

They called him Spitfire, but I called him by his name--Eli. He was able to manipulate

fire however he wished, and he was one of the youngest members Touch ever witnessed joining.

It was sad really, Touch and Azailee both had loved the boy like a younger brother. But he was

still growing into his abilities, at times they would became too much to control and he would

randomly ignite everything around him. On one special occasion, Eli did this in an orphanage.

Infants and children went up like they were covered in gasoline, and Azailee couldn't calm him

down. Unable to handle what he was doing, he begged Touch to end it for him, to kill him before

any more died.

So he complied. This is how they first learned they could take others abilities. But it came

with a price; killing Eli left Azailee and himself feeling damned. Like they were dirty and could

never become clean. That their soul was burning inside them and they couldn't stop it. So they

exploited this ability they had for taking other powers and engorged themselves.

A single tear fell from Touch's eyes to the licking flames squirming at his hands. He

would take no mercy on those against him and his family. The only person that ever deserved

mercy was Eli, and if he couldn't get it, no one else should.

"Touch!" Azailee ducked as an arrow whipped towards the side of his head. The time for

thinking was over. He spun around and watched as Azailee stood up from his abrupt change in

stance and ran towards the shooter. He jumped once he felt his attacker release another arrow.

Touch knew it was Collect attacking his brother. Otherwise, Azailee may have been hit with

those arrows. Everyone else in their group had no problem hiding what they were feeling in

moments of anticipation, everyone but Collect.

Touch looked to the trees, hoping that this girl they were after would make an appearance

soon. He turned around to the rustle of leaves, "Is it true Witch? That back in the day they

burned your sisters? Your mothers, aunts, grandmothers, covens?" He twinkled his fingers has he

watched realization run through her eyes. He was going to burn her to a crisp.

"H-how?" She stuttered, and backed up. She was not expecting this. She thought the only

thing she'd have to worry about was not making contact with him, to wait out until the curse

took its hold. This was not the case.

"Let's not worry about the how, or the why, or the what; let's worry about the now and

the soon," He walked towards her, hands outstretched, flames biting at the air. "Come here little

Witch, it'll all be over soon."

"Get away from me!" She was scared, he could see this by how fast she tried getting

away from him. Not fast enough, she tripped over a branch and fell down. The hunt had ended

before it had started.

"Is there an afterlife for Witch's? Oh yes there is isn't there?" Touch smiled as he walked

closer to her, he could see the fire burning on his hands through her eyes. "Is it true? That if a

Witch is burned to death, she has no chance of going there? To whatever safe haven you

disgusting wretches wish for?" He let the flames lunge for her. Her screams for air and help were

not answered. The flames now drowning her, roaming down her throat. "Guess you'll find out."

Jeremiah let the flames feed until she was nothing but a charred remain.

He looked up to see Azailee clutching Collect's decapitated head in his hand. Touch let

the flames dissipate as he gave Azailee a questioning look, Azailee replied with a shrug. The

only one left was the Watcher. "He probably watched this whole thing from afar," Azailee said as dropped the head he

was holding.

"You're probably right," Touch sighed, "We'll need to find him before he returns to the


Both boys turned towards the sound of someone clearing their throat. It was the girl, and

she appeared to have the Watcher's body slung over her shoulders. The brothers looked towards

each other, a silent understanding coming over them. The Watcher was no more, they had

nothing to worry about.

"Not going to say hi to your sister, boys?" she said has she dropped the body.

Haven't checked on this in a while, haha sorry for all those who were waiting for 9 months. I had these last two chapters in my drafts section so I thought I'd post them, think I'll leave it on this cliff hanger for the rest of time, hope you enjoyed, although it probably wasn't worth the wait :p

Deaths_Touchcreators' thoughts