
Chapter 18 : Cerulean gym [2nd gym]

The Cerulean Gym stood before me, its architectural elegance a testament to the city's aquatic beauty. The news about the original Gym Leader's passing had cast a shadow over the gym, but the Cerulean sisters, still young, were yet to take up the mantle.

In their absence, a seasoned senior Gym Trainer was tasked with overseeing challenges of this magnitude.

I sighed in wonder about the capacity of Major 8 gyms to casually raise multiple Indigo conference participants as their Trainers.

I stepped into the gym, the familiar scent of chlorine filling the air. The blue-tinted tiles beneath my feet seemed to resonate with the water-themed shows that were conducted here. The senior Gym Trainer, Blake, with a stern expression, welcomed me to the battlefield.

"Archer, right! Let's see if you live up to the hype," he declared, a twinge of excitement in his voice.

The rules were set for a 3v3 battle, and my heart raced with anticipation.

---Archer vs Blake----

The Cerulean Gym's battlefield- A pool shimmered in the sunlight as I faced off against the senior Gym Trainer.

The first opponent was a Staryu, a water Pokemon with a gem-like core radiating power to its star-shaped body.

"Eevee, show them the finesse of your moves. Start with Baby Doll Eyes to lower its attack!" I commanded, choosing my Normal-type companion as the lead.

Eevee danced gracefully, casting an enchanting gaze that softened the intensity of Staryu's attacks. The Staryu, affected by the status move, retaliated with a reluctant Water Pulse.

Eevee, with nimble footwork, playfully dodged the attack.

"Keep it up, Eevee! Use Double Team to create clones and confuse the Staryu!" I instructed, leveraging Eevee's speed and agility.

Eevee multiplied, the clones dancing around the battlefield. Staryu, struggling to identify the real Eevee, fired off water gun after water gun, each missing its mark.

"Now, Eevee, Quick Attack from the blind spot!" I called out, seizing the moment when Staryu was disoriented by the clones.

Eevee darted in from the back, striking Staryu with a Quick Attack. The surprise move caught Staryu off guard, and it reeled from the impact.

"Baton Pass, Eevee!" I shouted, and with a swift transition, Eevee's position behind Staryu was taken by Kleavor, who entered the battlefield under the Baton pass's effect.

"Fury Cutter, Kleavor!" I commanded, seizing the opportunity created by Eevee's strategy.

Kleavor's blades gleamed as it launched a rapid succession of slashes. The Staryu, surprised by Kleavor's sudden appearance, lost its composure, allowing the initial Fury Cutter to land.





But the twist came next – instead of dispersing the Bug energy, it continued to concentrate in Kleavor's blades.

The atmosphere crackled with energy as Kleavor unleashed the stored power in a devastating X-scissor. 


The concentrated Bug energy amplified the X-Scissor's impact, overwhelming the Staryu. The blades glowed with intensity as they sliced through the disoriented Staryu armour, sending it flying.

The Staryu despite the slash marks swam into the pool to recuperate and find a chance to retaliate.

It did retaliate by sending water pulses from the pool, but Kleavor agility jumped from one water board to another. Still, some of them hit due to the swift nature of the water pulse compared to the water gun.




I observed the famed regeneration of Staryu as the cracks in its armour healed. No wonder, it is a favourite to water specialities, it is like a tank with the body and capabilities of a warrior. But such healing comes with a cost, especially if it is not a Pokémon move, there is a massive consumption of stamina. So, it must conserve itself if it wants to continue in the battle.

As expected, Blake changed tactics by shouting, "Rapid spin, Staryu."

I had been waiting for this and immediately shouted out, "Stone Axe, Kleavor. Go all out in this move."

Unfortunately, this staryu while better than the Geodude in Pewter is not a truly trained Pokemon, because trained Pokemon can decide the right way with some guidance from the trainer.

