
Power War

Kylor_ann · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Chapter 19

Liam had offered Fred goodwill back then when Tom was vying for presidency and the two had been great business partners but the man just as Tom had back stabbed him and we're planning to eat rid of him before the next elections but V had his back all through since he decide to join politics had tracked the loopholes really quickly and being the ruthless men they were, they didn't forgive betrayal. Fred was just lucky, they kept him alive to have fun .

Liam went back to the police base where Kook had already cleared up the mess and journalists were waiting. One couldn't even tell there was a bloody battle some few hours ago. The broadcast went well as Fred's minions were wiped out. Liam even announced the traditional three days of mourning for the befallen president.

Fred's Residence

Fred was smiling ear to ear as he watched the live broadcast. Doom was finally set for Liam as he had appeared at the conference where his minions were ready to get rid of him. He felt like celebrating as early as now. With Liam's death, he knew he wouldn't have any rivals. He relaxed feeling he would at least spare his cousin. He decided to call Tiny. " Hope everything is as planned on your side?"

" Definitely boss" Tiny smirked at how stupid Fred was. The call made Fred very confident. "Rest in peace in advance Liam!" It was so refreshing to him. his main goal was about to be achieved. he was sure the next in line if it so happened the president or his deputy died. but of course it was impossible as rules stated the two would never travel together come whatever circumstances. he even forgot that if Liam died by the bullet like tom did, it would cause political unrest and the military would take over the country. his mind just swirled for his oncoming victory. Poor Fred if he only knew his puppets had already been wiped out. The live broadcast went on and came to an end without any commotion which brought Fred out of his victory reverie. his first reaction was to call Tiny but the man had already turned his phone off. Fred tried many times to call him but it only sent him to a dead end. " Nooooo! Tiny you can't cross me!" his shouted his voice full of anger. " boss!' his head bodyguard came to him after hearing his outburst. " clear Tiny's family this instant! He forgot who I am!" Fred ordered him. " right away boss!" the man scurried away to get the orders done as he knew his boss's temper. Fred was so angry as he could still see Liam on his feet smiling widely at the camera as if mocking him. he punched the screen " Damn it!" he cursed.his head bodyguard came back trembling. he didn't know how to report the situation to his boss. " Speak!" that voice shook him to his bones. his boss right now was so terrifying and his domineering aura was to tense that he felt his lungs being squeezed giving a hard time to breathe. " Boss we couldn't find them!' he quickly reported. " Neighbors say they didn't even see them move out but their residence has been desolate for quite sometime know."

"Tiny!'' Fred thundered kicking the sofa beside him that it overturned frightening the bodyguard who could swear he almost peed on his pants. Just then another bodyguard appeared by the door way and he was also thrown in frighten as he saw the chaos in the room. ' Oh no! should I report these rightnow ' he exclaimed in his head. the situation Infront of him was bad and his report neither carried any good news. The bodyguard decided to cower away but his boss's had already seen him. He could feel his end had come and he gulped painfully when he met those red eyes of his boss. " Did he suddenly turn into a vampire!' his fate was really bad . he wanted to cry but his damn eyes were so dry and he could only use his little courage to report the bad news. " Bo...sss, we were tricked. Our people are dead and some have been captured by Inspector Kook" he only let out the breathe he had been holding after his speech but before he could finish sighing a piercing suddenly crossed his left shoulder. Fred had just shot him out of anger. he shouldn't have been the one bearing this news and now his innocent shoulder had to suffer. " Get out of my sight!' the two bodyguards scurried away very fast that they didn't know how they got out of the house.