

I am Kalem, I had a common dream, a dream to become a Pokemon master, a dream to travel and adventure out through different regions. But that dream was crushed and destroyed... After hearing the news about the death of my parents, I started to lose interest on becoming a Pokemon Master. I was adopted by an orphanage, there I met two persons who would soon become my best friend. Them, together with the headmaster helped restored my dream to become a Pokemon Master, and that was when I knew that my Parents were alive. So me, together with my two friends travelled across the land finding clues and mysteries about my parents. As I travelled to seek for my parents, me and my friends saw something we would never forget... A prophecy, a prophecy that was about to be full filled, that prophecy had something to do with my parents.

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217 Chs

EPISODE 157: Laurenburgian Sea Monster!

<Tun... tun... nun... nun... nun...>The bell sounded loudly.

"Your Pokemons are in perfect condition!" Nurse Joy smirked as she handed over our Pokemons.

<Aud... Audino!>The Pokemon smiled as well as she leaped with joy.

7:00 in the evening, the moon gleamed blissfully and gracefully with her tiddly children. The night was young indeed, as the breeze touched the trees and the rustling grass. Street lights gave a luminous color throughout the streets, while the church bell rang, a symbol of twilight, and a symbol that tells people it's time for dinner.

Aulmurus is famous for its old structures and buildings such as churches, barracks, walls, and temples. People preserved these structures so its history would forever be remembered. Aside from being the most protected city, Aulmurus lies beside a sea. The Uno-Laura sea is one of the greatest seas of this region. This sea serves as a passageway from the Unova region to the Laurenburg region.

"Help me! Help me!" A fine-looking old man rushed inside the Pokemon Center while holding his Pokemon. His sweat was cold, and his eyes were wide opened. His body shivered with fear after the incident he experienced in the sea.

"Oh dear, what happened?" Nurse Joy questioned with shock as she grabbed the fainted Pokemon.

"It's true... it's true, the monster of the sea is real!" The old man exaggerated and tried to explain his experience in the sea.

His words caught Camellia's attention. Aside from being a girl with hopes to become a Pokemon Professor one day, Camellia also loves to read about Pokemon Mythology. Everybody was laughing at the old man, they didn't believe every word he said.

"That myth is old! There's no such thing!" One man shouted and laughed while eating his sandwich.

"It's true I tell ya! I saw it with my own eyes, the beast caused a large hurricane and blew my Vaporeon away." The old man uttered with conviction as the people surrounding him began to laugh even louder.

The old man left the Pokemon center with his Vaporeon. His feelings were crushed after the people laughed at his silly jokes. Me and my friends, however, were convinced and entertained about the story. We decided to rush out of the Pokemon Center to find the old man.

"Excuse me! Excuse me!" Camellia rushed with sparkles on her eyes and called the old man from the distance.

"Oh, what are ya doin' here young lads." The old man looked behind with his Vaporeon and spoke with his pirate accent.

"Hi Mr! My name is Camellia, and these are my friends Kalem and Glade." Camellia leaned forwards and introduced, she was eager to know more about the myth.

"Oi, fine-looking Pokemons ya got there lads. The name's Captain Smith." The old man introduced himself and rubbed our heads.

"So Captain Smith, we were wondering about the monster you were talking about a while ago. Can you tell us more about it?" Camellia beamed with enthusiasm.

"Sea monster eigh? How can a bunch of lads be interested in Laurenburgian folklore?" Captain Smith questioned softly as he squints his eyes and observed all of us.

"Please Captain Smith! Tell us more about the sea monster!" me and Glade beamed with enthusiasm and excitement.

"Haha! Alright, if ya lads interested then why not!" Captain Smith giggled and laughed.

"A long time ago, after the death and murder of King Fredhart on the peak of Mount Alympus, the war which sparked on the kingdom suddenly stopped.

Rivals became friends, and friends became allies. The kingdom of Aulmurus was fortified once more, but one mystery still unsolved, the mystery of King Fredhart. The people began to wonder why the king and his twelve knights haven't returned yet, as years passed by, the kingdom of Aulmurus had no king to follow.

Two months followed those years, and the king was declared dead. A new king arose by the name of King Darwin. A feisty man with a long brown beard, the new king pursues to fix the walls and structures crippled down by the war, new laws were implemented and the kingdom gained new allies.

