
Pokemon: Reborn as Ash and Predator crossover

Trigger Warning: Death, murder, stalking, gore. If you hate reading about any of these, steer clear! Steer Clear! Out in the final frontier the Rayquaza clan was furious and battling a group of unwanted visitors. They managed to chase away most of the spaceships but three smaller pods broke off from the main ship and entered the planet's atmosphere. The trainers were minding their own business and journeying through the regions with their Pokemon. Unfortunately for them a new player has entered the game. How will Ash and his friends deal with being stalked and hunted by alien hunters? I have seen very few crossovers based on Pokemon and Predators. Hope you all enjoy my rendition. XD

Ellora25 · Película
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15 Chs

Predator - Back to PokeEarth

Yagouti pov:

My name is Yagouti, I have been alive for twenty solar cycles and in all my life I have never met anyone more contradictory then Trevenant. The first time I met the strange plant like creature I felt a strange shiver go down my spine that made me wary of the creature. It was not just me but every other Elder Yautja who eyed the plant being warily but hid it behind polite greetings. The last thing they wanted to do was to insult the young Nrak'ytara who was obviously proud of raising the being. It was after a few days they realized why they felt wary of Trevenant who turns out was part ghost. The first few days of learning the fact had most of them keeping a distance between them and the being which amused Ash.

Maa'kui her personal mentor had taken that opportunity to push Yagouti to get closer to the being if possible. It was not just her mentor but others too, as Yautja warriors, they always danced with death and to have an embodiment of death walk around them was mind boggling. Yagouti was just very relieved when Nrak'ytara Ash simply accepted their presence without much fuss and invited them to train. Despite her many reservations about the new mates that Raai'kiel and Urrr'kiel had chosen she was happy to learn new methods. Trevenant did still made her feel wary from time to time but that was because he was part Death, an entity they respected and feared.

Yagouti pov end!

Yagouti, "Nrak'ytara Ash, I got the file you requested."

Ash smiled, "Thank Yagouti and just call me Ash, you are a full blooded warrior now."

Lucario, 'That's impossible Meema.'

Yagouti shook her head, "Once a Nark'ytara always a Nark'ytara. I call you that not just out of respect but also out of familiarity."

Ash huffed amused looking at the file, "Fine! Do as you wish. Ah! These items are ready then, good, good. We can move forward with the plans."

Lucario, -I only hope your family and friends have not done anything crazy while you were gone, Meema.-

Ash paused then sighed, "I would not be surprised actually. I just hope mom is doing well. She must be distraught."

Yagouti watched him as he walked away to talk to one of the engineers who was going to help build a personal ship for him and his family. Yagouti followed them as they were heading in the same direction before breaking away from them and heading to her post. There she met up with one of her fellow pod mates that she grew up with and had a rivalry that Ash encouraged. The Nrak'ytara had explained that having a rival was not a bad thing as long as she kept her priorities and took her responsibilities separated. A good rival could push her to become stronger and better faster than any teacher could.

Gaa'ruk pov:

I nodded in respect and greeting at Yagouti who joined me at the high security out post next to the ship dock. I have known the female Yautja since podhood and we grew up challenging each other to matches and fights till they had to pick personal mentors that decreased the challenges. When I had heard she had started learning under the ooman Nrak'ytara I will be honest, I was very skeptical. As someone who belonged to the same pod we were close to taking the final test to becoming full blooded Yautja. We did not need a Nark'ytara to baby us and hold our hand, but even then I was a little envious she got a Nark'ytara to care for her even after growing up.

Gaa'ruk, "Ship §45® to dock 698."

Haaom'bark a dark blue armoured Yautja grumbled, "Are they cutting in line again?"

Gaa'ruk, "Yes, I am sending a group to deal with it."

Yagouti, "Some fools never learn."

Haaom'bark, "Sadly."

Gaa'ruk, "This group has done this more than once. I am considering charging them next time."

Yagouti, "Do it!"

Haaom'bark, "We have given them more than three chances I believe."

Mar'kuh pov:

I, Mar'kuh has lived for a relatively long time compared to many Yautja who have died early in their hunts. I have personally guided and mentored many young cubs during my time raising them to become proud Yautja warriors. That was before he decided to focus on his own career as the oomans say and started to rise up in his position as a respectable Elder. When Raai'kiel and Urrr'kiel had returned to Yautja Prime with the two oomans, I was not sure what to think of the beings. The two oomans and their Pokemon were not scared of them at all which was either foolish or naivety in my opinion.

Of course they proved me wrong on that front. Those two were neither naive nor were they ignorant of their surroundings. No, they were very much aware of what was going on around them and despite being the weaker being they found a way to raise powerful creatures like the Pokemon. I will admit I was and still am envious of their ability to raise such strong and healthy pups. Unlike Ash however I have noticed Gary was more into research and understanding how the world around him work. His passion was one of the most extreme ones to the point the fool would ignore his own health and enter a frenzy if anyone tried to stop him.