Kleavor, without any input from me, waited patiently for the spinning Staryu to approach. I could see Blake shouting for Staryu to stop, but it was too late for the rapid spin to stop now.

Kleavor jumped high up towards the approaching Staryu, as the rock energy promoted the rocks to grow out of his armour. 

Under the cleave of his Stone Axe, the rocks were dragged with it into the Spinning staryu.


I watched as Staryu got slammed into the roof. I could see it trying to heal itself but the true scariness of Stone axe showed. The rock splinters were lodged into the wounds under the effect of the slash. Each further increases the wound, impairing any chance of healing and making him the perfect counter to tank-like Pokemon.

Soon Staryu entered the realms of dreams under these effects. 

The referee shouted out, "Kleavor is the winner in this round. Gym trainer Blake, please send the next Pokemon."

Using my Recall chance of the match, I took back Kleavor, who is affected by the water pulses and sent Slakoth out. Hoping that the pressure from a gym battle helps the lazy guy to evolve.

This is the reason that the slaking line is said to be born for battles.

The battlefield transformed as the second Pokémon emerged from Blake making my eyebrows twitch in irritation. Because in front of me is a behemoth that rivals a Slaking- a formidable Gyarados.

Its towering presence and fierce Leer left an undeniable impact on the minds of the spectators.

At least its fresh scales suggest it is a young one, not a veteran. 

"Isn't a Gyarados a bit much?" I remarked, unable to contain my surprise.

The senior Gym Trainer responded casually, "No gym inspector will complain about using him after seeing your Pokémon. Not to mention, the Gym must test the Trainer with equal strength. I am not that cuck Flint whose wife eloped somewhere. I am not depressed with my life to not have the common sense to send the stronger Pokémon to match your Pokémon."

My lips twitched at the senior trainer's audacity. In my mind, I could only say, "Big brother, that is a Gym leader. He is not someone you can insult as you wish."

Nevertheless, I accepted the challenge without further comment.

"Slakoth, let's show them our strength. Begin with Encore!" I commanded, choosing my normal type to face the imposing Gyarados.

[Encore: A normal type move that forces the opponent to use its previous move. 

Mechanism: Since the previous move leaves the muscles or nerves responsible for them to be more active. So, they are the ones activated under Encore, effectively forcing the opponent to repeat the same move.

Note: An attack can break its effects or after some time it will dispel on its own. Of course, if the target is strong in fortitude like Elites, then the best you can get is a moment of distraction.]

Slakoth, known for its relaxed demeanour, entered the battle with a surprising burst of energy. It unleashed an Encore, compelling Gyarados into a repetitive use of its Leer move.

The Gyarados, caught in the cycle, glared menacingly, its attempts at intimidation falling on deaf ears.

I snorted at this because I felt that compared to the Slaking, this Gyarados was nothing. I even have a slight suspicion he was captured recently rather than being raised as a Magikarp by Blake.

"Focus punch, Slakoth!" I followed up, capitalizing on Gyarados's repeated Leer.


I watched as my lazy guy came back to his former position but frowned as the encore lost its effect.

Blake immediately shouted for the right command, "Gyarados, dive into the water, He can't affect you if he can't see you," but I knew Gyarados wouldn't listen.

You would be surprised how many things a Breeder can find from a single look. In the same way, I know this wild Gyarados will disregard Blake's commands based on its species, its conditions and the right provocation that I have given. The encore made it look like a fool.

Gyarados irritated by the damage to its pride, followed its anger and instincts as expected. It charged a Hydro pump as the water-energy gathered in its mouth. I could only snort at the amateur mistake, of using a Heavy hitter move like this. Especially when the opponent is ready or when the move is not mastered enough to release instantly.

So, I had commanded Slakoth to disrupt the charge," My lazy friend, Uproar."


Slakoth's Uproar echoed through the arena, disrupting Gyarados's focus.

The water-type juggernaut roared in response, but Slakoth's relentless chaining continued with an encore.

