
Pokemon :Rise to the champion

A genius scientist who is a big fan of pokemon knows his way around pokemon anime and games dies and meets a goddess who gives him the choice of reincarnation and three wishes. -An mc who isn't an ash follower and someone who doesn't simp over anyone -Mc who tries everything in order to win . -Rivals who are good and no pushover elite-4 -A mc who has a weak start but develops over time -Good pokemon battle unlike 'collecting girls' -Mc who is good and acts up to his role after the second memory fragment We've all read Pokemon fanfics at one time or another. Most are downright boring, predictable, and riddled with plot holes... And this isn't like any of them... The mc won't have some unrealistic love or nonsense relations every character has some bonding time to develop relationships The mc is smart and rational, expect something unpredictable from him from time to time. He may act immature in the start but that gets over quick

latheef_shaik · Cómic
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50 Chs

Chapter-2 :journey begins

Kenta POV

TTomorrow is the day I receive my starter, pokemon I should sleep early if I wanted to prepare myself for tomorrow session, and wake up early to receive my starter pokemon

I dreamt about being the champion of the world, capturing a lot of pokemon, visiting a lot of places, and making a lot of allies. Time to turn my dreams into reality.

Soon the alarm rang and I woke up at 7 am. I should go to Oak's lab at 9 am. I have two hours let's chat with Magneton for a few minutes. I make sure to pick the Pokemon egg I won.

"[ young master, do you wish me to accompany you on your journey]"Magneton asked me eagerly to travel with me on my journey

oh, by the way, I can talk to Pokemon. I got it from my wish. Only I can understand them and listen to their voices

"No magneton, you should be in the home watching my parents, there is a chance they might be in danger, you should be there to protect them"I replied to him calmly about the situation

"[I will protect them with my life, wait young master take this silver phone with you. You can communicate with me.I have inserted my number in this phone]"Magneton told me

"[with this phone, you can contact me, you can also speak to your parents this way, may Arceus be with you in your travels]"Magneton told me

whatever, with that phone that I am traveling my way towards the oak's lab

"hello Kenta, you are early here, you still have one hour before you can visit here," He said to me questioning why I came earlier

" I want to play with some pokemon," I said to him

Ever since I have been reincarnated into this pokemon world. I have been influenced by my body and I formed some childish behaviors inside me.

Hopefully, I will become more mature when I meet some adults. Staying with the kids in pallet town and the adults treated me like a kid.

Those who said reincarnations will behave like adults when they are reincarnated are wrong

with that, I went to oak's pokemon land as I called it, and began spending my time with the pokemon there

oh! I didn't mention it right, I played with all pokemon here since I was a child, I wrestled with the fighting types, swam with water pokemon, played hide and seek with many pokemon here, we also played tag and rock packer scissors,

At first, I lost at all of them, soon I trained in all of them one by one and began winning all of them slowly, it may be a little bit of work but it's honest work, after all, even I can't become a trainer at such a young age, so I have no choice but to play with pokemon

I began to reminisce my time with pokemon here, every type formed an opinion about me, the fighting type viewed me as a pupil, the flying types viewed me as a strong child, supposedly the flying respect strong people, electric types saw me as an energetic kid, the water types watched me in awe as they saw me as a merman, The Gyarados respected me as a brave person since not many people are brave enough to stand the sight of Gyarados for a long time, Psychic pokemon taught me a basic idea about psychic energy and aura, supposedly I am neither old nor strong enough yet to use psychic skills since I am not born with psychic skills as Sabrina, now I am more interested to meet her, well about Snorlax he formed an opinion of me as food maker, supposedly the Snorlax is in love with the food I give him than myself

I wanted to reminisce about my time more, but Oak called me to give me my starter pokemon. I went inside the lab there are three more figures, the arrogant Gary oak, shy leaf, and the outgoing pyro with a yellow shirt and black jeans and white goggles

" Yo, Kenta can you believe it, WE ARE GETTING OUR POKEMON, WE CAN GO ON OUR POKEMON JOURNEY" Pyro screamed in enjoyment. Typical pyro

"k-Kenta we c-can choose our o-own p-pokemon into-our t-travels," Leaf said with her usual shy voice

To be fair I can't help but feel there is something off with her

" This time I am gonna show that Gary oak is the better one Kenny boy," Gary said with his usual arrogant voice

Gary pointed with an arrogant tone and pointed his finger towards me. I guess he really became more arrogant and rude when I took the spotlight.

