
Power Rangers World's End Rondo

If you can wake up to powers, what would you do? The answer to many is unknown, it's not something that ever happens. So how do you deal with it when it does happen? Well, the answer is of course. Use it to however you see fit... well maybe these six friends don't have that type of idea. (This is like AU to Poweranger's, so my OC's and how they get powers is different but no so different, i'm aiming for more realistic than fantasy, but there's not much you can say for that when you got a group of teens running around with superpowers. Enjoy the Story!)

Sympin · TV
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2 Chs

Welcome Power Ranger's!

Veering back from the vast space, a seemingly unknown spaceship lands on an uninhabited planet; though deserted, the planet used to be with plenty of life. Almost ostensibly, the life on it disappeared.

An alien, noticeably in servant clothing, bows down. "My lord, we have arrived back at Planet X02." Peering up to his master, he catches a glimpse of her.

"How is the peerage doing?" In an almost uncaring tone, the servant merely ignores it. "They're ready for combat. Our next conquest, the earth, that's what's it called isn't it? It seems to be weak."

"Don't ever underestimate a planet." Dismissing her servant, she stands up. "God, it has been a while since I last been here." Moving from the throne she was on, she goes to a window. "Planet X02... if only we could've saved it that time." Getting past the failure she had. "Let's make this time... no, let's make this set of power rangers different."


"Ren!" Running into the forest, the teen ignores the calls for his name.

Keeping the pace up, he smiles. "Too easy." Jumping over some more branches, roots, etc..., he makes it to the location. "Alright."

Making it to two unmarked graves, "I bought you two some food." Taking off his backpack, he takes out some food in his backpack. "First." Smiling, he takes out some burgers from Mcdonald's, "Second." Taking out some desserts from a bakery, "It's just some cinnamon rolls."

After taking out the food, he sits down.

Taking the food out of the bags, he places two burgers in front of him and one for himself. After taking a bite of the food, he begins to speak. "Well, I made it past 9th grade with no problem. It's just that... I still only have a couple of friends. But my best friend? She's the best in the world. But she's popular, so we're barely together at school. But it's still fun with Mel." Spending the next hour like this, he sits there talking.

"Ren, it's time." Looking behind him. His aunt comes and gets him. "I told you not to rush off this time." Moving right beside him, she says a quick prayer.

Leaving the forest, they both enter the black Toyota. "Well, where do you wanna go? It is your birthday today."

"Let's see... well... how about Minlive?" Nodding at her nephew, they go to Minlive.


Moving back and forth, the girl practices her dancing skills. Moving across the fake stage vicariously. She performs several different sets of movements. Executing each movement in a minimal amount of time, she finishes her practice. *Clap* "That was beautiful, good work." Nodding at the man who was clapping at her.

"I can do better. My spins aren't at a level that they should be at." Criticizing herself, the man hurries up and hands her a towel. "You don't have to be so hard on yourself." Looking at the teen, who has an annoyed expression. He just silently leaves her alone.

Opening a closet, she puts up different things she used for practicing. "Let's say, how about we go somewhere?" Perking up to her suggestion, the guy moves more quickly. "Where do you wanna go, Lynn?" Getting done with putting everything up. "Honestly, it depends... I wanna play some games. Willing to drive to Minlive Mark?"

"I don't mind- let's hurry up and go." Quickly leaving her house, they get in his car.


Working in the back of the restaurant, the girl hurries up and tries to match every order that's flown in.

"Emma, can you cook the funnel cakes next?" Hurrying up with her vigor, she gets done with her first task. Getting to the funnel cakes. Her shift finally ends.

"Nice work Emma; come in tomorrow, one hour earlier." Getting told to come in early to her shift, she nods.

Leaving the restaurant- her phone starts ringing. "What?"

"You don't have to sound so uninterested, Emma." Hearing a complaint, she hangs up.

Calling back quickly, she picks up again. "What, Jason?" Hearing her slightly irritated tone, Jason tells her to come to his house.

Walking down the street for 10 minutes, she makes it to Jason's house.

Knocking on the door, Jason opens it. Beaming a smile at her, he drags her in.

"Let's go to Minlive for once." Hearing his suggestion, she starts thinking. "Well, is it just going to be us two?" "Yes." Instantly replying to her, she agrees to go with him.


Moving through her block. A girl sees multiple people dancing in the streets and making a racket.

Making her way back to her house, she spots her mom dancing.

Weaving back and forth through the crowd, she finally gets to her.

"Mom!" The dancer finally looks at her surroundings to see her daughter in front of her.

"Oh, Melanie, you're back?" Seemingly as if the mom didn't expect her daughter to even be back in the city, let alone home.

"I texted you; I was coming home from Dad's 7 hours ago." Ticked off by her mother's expression, she goes home.

Walking into a house, "I'm home!" Hearing no response, like usual, she goes into her room.

Laying on her bed, she gets a sudden text message, or more like an expected text message.

^Well first off, I'm glad you made it back safely. If you're not too tired, I'm spending the rest of my birthday at Minlive. It's a new spot that opened up since you were with your dad. Come through if you can, (P.S. I love you!)^

Looking at the text message, she responds. ^I will be there in a minute. (P.S. I love you too!! <3)^ Sending a cheeky response, she gets ready to go to Minlive.)

I wrote this cause I wanted my girlfriend to read something, and I was like ooo, poweranger's sound found. Hope y'all enjoy this and not just her!


Also shamless fast phrases:

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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