
Chapter 22 - The power of a Kaiju.

[3413 words, the 3k streak continues]


In a beautiful tree filled forest, somewhere...

You could see 2 people sitting on the grass besides each other with a gigantic, cinema sized TV in front of them.

The one on the left had a messy, wavy short brown hair with a big beard of the same color. His face had a sharp jawline along with 2 sword-like brown eyebrows. His eyes showed infinite knowledge inside the black, void like eye color. He was wearing a simple white shirt along with some plain brown shorts. His pale white skin color along with his beautiful face that could be described as being personally sculpted by the gods made his appearence be the very definition of perfection. He also had a cute little white rabbit in his lap that he was caressing while watching the TV.

On his left was a man with shoulder lenght blond hair along with a perfectly trimmed light brown beard. His face had a perfect smooth white skin, his eyes blue like the most beautiful sapphire and his eyebrows perfectly set. He wore a red and black coat alongside simple black pants. His whole demeanor emanated a righteous and kind aura.

As they both were sitting down with their eyes attentively watching the TV, the blond man spoke.

"So this is him now?" His voice was flawless, just like his looks.

The brown haired man replied without taking his eyes of the TV, "Yes, it is. He has grown a lot..."

If Cain were here to hear this, he would instantly recognize this majestic voice as the one that gave him his wishes, God aka Adam.

The blond man nodded along with his words. "That he has. What do you say about a match of chess? We've been watching him for quite a while."

This caught Adam's attention as fire literally appeared in his eyes.

"Sure! I'll beat you this time!"

"In your dreams, old man! Same rules as always, no omniscience and no omnipotence, alright?" Replied the blond.

"I don't need those to beat you, Jesus. And I'm not old, look at my appearance!"

The man now identified as Jesus chuckled and said, "As I recall, the score is 73.911.559.101 to 194, remember? Those 194 wins were when you used your omniscience which doesn't count, so technically I'm undefeated and you suck! And what do you mean you're not old? This is just a body you created, your true form is decillions of years old." (10^33)

"Silence! Let's go play already."


Our idiot MC had no idea about what was happening inside that forest as he was chilling inside his room. It had been 3 hours since his spar with Issho and Mihawk and now it was 2pm in the afternoon. As he was lying in bed he thought,

'Guess now I have some free time so I can see the power of Godzilla Earth, maybe I'll even have a little fight with him for fun.'

As he had that thought, he teleported himself to the same gigantic void that spanned for hundreds of light-years in the universe that he had launched a moon at himself. This place was a perfect testing ground for him to do whatever he wanted.

After teleporting there, he created an exact copy of the solar system from his universe. It had all 8 planets along with a sun. Earth was exactly the same as it was back when dinossaurs still roamed the land, so only Mother Nature was present there. It also had a complete atmosphere along with everything needed to sustain life.

'Okay, this is perfect. Time to see how this bad boy looks like in real life...' He thought as he teleported himself to this solar system's Earth and opened a gigantic portal to his inventory about 1 mile up in the sky. Out of said portal came out the colossal monster that was Godzilla Earth. (will not describe him since I've already posted a picture of him in the comments last chapter.)

'Hmm, it'd be good if I could speak to him... Rhea, create an ability called 'All-Speak' that let's me talk to literally anything I want, be it Nature itself, Godzilla, fish, dogs, stones, etc., and make it so that this ability gives me mastery over every language that has ever existed in the omniverse. Thanks.'

{Ability created Cain}

< Cain's POV >


As I heard Rhea's voice in my head, an astromonical amount of information went inside my mind. I could feel that I had now become a fluent speaker of every single language out there as my mind processed everything in an instant.

After getting out of my stuppor, I shouted at the beast that had just come out of the portal, "YO GODZILLA, HOW'S LIFE? PROBABLY NOT MUCH HAS HAPPENED SINCE YOU HAVE JUST BEEN BORN BUT WHATEVER. MY NAME IS CAIN AND I'M HERE TO SEE WHAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF."

Godzilla turned his head to the small little ant in front of him and spoke in some weird language that sounded like only growls, "Godzilla? Who are you? Where am I?"