Well, I am planning to fix my name in the world. So he is not wrong about me taking the spotlight.

" Woah, Chillout dude we are competitors, not enemies, we battle with our pokemon" pyro said trying to calm down the tension

"y-yeah fighting a-among o-ourselves is bad, "Leaf said trying her best to calm herself.

"HMPH" Gary said being Gary

"okay time to give your starter pokemon, Kenta you go first, Gary next, then a leaf, and finally pyro gets an Eevee"Professor oak said

" why it's always him that gets first place," Gary said exclaiming his major problem with me

" he scored highest in pokemon school Gary, learn to respect your peers, at least you get to choose second"Professor oak said with disapproval

So even in this world marks are everything right.

" fine, I better get whatever pokemon I wanted, "Gary said as he wanted to pick up a Squirtle

Without any wastage of further time, I chose Charmander as my starter pokemon.

The harder pokemon to raise but the one with the most potential.An expert's choice of starter pokemon

system-view Charmander stats

Charmander - potential - exceptional


ability: Blaze


Level -5

HP - 23

Attack - 16

Defense - 13

Special attack - 20 Special defense-14

Speed - 17

Moveset: Scratch, growl, ember, smokescreen, fury swipes

Woah this Charmander is really good at what he does

" haha you picked out Charmander, huh, then I picked up Squirtle, I have a type advantage over you, now I can defeat you finally," Gary said picking up the Pokeball that has Squirtle.

I don't know if he picked Squirtle to get an advantage over or if it's his own choice. Is he really going to that lengths to defeat me?

"b-Bulbasaur let's be f-friends okay, "Leaf said taking with her starter pokemon Bulbasaur

It feels like she picked up the trash Gary and I left. No offense to Bulbasaur but it doesn't have the potential a starter pokemon should have

Well, it's not like the trainers who pick Bulbasaur are bad but they should have a good party and they should put some extra effort into pokemon training.

There are no wrong picks in life. It's all about making things easier. Well if you want to do the hard part, it's not bad. It's your choice but you will waste your energy on it.

Well Everyone has different ideas and I respect them for it.

" oh you picked out Charmander, huh, they are difficult to raise but they are strong in the long run, take the Pokedex, which is filled with information about pokemon, and take these 5 pokeballs, you can purchase more balls in poke mart, also you can use the switch to change your pokemon if the pokemon limit exceeds 6. Also, you can use tms so that your pokemon can learn new moves. But they will break once you use them"Professor oak said describing the details

With that explanation, I began moving towards route one, meanwhile, Gary stopped me

"Hold it right there, let's battle now since we have pokemon, "Gary said eagerly for a pokemon battle

"I will prove I am better than you now. " Gary said with a smug smile

"go out Squirtle," Gary said releasing his Squirtle

So he is not giving me an option here. Well, I should be ready for my first ever pokemon battle.

" Go Charmander, "I said releasing my Charmander.

they both entered their battle position

" Charmander use smokescreen" I ordered Charmander

Charmander used a smokescreen to reduce Squirtle's accuracy and visibility

"Squirtle use bubble" Gary ordered Squirtle.

unfortunately due to smokescreen obstructing Squirtle's vision, Squirtle's attack missed

" Charmander use scratch, "I told Charmander realizing ember won't be effective on a water type

Charmander quickly slashed the confused Squirtle, critical hit

"Charmander use smokescreen again"

"Squirtle escape from it," Gary said, trying to escape the same plight he had earlier.

Squirtle escape the smokescreen in a pinch but unfortunately, it came closer to Charmander

" Charmander use fury swipes, "I told Charmander, internally happy with Gary's beginner's mistake.

The only way to win effectively in this battle is to believe in Gary's mistakes.

I wonder how the battle would be if my rival was Blue. I think I would've lost If Blue used his pokemon well.