Now if it is a normal Pokemon, it would have not attempted any move or attack, but we are talking about the Gyarados. Again, it tried to attack, but with the effects of the 2nd encore, it charged the Hydro pump. 

I saw for the first time Slakoth without any traces of laziness as it roared out another Uproar.

Encore, Gyrados getting angry and stupid, Uproar. Such a vicious cycle, that I believe that this Gyarados will remember for the rest of its life. Hopefully, it will be serious in its training to control its anger.

Looking back on these events, I realized that my Breeder skills combined with enough preparation made me feel like a puppet master controlling the show. I like this style of battle.


Finally, Blake's voice broke through the anger as Gyrados dived into the water, waiting patiently for Encore to resolve.

"Endure, Slakoth!" I instructed, preparing for the inevitable counterattack.

Gyarados, infuriated by the persistent Uproar, retaliated with a powerful Hydro Pump, charged and sent from underwater. Slakoth, however, endured the attack, displaying remarkable resilience known for his species line. Truly a line of Tank of the Tanks.

I then asked it to use, "Counter now. "

[Counter: When prepared before the attack hits, the energy of the opponent's attack can be stored in the body and used back as a fighting energy attack. Though, the best effect is seen from physical attacks.]

Slakoth used the stored power from the Hydro pump, under the move's effect it turned into thick fighting energy that made the muscles hidden in the fur of Slakoth, bulge out of the hiding.

Slakoth rose to its feet and jumped onto the Gyarados. Striking its head with all its power, slamming the exhausted Gyarados into the wall.

I immediately ordered Slakoth, "Buddy, Use Rest with this time."

I had no other choice, the move pool of Slakoth is tough to improve unless he becomes a Vigoroth. To my surprise, the Gyarados eyes are spiraling, signifying its defeat.

I couldn't help myself from blurting out, "Just like that?"

Blake snorted as he said, "Using stamina intensive move like Hydro pump once is enough to send some Pokemon into unconsciousness from sheer exhaustion. This little bitch itself is already talented enough to keep to the battlefield after wasting some much energy on failed Hydro pumps. At least, the bitch will listen to me from now on. Hopefully, it will stop fucking everything like a bitch now. So, Thanks for the defeat, I guess."

I could only awkwardly say, "You're welcome." While inwardly thinking this dude has no filter on his mouth.

As the battle concluded, Slakoth continued to use Rest, a move it learned with genuine interest and passion.

On second thought it says something about Slakoth that it already rivals Electabuzz in Rest usage. A move that Electabuzz had been training for years.

The battlefield shifted once again as Blake sent out his next Pokémon. This time the air grew cold and whistles or cheers from the crowd filled the space as the Pokémon that is synonymous with kindness across the world appeared- a Lapras.

The gentle yet rare Ice/water type emerged, creating ripples in the gym's pool. Lapras announced its presence using its blessed voice to carry out the move, "Sing".

Status moves are the kind that are determined by the talent of the user. Just like Eevee's charm move, This Lapras "Sing" is quite lethal to the sleepy Slakoth.

"Slakoth, come on. Keep yourself in control and use focus punch!" I commanded, hoping that the fighting energy moving its body would energize it enough to stave off the effects.

Slakoth, with a burst of energy, jumped onto the back of the singing Lapras and hit its head with the focus punch. Frankly speaking, It is funny as fuck to see. I could only say Slakoth is a true ape.


 The strike hit with such a force that the Head of the Lapras went underwater from the force like an Ostrich burying its head. But Slakoth is already asleep from the effects of the singing.

I change my words, Slakoth is a true lazy ape.

Blake in a very vicious tone said, "Lapras, your bitch was exhausted into defeat by the never-ending failure of Hydro pumps. Why don't you win a good night with this chance?"

I had haunting images from this sentence, especially considering my breeding knowledge. The male Lapras lifted its head out of the water, with a charged Hydro pump ready and turned towards its back, on which Slakoth was sleeping.




