
Popping pills in Young Justice

an Average person dies and get transmigrated into the Young Justice universe with the pills from Project Power. Not having to worry about dying to the pill's effect, the protagonist will try to do the most he can with his limited abilities and his limited knowledge about the universe. --- Don't take this novel seriously as I'm writing this after watching Project Power and I thought such abilities, with some benefits, could do well in young justice. Plus I don't have the most knowledge of DC since I'm personally a Marvel fan. there will be mistakes in the book, but just write it off as an A.U of sorts. Much love, Me

WADSD · Cómic
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19 Chs





Hearing the turn of events, Beast rolls to the side and opens his eyes, mentally prepared for his eyes to be in pain, before being surprised by his normal vision. 

"Look out!" 

Snapping out of his surprise, Beast turns around, spotting Firefly standing above his downed form, flamethrower pointed at him. 

Seeing no way out fast enough, terror seeps into Beast's features while he throws a pill into his mouth before shutting his eyes tight. 



Flames engulf Beast's body. 

"Beast!" Robin sprints forward and kicks Firefly's back , sending him rolling away from Beast. Quickly taking out his last extinguisher birdarang, he throws it onto Beast causing it to explode and take out the flames. "Fuck! Please be okay." He mutters, before turning around and focusing on Firefly.

"Hahaha! He's not!" Firefly laughs. "I made my baby way hotter than any normal flamethrowers. At such a close range, even if only for a few seconds, your friends brain has melt! a Shame he didn't screa-" 

Robin kicks Firefly in the face as he rants, taking the opening. Giving him no time to recover, Robin delivers a barrage of hits, rendering the villain unconscious and rushes back to Beast, who's body was covered in white foam. "C'mon man." He picks Beast up in a princess carry before rushing out of the building. 

"He's inside!" He announces to the police outside, not stopping as he moves across the street into an alleyway. 


  [Recognized: Robin B-01

In a flash on light, Robin, with Beast in arm, appears inside a zeta tube in the batcave. "Alfred! I need your help." He says, spotting Alfred at the Batcomputer. 

"Master Dick." Alfred's eyes widen, quickly standing up. "Place him here." He says walking towards an empty table. 

Placing Beast down carefully, Robin takes off his mask, concern in his eyes. 

"What happened to him?" Alfred asks, carefully examining Beast's body, only to spot nothing wrong, except for a burn scar on his right shoulder extending to cover half of his upper arm. 

"His whole body was burned by Firefly..." Dick replies, also seeing nothing wrong with Beast's body. "That scar... It's not supposed to be healed. He received it a few minutes ago during the fight..." He explains. 

"He's only unconscious at the moment. Let him get some rest, he'll explain when he wakes up." 


"Hah!" a Sweat covered Newt's eyes shoot open. Heavily breathing, his arms roam around his body. "What the hell..?" He mutters, feeling his body completely fine. His sight turns to his right shoulder.  'Turritopsis nutricula. a Small hydrozoan that can transfer its cells back to childhood.' He thinks, seeing the nasty burn completely healed.

Ignoring that for now, Newt turns to his surroundings. "My room? Haah..." He sighs, taking the blanket off of him before standing up, walking towards what was his superhero suit that lay folded on his chair. 


His mind drifts to what happened, before he shut his eyes and sighs. 'No matter what power I would've received, I was only a normal human previously. a Normal human in a normal world. So unless I adapt to this world quick, I won't be as lucky as I was... Fuck it. Let's see what Bruce and co. are up to.' He walks out of his room after getting dressed, only realizing he was in his underwear.


"Ugh!" Dick falls to the ground as Bruce stands in front of him, fists at the ready. 

"If I didn't know any better, I woulda thought that you're an abusive parent." 

Newt's playful voice attracts both people's attention as Bruce only grunts at the joke. "How are you feeling?" Bruce asks, walking towards the batcomputer. 

"Me? Twas but a scratch." Newt pats his chest with a mock accent, following behind Bruce with Dick in tow. 

Bruce nods silently as he starts typing at the computer before the screens show some weird science looking things. 

"Uhhh... What's that?" Newt asks after Bruce turned to him. 

"It's your cells, regenerating at rapid speeds." Bruce announces, staring into Newt's eyes. 

"Oh yeah... The ability that I got before becoming BBQ was extreme regeneration. It comes from an animal commonly known as the Immortal Jellyfish." Newt explains, not knowing where Bruce is going. "It's one hell of an ability." 

"Yes it is... Cause this was taken 2 hours after you came back from the fight." Bruce states, causing the duo of boys to widen their eyes. 

"Impossible..." Newt mutters, before his eyes widen, more than physically possible. "No, it is." 

Raising an eyebrow, Bruce gestures for Newt to explain. "How?" 

"So the information I received about the animal after taking the pill was: 'Turritopsis nutricula, a small hydrozoan that once reaching adulthood, can transfer its cells back to childhood.' This might be wrong, but I doubt it... I think when I received the pill, my 'childhood' started and the ability keeps regenerating\reverts back to it..." Newt expresses. 

"That means..." Dick mutters, his eyes locked onto Newt's body. 

"Yes... I have this ability forever... And most likely in a literal sense..." Newt sighs, not knowing what to think of all this. 

"What about your pills?" Bruce asks. "Would it still be effective while you already hold an ability?" 

Newt shrugs as he throws a pill into his mouth. "I would think so, seeing as how the pill activates dormant genes that's already been there." Newt speaks before clearing his throat. "So the regeneration wouldn't effect it." He says, his voice sounding exactly like Bruce's. 

"Awesome..." Dick mutters while Bruce stands up from his seat. 

"Now that that's sorted out, we need to sort out the fact that you screwed up." Bruce's menacing voice reaches Newt's ears, sending shivers down the latter's spine. "You will be receiving extensive training from both me and Dick for the next three months." He slowly steps closer and closer towards Newt while speaking. "During which, you will not be joining either of us in missions or patrols. Understood?" 


"Understood..." Newt's shaky voice replies.