It's very hard to win against the pokemon who are at similar strength as your pokemon but the opposing pokemon has the type advantage

Charmander used fury swipes to repeatedly slash Squirtle, Squirtle is on low health it activated torrent ability

" Squirtle use bubble," Gary said desperately

"Charmander counters it with embers, "I told Charmander.

unfortunately, Charmander is close to Squirtle so it can't use scratch or dodge in time so the only thing left for him is to counter it with ember and hope so Charmander survives the exchanges or knocks Squirtle, with ember and bubble mixing a blast is made up creating a small explosion soon it fades to reveal that Squirtle is faded out and Charmander is somewhat damaged by the burst


sigh the system has only the pokemon description function now. I think the stupid goddess sealed it.

Charmander leveled up

Charmander - potential - exceptional


ability: Blaze


Level -6

HP - 26

Attack - 18

Defense - 15

Special attack - 24

special defense-18

Speed - 23

Moveset: Scratch, growl, ember, smokescreen, fury swipes, tail whip

"No way, how did I lose, I HAD THE TYPE ADVANTAGE," Gary said using the logic of the games he had played

"You need to coordinate with your pokemon more Gary. Having a type advantage doesn't make you win badges, you need to raise your pokemon too in order to become a pokemon master "Professor Oak said, making Gary realize that real pokemon battles are indeed different from the games he had played.

Gary angrily storms out of the lab

" I w-want to battle you too Kenta, "Leaf said with her shy determination that she wanted to battle with me.

I accepted her challenge with a nod. It will be very quick and easy. I have the advantage over her pokemon and her pokemon is Bulbasaur. But I don't label it as a victory rather it is a battle with me having high odds.

"go B-Bulbasaur"Leaf replied shyly panicking about her battle

" go Charmander, use ember, "I said with a monotone expression.

" No Bulbasaur, oh no Bulbasaur what should I do Bulbasaurcan'thandleflamessheisgonnaburnedIamgonnaembrassmyself"Leaf said in an incomprehension tone which normal humans can't understand.

Leaf fidgeted in panic, unable to command Bulbasaur, Charmander's ember hit Bulbasaur, with blaze, and that level up Bulbasaur is knocked out with one move and fainted

Charmander leveled up

Charmander - potential - exceptional


ability: Blaze


Level -7

HP - 28

Attack - 21

Defense - 17

Special attack - 27

Special defense-20

Speed - 26

Moveset: Scratch, growl, ember, smokescreen, fury swipes, tail whip

" B-Bulbasaur. I-I am a pathetic trainer" Leaf said with teary eyes.

Soon, leaf returned Bulbasaur to her Pokeball and ran away from the lab crying, ah good I have a bad relationship with two people now

"don't worry about her Kenta, it's not your fault, you know, let's battle, "Pyro said asking me to battle.

"Go Eevee, use your helping hand, "Pyro said without any realization.

It does nothing. Oak fell down in shame. I didn't understand his plan at all.

"Charmander, ember" I replied with a single monotone voice

Charmander's ember attack hit Eevee, Eevee is in bad shape

" helping hand is used in double battles, not single battles pyro" Oak replied with a sweatdrop. He never expected a trainer to use the move in single battles.

"Sorry, sorry I don't know, "Pyro said apologizing and he left his concentration on the battle.

Seriously, this guy. He is giving me Valt Aoi and Tyson vibes from Beyblade. Well let's stop thinking about fictional words for now

No one knows what is going on in Pyro's mind. I guess he can surprise anyone. Well let's ignore how pyro battles for now

"Eevee use quick attack," Pyro said with usual determination

" counter it with fury swipes Charmander"I told Charmander to finish Eevee off

both attacks connected with Charmander winning the exchange and knocking off Eevee, soon Eevee fainted from the damage Charmander had dealt it

" No Eevee, I guess you are the better trainer, I am gonna raise Eevee even stronger than now and become a champion, watch me, my friend," He said with his determination.

Charmander leveled up

Charmander - potential - exceptional


ability: Blaze


Level -8

HP - 30

Attack - 24

Defense - 19

Special attack - 30 special defense-23

Speed - 29

moveset: scratch, growl, ember, smokescreen, fury swipes, tail whip

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