
Sister, Come Back Quick!!

By the time it was evening the next day, Rong Yue walked out of her room with a small bag in her right hand while her left hand rubbed her still sleepy eyes. 

When she finally took in the scene in the living room, her entire brows raised up in question. 

Mo Fan was looking at her like she was some monster while Qin Heng was holding her tablet while his mouth formed into a tight and cute pout. 

At one glance, it was easy to see that he was full of grievances. As for the big boss, he was probably the only one with a normal reaction as he looked like he was asleep on the reclining chair he was on which was kind of normal as Rong Yue knew that he caught up on his sleep anytime he could. 

But the box beside him was also an anomaly, she couldn't remember him mentioning any trip. 

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