Mar'kuh pov end!

Mar'kuh, "Ahem! You are still here young researcher."

Gary looked up, "Oh! Mar'kuh, been a while since I saw you around."

Mar'kuh, "Indeed, our fields are very different from each other though there will be instances we run into each other."

Gary, "You got that right. No matter how different the field it is part of the same world we live in. So, we should expect to run into each other."

Mar'kuh chuckled, "I see you are still as energetic as ever. Where are your companions? I only see the yellow warrior, Alakazam next to you."

Gary, "Haxorus and Altaria are nesting. They will be having baby dragons soon."

Mar'kuh was surprised but nodded, "I see, I see. Looks like you will have your hands full soon. I have heard your cub with Urrr'kiel is born."

Gary, "She has been born and she is adorable."

Mar'kuh sweat dropped as Gary started to gush about his little cub who was currently with Ash's own cub. They were currently spending time with their pod batch in the nursery for Yautja young so they could form bonds. Yautja could bond with their fellow baby Yautja and would either turn out to be a follower or a leader of the hunting group when they grew up. Mar'kuh chuckled as Gary went off about the adorable tykes and how they were getting along with each other cubs and how he takes pictures of them. It was mostly Ash who took care of the cubs though Gary tried his best to balance his work and personal life.

Gary, "Without Ashy I bet we would be a complete mess right now."

Mar'kuh, "I understand, without my fellow warriors I would be still struggling with becoming a full blood."

Gary nodded, "Right? Oh speaking of fellow warriors. I have a new armor created using Haxorus scales. Do not fret those scales were the ones he shed."

Mar'kuh, "That is not.... Never mind you have my interest."

Gary, "Great come with me. Unless you have other work you need to attend to?"

Mar'kuh laughed, "I can spare some time, I assure you."

Gary nodded then launched into a long explanation of the new armor he had made using the scales Haxorus shed. Dragon scales were very strong even after being shed by the dragon and could last for a long time. Mar'kuh listened to the young ooman as he started to talk about the difference between the dragon scales that were used in the armors. Mar'kuh would not admit it but he was fascinated by the very detailed differences between the different scales that were used. The most useful information being how different scales reacted to different environment. Altaria scales were more feather like bit it was a very useful base for armors that would be used in high altitudes with strong winds.

Gary, "Ash, hey!"

Ash, "Gary, Mar'kuh, talking about armour again?"

Mar'kuh, "Any Yautja worth their blood knows a good armor is very important."

Gary, "Exactly but that is not why you are here, are you Ashy boy?"

Ash, "The ship will be complete in two months from now. So, better start preparing to return back to PokeEarth."

Gary, "Ah! Right! Time to face the music in two months."

Ash, "Yup. Raai'kiel and Urrr'kiel are preparing to face our families although in my opinion they should relax."

Gary snorted, "Ashy, my darling best friend, my brother from another mother. If you had watched Red get kidnapped you would be raising hell. Do not expect anything less from our siblings."

Ash, "That's.... That's actually true but still, I would not let them harm him."

Gary, "Neither will I but it does not change the fact they will have to prove themselves to our family and friends. We were basically kidnapped in front of them. That's going to leave a few angry adults and friends."

Ash sighed, "We will have our hands full then."

Gary, "Understatement."

A few months later Ash, Raai'kiel, Gary and Urrr'kiel along with their cubs and the newborn Pokemon were returning back to Pokearth. Ash and Gary really missed their home, Ash more than Gary because of his Aura that made the ravenette the presence of the large number of Pokemon. The travel back to Pokearth was faster and without any drama till they reached the solar system where a surprise waited them. Ash and Gary stared at the changes around the solar system especially the moon and the neighbouring planet Mars.

Gary, "Is this really our home planet?"

Ash, "I think so."

A voice came from the intercom, :Identify yourself.:

Gary, "Never thought I would hear that voice again."

Raai'kiel, "This is the Tramium from the planet Yautja Prime."

Gold's cold voice came through, :I see, so you returned to our planet to steal again.:

Ash, "Allow me."

Raai'kiel, "Very well."

Ash, "Not this time. This time we are returning home."

Gold's voice trembled, :What? That voice. It couldn't be.:

Ash, "Open the video comm Gold. It has been too long."

Gold rushed to change the comments channel and gasped, :Ash! Oh sweet Mew! You are alive. Gary too.:

Gary waved, "Been a while Gold. So how is everyone? We survived our trip."

Gold laughed hard and rough, :Oh Mew! Oh Mew! You are back. I am so glad you are back.:

Ash frowned, "Gold? What happened after we left."

Gold sighed, :Well, to begin, Silver took over Team Rocket, they are one of the strongest Armed Forces aside from the League.:

Gary, "Always knew he was born to be a leader."

