*

"Alright, Mel, come inside."

Silia went out and Melena replaced her….

(A/N: What? Are you mad at not getting full 'action'? Chill down bro… let them grow up a bit and you'll tell me to stop, Hehe.

Leave a power stone if you like my content…and…

Thank You all for reading this chapter!!!)

Thank You all for reading this chapter!!!

PinkPencilcreators' thoughts