"That makes sense, he has just been born so he doesn't know anything. YES, GODZILLA. THAT'S YOUR NAME. LIKE I SAID BEFORE, MY NAME IS CAIN AND YOU CAN THINK OF ME AS A FRIEND. YOU CURRENTLY ARE AT A PLANET THAT I CREATED SO THAT I COULD SEE YOU." I replied to him making the same weird growls.

"OK. But why are you so small?" Godzilla inquired. He wasn't a beast that didn't think and just acted based on primal instinct. He had intelligence and now he could maintain a conversation.


"OK." Godzilla responded as he turned around and saw the mountain. He then opened his mouth and roared.


This insanely loud roar sent out an oscillatory wave that completely dusted the mountain with its schockwave. He didn't even need to use his particle breath to utterly destroy the Everest sized mountain.

"Damn. His power is no joke... this is getting me excited! I think I might be turning into a battle junkie... THAT'S PERFECT, GODZILLA. I GUESS YOU ALREADY HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE ON EVERYTHING YOU CAN DO SO WHAT DO YOU SAY WE HAVE A LITTLE MATCH? IF YOU WIN I'LL GIVE YOU THIS ENTIRE PLANET AS A PLAYGROUND." I shouted at him after seeing his display of power.

"OK, but living in this planet alone will be boring." Godzilla muttured to me.

"THAT'S NOT A PROBLEM! I'LL CREATE SOME BEASTS TO LIVE WITH YOU. IF YOU WIN THAT IS..." I finished saying as I unrestricted a bit of my 'Absolute Condition', my physical stats were like this at the moment,

{HP: ∞

MP: ∞

STR: 30.852 kgf → 902.519 kgf

AGI: 24.591 m/s → 841.190 m/s

INT: 38.000

LUCK: 205}

'This should be enough for me to be able to dodge his attacks but also not enough to kill him with a punch. Actually, what are his stats anyway?' As I ended my train of thought, I used my 'Analyze' ability on him.


NAME: Godzilla Earth.

BLOODLINE(S): Plant-based mutant. (I didn't find his race anywhere, but on the wiki it said that it was speculated that he originated from plant-based lifeforms. Remember that this is not Godzilla but Godzilla Earth.)

AGE: 1 minute (he was just born because time in the inventory doesn't exist, but he's already at his full power and size.)

HP: 67.592.884

MP: 2.524.000 (stamina)

STR: 267.080.001 kgf

AGI: 350 m/s (he's huge so he is slow but his steps are big)

INT: 276 (he is highly intelligent and is even able to outsmart humans.)

LUCK: 19

ABILITIES: Cellular Division, Charged Particle Breath, Electromagnetic Pulse, Electromagnetic Shield, Electromagnetic Underwater Booster, Fall Damage Resistance, Instant Tissue Regeneration, Lack of Thermal Radiation, Molecular Management, Natural Camouflage, Oscillatory Wave, Plasma Cutter}

"Awesome! He's strong as hell so this should be fun... I'll have to use my speed to my advantage seeing as he is very slow, but if he manages to catch me I'll be fucked." I said to myself as I prepared to fight him,

"READY?" I growled at him loudly.

"Yes." Was all I heard as I started running at him using my full speed.

In less time than it takes to blink, I had already traversed the distance between him and I, but the problem was his gigantic size. I put a lot of power in my legs and jumped up from the ground, completely destroying it.

Godzilla had not moved still, he probably couldn't even react to my speed to this would be an easy strike at him.

Jumping 300 meters high in the air, I reached his head and threw a powerful and fast punch at his nose. Using my speed, my punch's force was multiplied by ten times.


Godzilla was taken a back by this powerful strike and stepped back due to the sheer force that he was hit with, almost losing his balance due to only his legs supporting his entire weight but managing to not fall using his tail.

He instantly noticed that he couldn't even compare in terms of speed, so he needed to use an attack that would have an area of effect, and not one that hit only a single point in space.

He used his 'Cell Division' and 2 variations of himself appeared. One was a small wyvern that had a long neck with very large wings. His skin was grey in color and he possesed 2 deep, blazing red eyes. His arms and legs were very small and had 3 fingers each. (IMAGE HERE)

The other one was a creature very similar to Godzilla Earth but smaller in height, having a 200 meters tall body. (IMAGE HERE)

As they both appeared besides Godzilla, he commanded them both through some sort of telepathy and they all used an attack each.

