
Power house

when a leader of a village get information on a demon organization planning on seeking war on all 6 villages to retrieve keys in each village that keep their god (hades) prisoned, he informs all 6 villages and their leaders to get ready for the threats that could possibly end the world

Faintanonymous · Ciencia y ficción
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12 Chs

Chapter 10 - 1st objective part 1

(At the fortress place Kenshin Sends two of his most trusted clan members name, jafar & Mitsuya to warn each clan leader of the possible threats.)

(They first arrive to the empire kingdom which is accompanied by the great queen Merlin, "Merlin Suzuki" she is the protector of the empire kingdom the most Nobelist and strongest in the entire clan, She was born as the princess and daughter of bates Suzuki former king and protector of the empire kingdom everyone in the kingdom and village thought she was another failed attempt to keep the legacy of the Suzuki family as the empire king protectors, so she was constantly criticized by her family because they thought she wasnt as great as their son "Powa Suzuki" who fell ill and died , Empire Kingdom are great sorcerers the most common ability in the clan is to heal wounds But they have a lot more magic spells up their sleeves The empire Kingdom is accompanied by the god Oden where they get their power from) 

( jafar and Mitsuya informs the guard that they are from the fortress clan and they were told to come by kenshin themselves)

(the guard then inform the queen she is quite skeptical but she lets them in.)

"So I heard kenshin told you two to come here, what is the meaning of this"

(they both bow down to the queen to show respect " sorry for the trouble queen Master Kenshin sent us to inform u that their are threats soon to come and reek havoc to the world and he needs your help" said jafar . "Are these threats demons?" "Yes ma'am " said jafar and Mitsuya" "mhm I had got word from my son peragus that him and his soldiers encountered a demon that almost murdered half of his army, but he told me they were weak and he destroyed them with one spell.

So tell me what does someone like kenshin need help with I'm sure he got it under control " said Merlin. "These are no ordinary demons the way kenshin put it each of the demons that are coming can single handily destroy the world as we know it" said Mitsuya. "There was one time where we encountered a demon that was this powerful but my brother yami destroyed him your telling me that their is more of those like that?" Said Merlin, "yes but more powerful then we can imagine" said Mitsuya

. "Well u have to be really strong to scare kenshin & he always have a feeling towards these things, but I do feel disrespected that he will send his ponds to inform me instead of himself , but anywho u tell him we would help but I wanna hear from him " said Merlin

. "Master kenshin would like to host a meaning Tomorrow with all the leaders to make plans on the threat that is upon us" said jafar, "fine I would be their now leave my castle" said Merlin. The two then leaves the empire Kingdom to continue the tasks. 

(They then arrive to the place of lightning which is accompanied by Loki Saito who is named after the god of mischief he is the leader and sworn protector of the lightning clan. Loki is a fierce and brutal force Who loves battles , He was born into poverty and a slave that had too kill and fight other villagers just to eat and survive, around the age of 15 Loki had one of the most intense Aura possibly due to his passed battles but that was enough to be taken under the wing by GilDARTS the former leader of the lightning clan and soon to be the next . The lightning villagers are people who can manipulate lightning to do anything they can imagine. They're also super quick and vigilant and they love fighting. . Everyone in the village is granted this ability. Loki was chosen by Zeus himself after gildarts trained him and too be the next leader since he is shown to be the strongest in the clan and he wields Excalibur that is passed on to the leaders)

. As greeted by fujitora one of the most trusted in the village he takes them to meet Loki. They then have a conversation about the recent havocs of the world and the threats that are upon them.

Loki is quite skeptical at first because he can't believe that someone like Kenshin would need any help. Loki ask the two " how strong are they" jafar replied saying "each of them is capable of destroying the world" Loki have a flashback of someone this strong and he then smirks. Loki tells the two that he would help only because he loves fighting people who may can challenge him. He then tells fujitora to escort the two and all 3 of them leave the room.

while they leave the room Loki has a sudden flashback of someone who was as strong as him with lightning power he then balls his fists and he says the word "Illumi" 

Written by fainted