The Hydro pump directly pressured Slakoth through the numerous waterboards into the wall of the field.


As the dust cleared, I saw that Slakoth was bruised all over its body, exhausted from the injuries. 

Blake cursed out again, making me question if he is even allowed around kids, " Sing. Lapras, send the fur coat into Sleep again. Sing. Sing"

Hearing the Singing, my Slakoth eyes dropped for a second but as Blake's insult rang it opened its eyes in full focus. I smirked at that because my Slakoth is a proud descendant of an Elite King of his line. Such an insult rubs his lazy pride wrong.

I am thankful for Blake because the condition for Slakoth to evolve is met. Through his initiative, all his laziness is put aside by him and wants to fight.

 Slakoth, bathed in the change from the mindset, transformed. The evolution was a testament to leaving his sloth and picking up a never-ending Vigour. In the blink of an eye, Slakoth in a bright doze of light that made Lapras stop in its path, stood onto two feet and his hands grew strong and with a roar emerged Vigoroth.

His snow white fur coat with a red crown on top, His angry eyes looking at his opponent. His muscular limbs filled with energy jumping on the same spot. I am excited is the least impressive way to express my feelings now.

"Vigoroth, let's make Lapras Sing for us now!" I exclaimed, eager to see the payback. Vigoroth, with a smirk, used Encore again.

Lapras, unfortunately, started a good action melody. While it might sound stupid for me to say, that is what happened, I can't do anything about that.

"Vigoroth, fury swipes" Vigoroth hanged from the head of the singing Lapras and slashed at his face repeatedly until finally he closed one of his clawed hands into a fist and focused all his energy into a focus punch.

Unlike the before one, this Focus punch sent Lapras flying.

Vigoroth jumped up and down shouting, "VIGOR, VIGOROTH, VV"'

However, Lapras is different from Gyarados, It has enough self-control to rip the effects of Encore. It to my surprise had used Mist, freezing the pool.

Then in the next second, shards of Ice came from the icy fog. Vigoroth naturally jumped through the frozen pool with its acrobatic nature like a Tarzan, hanging on to different ice spikes.

Blake shouted towards Vigoroth, "Hey, Ape."

Vigoroth gave a glance at Blake while dodging who shouted out, "Goodbye."

Releasing the icy nature of the pool, I shouted to my Pokemon, "Endure now."

But it was too late as the ice beam tore the mist to arrive on Vigoroth making him roar out in pain.





As the move finally dispersed, the ice broke out to reveal my Pokemon with various stages of frostbite, standing on his last legs.

Vigoroth gave me a single look as I took out the Pokeball. I nodded at him, and called out his intention, "Reversal, Vigoroth!"

In a display of sheer determination, Vigoroth unleashed its newly learned move, Reversal.

The move is tailored for situations when a Pokémon is on its last legs. Each wound, each pain leaked out fighting energy in droves that leaked onto his body. Forming like a dense cloak of red energy with only the shape of Vigoroth and his red eyes shining through.

 I am sure I heard some gulps in the background but it doesn't matter.

I heard Blake shouting out, "Shit, Blizarrd now." But It doesn't matter.

Vigoroth ran towards Lapras crushing everything in its path like a bulldozer and kept slamming rounds of punches and kicks that made tremors spread from the impact.


I could see the cracks on the frozen pool getting increased in tandem with the tremors.

Finally, the frozen pool and Vigoroth burst out with everything.


As the pieces of ice floated up along with them came two floating Pokemon, injured but still surviving Lapras, who I saw using Life Dew to heal itself. The other floating Pokemon is my unconscious Vigoroth, who had a snarl on his despite his state.

The relentless battles had certainly taken a toll on Vigoroth, and its valiant efforts ended in defeat.

I returned him to Pokeball and said my piece, "You are incredible Vigoroth, this evolution is just a start for you. In this stage, you can easily learn countless moves and skills. After I saw you today, I realized something. Believe me on this, I can see you to be the one in future, who can rise to the task of challenging Electabuzz for the Ace position."