For more than six years, the kingdom of Aulmurus was prosperous once more. Until some of his men brought a crazy old fisherman. Two of the king's guards dragged the old man to the throne. This old man had a very long beard with broken teeth, just by his looks he looked like a crazy and retarded person. The knights protecting the king and his throne pointed their sword at the crazy old man.

"Sire, this old man has been willing to speak in front of you. He's a retarded person, so I suggest that we burn him." One of the knights suggested. People back then used to burn retarded and crazy people who caused panic and havoc throughout the city.

"Alright... let the man speak." King Darwin instructed and ordered his knights to put away their swords.

"Your majesty... My name is Fowler, and I am an old man kicked out of my kingdom. I've been traveling for weeks and days now, with no money to spare. My stomach growls with pain, and all I ask is food and water from you." Fowler bowed down to the king and begged for food and water.

"Sire, if we give him food and a cup of water, the upcoming festival would lack food and drinks. Every citizen has been counted, the food is for the people and not outsiders like him." One of the knights warned.

"I am sorry Fowler, but our kingdom is having a festival tomorrow. Every citizen has been counted, so the amount of food and drinks is exact. Go and find a new kingdom, and beg from them." The king suggested.

"But your majesty, my legs are unable to carry me anymore. Please show pity and compassion." Fowler begged.

"You are a lazy old man! Those who want to eat must work hard for it, rest then travel again can't you!?" King Darwin raised his tone.

"And you are one selfish king with selfish guards! All I beg is food and water and you had none to spare!" The old man stood up and angered at the king.

"You dare speak to me like that!? Know who you're speaking against the old man! Guards, capture him and throw him to the dungeon, his retard mind is unbearable!" The King angered and stood up as his knights charged towards Fowler.

Fowler stood up from the ground as his body began to glow. Everybody was put unto a halt as Fowler turned younger than before.

"I am Fowler, the aquatic sage of the seven sages of Laurenburg! You are a disgrace to your kingdom, you do not deserve to be king! You show no empathy to outsiders like me, therefore I cast a curse upon you and this land!" Fowler raged with frustration as a tall staff formed from the left of his hand.

"Have Mercy!" The king knelt and begged. The seven sages are a group of powerful wizards which govern the region, but that is a story for another time.

"Liepard, use Dark Pulse!"

"Sudowoodo, use Rock tomb!"

The knights began to attack Fowler with their Pokemons, but Fowler's power was able to disrupt all their attacks.

"For your greediness and selfishness, I shall cast a spell upon the seas of this kingdom! From now on, until the end of time, a beast shall govern the ocean, hunting and killing down fishermen and knights sailing across the sea.

Let the beast be a symbol of how selfish you and your men are!" Fowler shouted and transformed into a a Poliwrath. He left the kingdom with rage and anger.

The king got scared as two men suddenly rushed towards him with fear and worry two hours later.

"Sire, a strange beast gobbled six of our ships. It was blue, long, and fierce. It could fly, and swim. Its mouth was larger than any of our ships!" One of the men reported.

From there on out, the people got worried. Thousands of ships tried to battle against the beast, but all of them have drowned. For years, the king prohibited sailing across the sea of Uno-Laura.

As time passed by, the harbor was removed and people forgot about the raging beast. When King Darwin died, his body turned into water and was absorbed by the earthly soil. The next kings decided to open the harbor again, and from there... the beast was never seen again until now! The old people during that time were the last ones to recall about the beast. The other generations didn't believe the old generations about the beast, for it was never seen again, that's why the people made it a myth. I saw the beast with my two eyes, and it fits the description in the myth!" Captain Smith explained with conviction as Camellia got eager to know more about the beast of the seas.

"Captain Smith! Why don't we find the beast!?" Camellia suggested while writing down every explanation of the myth.

"Eh, if you lads are that eager, then let's go meet that beast!" Captain Smith beamed with determination.

"Beast hunting!? I'm excited!" Glade beamed with exuberance.

"What do you say Riolu? Let's join in the fun!" I suggested while playing with Riolu's chin.

"I'm all set!" Riolu beamed with excitement and hopped to my shoulder.

"It's settled then! I'll meet you in the harbor tomorrow lads! Sleep early, for the quest to find the beast of the seas starts early in the morning!" Captain Smith beamed with excitement and determination.