Godzilla used his insanely loud roar to send a devastating shockwave heading at me. The wyvern launched various powerful electromagnetic pulses to distract me from the other attacks and the smaller godzilla used a Charged Particle Breath, a highly accurate and extremely fast radioactive beam from his mouth.

Seeing that they were all planning to attack me at once, I quickly thought of a plan to be able to get rid of the other 2 monsters and focus only on Godzilla himself.

Unfortunately, I couldn't react in time to dodge the Particle Breath from the smaller godzilla and was hit head on. Due to this, the shockwave from Godzilla's roar also managed to reach me and I was very much damaged.

My entire body was instantly vaporized due to the power of the Particle Breath combined with the shockwave caused by Godzilla's roar. It was as if this attack literally separated the atoms and molecules inside my body and dispersed them throughout the universe.

This was no problem for me though because I was completely immortal. My body started to rapidly rebuild itself, and in a couple seconds the process was over.

"Sheeesh, didn't expect that attack to be so fucking fast... guess I'll have to up the scales a bit!" I muttered as I started running towards the monsters ahead of me while activating my partial-hybrid form and transforming my right hand to a dragon claw. Their previous attacks had sent me a few hundred meters away before completely atomizing me.

Godzilla noticing that I wasn't an easy opponent commanded the wyvern to fly towards me and start shooting some small Atomic Beans from his mouth. This was only to serve as a diversion for Godzilla and small godzilla to charge up a Particle Breath that had the power to destroy the moon.

Observing the wyvern that was flying in my direction, I used my immensely powerful aura to pressure his body and he collapsed. This was basically the same as using Conqueror's Haki, but mine was absurdly more powerful.

The wyvern starting losing altitude the moment I pressured his body. For him, it was as if gravity had increased by thousands of times instantly.

Gaining a lot of speed from his fall, he crashed to the ground and continued to drop down while destroying the ground below him. His momentum eventually stopped after reaching half-way through the Planet's mantle. He was down for the count, now there were only the 2 godzillas left.

I saw that the fins on both of their bodies were starting to light up making an omnious sound. A few second later, the smaller godzilla's entire body was covered in various light blue lines while Godzilla had magma red lines flowing across his whole body, almost as if he had become one with lava. (IMAGE HERE) (their whole bodies were covered bc the attack was insanely powerful)

I then swiped my dragon claw rapidly and swiftly through the air, sending 5 very powerful energy strikes in their direction. Even air itself was being cut as my attacks were heading towards the both of them.

Noticing that my attack wasn't going to reach in time before they could fire off their powerful Particle Beam, I decided to transform my head into that of a dragon and shoot my very own breath towards them.

A gush of bright red electricity started to form inside my mouth, and that's when I heard the deafening roar from both Godzillas.


2 simply massive radioactive beams left both of their mouths, and as they were travelling through the air they fused together to become one very powerful purple energy beam.

I then opened my mouth and let the electricity beam that I had been charging free.

Both attacks collided in the air, and it seemed that the Godzillas' beam was a little stronger than mine, but that wouldn't last long.

I started pumping more and more of my power to my attack and in moments, I had gained the upper hand.

The entire landscape around us was completely charred and destroyed. The planet had practically become a radioactive wasteland due to our powerful battle. That didn't bother us though.

As my attack was devouring the Godzillas' beam, I quickly thought of doing something unpredictable to outsmart Godzilla and closed my mouth while instantly dodging the Particle Breath that came at me. The only reason that the last one had hit me was because I didn't expect it to be so fast, so I was caught off guard.

I quickly and masterfully dodged the beam of energy and dashed towards the small godzilla as fast as I could, running thousands of times faster than sound. I transformed my head and hand back to normal as I continued to approach him.

Nearing his position, I spawned my sword in my right hand and jumped 200 meters in the air while holding my sword above my head vertically before I moved it downward in a clean and quick motion.

Before Godzilla could even command him to dodge, his body had already become 2. A perfectly cut in half small godzilla lied in front of me, motionless.