The shake of two Pokeballs gave me they heard my words well. Good.

In Vigoroth's stead, I chose to send out Eevee once again, confident in its ability to execute the successful strategy against the battered Lapras.


The referee looked at both sides and shouted out, "Resume the battle."

Eevee, true to its finesse, initiated the Charm, aiming to make the Lapras fall in Love. She cutesily gave a kiss and wink to the Lapras, mewing up some words. I could see the fairy energy forming a heart symbol in Lapras's eyes. Showing its effectiveness.

Feeling vindicative, I asked Eevee, "I want to see that Lapras singing."

Eevee always wanting to play just wagged her tail. 

Love is dangerous, not because it makes one blind. No, sir. Even if you are blind, you can rely on other senses. Love is dangerous because it offers everything about yourself to the target of your love.

That's the case with battered and exhausted Lapras, who is easily susceptible to status moves now. With a request from Eevee with her Baby doll eyes

Lapras stopped using the Life Dew and completed the request by giving such wondrous melodies.

But Blake as a trainer, came to save you by cursing out, "You pig, did you forget the bitch who is in love with you? Sure, she may sleep around but at the end of the day, she loves you. Are you so cruel?"

True love is even more dangerous as the Lapras came out of the effect with a jolt. I just wonder in my mind whether all Lapras are gentle and kind enough to forgive such a joke just for their love. Then I can understand, why the Lapras are on the verge of extinction despite their battle strength.

Eevee snorted and used a move; she learned it out of curiosity, but it seemed fitting in this battle. I shouted out the move for my opponents, "Encore."

Then once more in the battle, Lapras begin his repetitive use of Sing moves.

Both Evee and Slakoth reminded me again that Pokemon have their moves. Of course, all this is because my opponents are rookies, if they were Elite Pokémon, the best I could have is a moment of distraction.

Eevee showcased its agility, gracefully leaping from one floating pad to another using quick attack. In a seamless transition, it executed a Baton Pass, passing its current position to Kleavor.

The Rock/Bug-type Pokémon emerged, blades gleaming as it prepared to strike with Stone Axe.




Under the effects of Stone Axe, Lapras might as well be done considering healing itself is no longer an option for it.

However, Lapras wasn't one to be underestimated. With remarkable will, it retaliated, unleashing a perish song at the last minute, since the encore effect disappeared from the attack. Kleavor valiantly executed the X-Scissor, but the perish song took Kleavor with him.

[Perish song: An end-game move that directly puts the target in deep slumber, the defeated state with spiral eyes. 

There are sayings that if enough Pokemon use Perish song at the same time, the target will die.]

I couldn't help but say out loud, "I hate these self-destructive moves or endgames."

I returned Kleavor to the pokeball praising him, "You did well, Kleavor. I am sure no one can do anything about those ridiculous moves in your state."

But the Battle ended with me being the winner because my Evee jumped up and down in front of the cheers of the crowd.


Blake, the senior Gym Trainer, graciously hands over the Cascade Badge with a sincere "Congratulations," despite his defeat.

Fresh from my victory at the Cascade Gym, I find myself not only celebrating the acquisition of the Cascade Badge but also unexpectedly stumbling upon a new opportunity.

I soon saw him bringing the papers for Video share to the media. I was happy at this sight since I thought I lost an income without a gym leader existing currently.

I happily signed the papers; I even saw Blake had a share since he is a participant in the video too. 

I am sure he has trouble with his reputation or official records because he refrained from using his team during the battle. So, winning or losing wasn't a concern for him, but the pay could.

No wonder, Gym trainer is sought after. Just these shares from the video are a huge income for the average trainer, not to mention the other benefits like Training regime, Pokemon Storage and personal Breeder.

Of course, the main condition is that trainer must be a water-type Specialist.