
Chapter 1. A New Start

He could feel the light of the sun hitting his face, jolting him awake.


Luke looked around in panic for a moment, but then he remembered what happened.


"Was I actually sent to the Pokemon world?"


As if answering his question, a strange animal popped up in front of him. It was a worm-like creature, mainly green with a tan underside. Just below its head are four tiny legs. On top of it's head is a red, y-shaped antenna.


"A caterpie? Well, that confirms it. My Pokemon adventure wasn't a scam." he chuckled.


Luke noticed that he had a backpack beside him. It had a simple design, and it was completely black.


He picked up the backpack, then looked inside. Inside of it he found a piece of paper, with something written on it.


It read:

"I you are reading this, it means you've arrived well.


This bag functions as a spatial storage, with seemingly infinite space inside of it—don't try to test it—which only you can use. You can store anything inside, as long as it fits through the backpack.


To take something out, you only have to think about what it is that you want, and pull it out. It will manifest inside the bag for you to retrieve it.


I left you 5 pokeballs, an id, a phone, and a wallet with some money for you to have something to start with. I also left you a pokeball with your starter.


Consider this stuff our parting gift, and the last help I'll give you.


Oh, and the catch was this: You are not allowed to catch any pokemon that doesn't get the flying type. If you try to you will fail miserably; if you keep trying I'll off you myself.


I wish you do great things.



The instant he finished reading the message, the paper vanished from existence.


"Aion, huh? I suppose that should be the being that I met." Luke looked up to the sky. "Wherever you may be, thank you. I will cherish this opportunity you've given me."


Despite the handicap the he has been given, and the explicit threat if he tried testing it, his feelings towards the strange being are ones of gratitude.


His life was about to end, but now it's not. He has been given the chance to do things he could've never imagined doing before.


'I should check what Pokemon I got.'


Luke put his hand inside the bag, and imagined a pokeball with a pokemon in it. He could feel a round-shaped object in his hand, which he took out. It was a normal pokeball, except for the wings design on top of the button.


He pointed it in front of him, and called out for his first pokemon.


"Come out, partner."


The pokeball opened, and a creature came out of it.


The creature has a blue serpentine body and a white underside. It has white, three-pronged fins on the sides of its head and a white bump on its forehead, which is its horn growing. Above its round, white snout are oval, purple eyes, which looked with curiosity at Luke.


"A Dratini?" Luke was surprised upon seeing this pokemon. He wasn't sure what to expect when it came to his starter—considering how many flying pokemon there are—but it seemed that he got a good one.


'It does counts as a flying type in its last stage.'


Dratini let out a cry, and it approached him without reservations.


"Hey, little guy. Nice to meet you, I'm Luke. I will be your trainer from now on, is that fine with you?"


Dratini cocked its head to the side, then it nodded twice.


"Great! I hope we can do great things together, buddy."


Luke rubbed Dratini's head, who seemed to like it.


'I should check the other stuff as well.'


He put his hand inside the bag, and this time tried to take out his ID. The process was the same as with the pokeball.


His ID card was just like he expected it to be—similar to the one in his old life.


Then, he checked the wallet. It had 50000 pokedollars on it. Luke wasn't sure how the economy worked in this world, but he hoped it would last him for a while.


"Well," he looked at Dratini. "Let's get going, shall we?"


Dratini cried in agreement.


Luke pointed the pokeball at Dratini.


"Dratini, come back."


The pokeball opened and Dratini was suctioned inside of it.


He looked at the pokeball in his hands. "This feels surreal. I wonder how 10 years old me would've have felt?"


Despite adapting to the situation fast, the truth is that to him, this still feels as if it were some kind of fever dream that he will wake up from at any minute.


Luke took out the phone from his bag, and turned it on. It had a few apps on it. It had a pokedex app, a maps one, and a internet browser one.


'Quite barebones, thankfully.'

First, he checked the pokedex app. There were six pokeballs icons, with Dratini on the first of them. 

He clicked it, opening a new window. It had information about Dratini. 

'It has four moves. Leer, Wrap, Twister, and... Oh? Aqua Jet? That's a nice one.'

Luke pressed the home button, then he opened the maps app, wanting to know where he was,


'Huh, it seems I'm at the outskirts of Viridian City. Now I know where to go.'


Luke picked up his bag, and headed in direction towards Viridian City.


He walked through the forest, a feeling of awe rising within him. In his past life he wasn't much of a nature kind of person, but even he can appreciate the beauty of it.


The winds moved the leaves, and the birds chirped.


'Birds chirping?'


Luke immediately became alert. In this world, birds shouldn't be something he can just ignore. Who knows what pokemon it'll be?


He started walking slowly, looking around in search of any traces. Soon, he found them.


There was a Pidgey on the ground. It was eating what seemed like a kind of berry.


At that moment, an instinct came over Luke's decision making.


'I want to catch it'


There was no logic behind his train of thoughts, only a childlike desire to do something fun.


Before the Pidgey could become aware of his presence, he took out Dratini's pokeball.


"Let's do it, partner." Luke smiled.


Dratini came out of the pokeball, crying out, ready for whatever his trainer needed him to do.


The Pidgey became startled upon noticing their presence. But before it could take off, Luke and Dratini made their first move.

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