'Time for the boss fight...' I thought as I effortlessly landed on the ground and stored my sword back in my inventory. I wanted to take Godzilla Earth down with my fists, not my sword.

Godzilla had just now noticed what I did with small godzilla, so he quickly concentrated a powerful plasma on his fins and passed it to his tail. This was his 'Plasma Cutter' attack, and it allowed him to produce a plasma blade that extended for 600 meters when he swings his tail. It was powerful enough to reduce almost anything to ash.

He then swung his tail in my direction and a gigantic wave of plasma surged from it. Looking at this, I decided to turn into MUI for a short second and a massive rush of white and blue aura left my body.

I stared at the approaching plasma blade and quickly sent an insanely powerful punch that would even make Saitama proud. This punch completely cleared the air of any dust that was flying around and when it reached the attack, the plasma completely dispersed in the air due to the sheer force that I hit the air with. I then used my space manipulation to erase the gust of air that was heading towards Godzilla so that it wouldn't kill him.

Before Godzilla could understand anything, I deactivated MUI and started running to his side, where his tail was currently at.

Reaching his tail, I started climbing his body with pure speed and as I reached his head I extended both of my arms in front of me while making a fist with my right hand and holding it with my left.

I then swung my arms downwards, striking his head and sending a powerful shockwave through his entire body. It traveled down his legs and was absorved by the Earth, making the entire planet shake for a moment.

Godzilla instantly fainted while falling down head first to the ground, making the land we were on tremble for hundreds of miles.

With my incredible balance, I managed to stay still on top of his head even as he was falling, so when he reached the ground I jumped off.

"This was fun as fuck! I'll have to do this more with him. Maybe I'll even get Issho or Mihawk to fight him someday..." I said while cleaning the nonexistent sweat on my forehead.

I then sat down besides Godzilla's head, waiting for him to wake up.


After 10 minutes, Godzilla's eye opened and looked at me.

"Rise and shine, my friend!" I said while looking at him.

"You're strong." Was all he said as he was having some dificulty getting up due to his small arms. Small compared to his body, but compared to me it was still huge.

I then helped him by controlling his body and decreasing gravity so he would float and manipulating electromagnetism to set his body straight. After this, I set his body on the ground fine and dandy.

"That I am! Since you gave me such a fun time, I'll still give you this planet as a reward." I replied to him and continued before he could say anything, "And don't worry, there will be some other beasts like you here. You will have to fight them for dominance over this land or even the entire world if you want, so that's that. I'll restore the planet to the state it was before we fought."

Godzilla pondered my words and said, "Thank you.", as he started leaving.


I was planning on accelerating time on this solar system so that 1 month back on One Piece's world would be 50 years here. This was just so that Godzilla could have some time in the wild with other Kaijus before we left to another universe.

"Fine." He replied.

After hearing his response, I clapped my hand and reversed time on the planet to 11 minutes ago. Our entire fight lasted only a minute, plus the 10 minutes that Godzilla was passed out. Also, I went ahead and limited my 'Absolute Condition' to the same state that it was before the fight.

I then asked Rhea in my mind to create thousands of Kaijus around the world, some with intelligence while some acted on instinct; some would be able to fly while others would live underground; some would be even bigger than Godzilla while some were 'only' 50 meters tall. This should make Godzilla happy and probably much stronger because he would be constantly fighting with beasts of his size and power for many years. There were Kaijus like Kong, Mothra and even King Ghidorah.

There were also grizzly bears the size of skyscrapers, wild dogs who could fly and were 100 meters long, sharks who had legs and diamond hard teeth, and the list goes on...

'Time to return back to the ship' I said in my mind as I was looking at the distant body of my new humongous friend...



(A/N: Hello everyone, hope you are all doing alright! What did you think of the fight? I'm still learning how to write and stuff so let me know what you guys think! Gotta remember that Godzilla Earth is the most powerful version of Godzilla so his power is insane... Anyway, thank you for reading and for the support! God bless you all!!! BTW, I changed the cover because I liked this one better 👍.)


VERY USEFUL FUN FACT: The Supreme Court has its own private basketball court with the nickname "The highest court in the land".

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