Gold gave a wry smile, :Red and Blue, you could say they became hard and cold hearted Generals.:

Ash's eyes flickered, "I see. Where are they?"

Gold, :Heading this way. He will be there soon. Be prepared.:

Ash tensed as he saw a large ship headed their way, 'On hindsight, I should have expected this. Well time to face the music.'

Red, :Ship Tarium you claim to hold Ash Ketchum and Gary Oak. Open your hold so we can confirm.:

Ash, "I missed you too, Red. Yes, come over."

Red stared then nodded, :Do not move.:

Ash, "Ah! This is my daughter and my husband. You are an Uncle."

Red gave him a sharp look and then left the screen to go out to meet them. On another screen, Gary was talking to Blue introducing his own daughter who cooed. Ash should have known those two would go to space together as well. Before Ash knew it, Red had literally stormed into the ship and hugged him tight. In all honesty, Ash expected suspicion, anger and questions thrown at him but he would take a hug too and then face those emotions. Red held him close, like he could not believe Ash was still alive and he returned back home.

Ash, "Hey Red, let me introduce you to Pollium, she is my sweet daughter and my husband Raai'kiel who can rival you when it comes to protectiveness."

Red finally released him looking at the little female and the Yautja, "So, I am an Uncle and you. I remember you."

Ash, "Red, not here. I promise though you can battle him to your heart's content once we get to a proper battle arena."

Red looked at Ash then nodded, "Very well, just so you know you and Gary will undergo thorough questioning."

Ash, "I know and we expect it. I just request no one touches our daughter and the newborn Pokemon."

Red nodded, "They won't. This is just a security check mostly."

Pollium, "Uncle Red?"

Red softened, "Hello little one."

Pollium smiled, "Meema told me a lot about you."

Red's eyes crinkled in amusement on hearing that term, "Meema? "

Ash, "Blame Lucario."

Lucario, -No regrets.-

Ash, Raai'kiel, Gary and Urrr'kiel went through the questioning before they were allowed to head to Pokearth. As they traveled Ash noticed there were Gyms, actual Gyms located on different space stations belongings to different regions. Red shrugged saying they had to deal with the bored trainers and soldiers somehow and Gym runs were always fun. Pollium looked very interested in the Gym which prompted Red to explain the rules, requirements and needs to become a trainer.

Ash, "Wait, so you are saying that after finishing the journeying through multiple regions on the planet, trainers can do the same on outer space?"

Red, "Things have changed a lot."

Raai'kiel, "Very fascinating! I look forward to our match warrior Red."

Red, "I am not going easy one you and my Pokemon also have a personal bone to pick with you."

Raai'kiel laughed, "I will not expect anything less from my mate's older sibling."

Things had changed in the last few years and Pokearth was now different and Ash was feeling nervous now. It had been years since he saw his mom and wondered how she was doing, he hoped she was alright and healthy. They landed on the planet's ship dock after a few hours and Red was telling Ash about what happened while he was off world. Max and their cousin Molly had gotten together and about to get engaged while May was dating Drew. Paul and Dawn were expecting their first child in a few months while Serena had started dating Clemont a few months that ago.

Ash, "I always thought they were cute together."

Red smiled, "I think they were waiting for you to return. Both of them confessed to having crushes on you."

Ash, "Ah! I was not in the best place mentally back then. After what happened in Unova I was too wound up to notice. And then that happened in Kalos."

Red nodded in understanding, "You look better though."

Ash, "I or rather Gary and I retrieved both of our Dad's remains from the bastardy who stole them. We can give them the burial they deserved."

Red straightened, "You did? He did?"

Raai'kiel, "Yes, he won the remains back fair and square. Our rival clan's cannot do anything about it legally anymore but I would not be surprised if they tried other means."

Ash, "They already did but failed more than once. No way I was going to let them steal my Dad's remains again."

Red, "I see. I am happy to hear you got Uncle's remains back."

Raai'kiel, "He is my mate and therefore his family is my family. I will protect him. He is not alone."

Red stared then smirked, "You may not be so bad after all. I look forward to our fight, for now however you want to look forward."

Ash nodded and turned to see his mother looking older but still as beautiful as he had remembered her. Delia teared up on seeing Ash alive, she ran to hug him close while Ash cried in her arms. The ravenette noticed Gary was in a similar situation with his mother and most likely telling her about reclaiming their father's remains. Aunt Oak was ready as she nodded and smiled despite crying and then Ash introduced Raai'kiel and Pollium to her. Delia was obviously very wary but after meeting her grand daughter and hearing about how Raai'kiel was the one who helped him reclaim his father's remains she relaxed.

Delia, "While I am upset that you stole my baby from me, I am also grateful for having my baby return safely alongside my late husband's remains."

Raai'kiel, "I apologize for the pain my rash actions caused you Elder Nrak'ytara. I can however promise you Ash is well loved and respected by my clan. They adore him, dare I say more than me."

Delia laughed, "I see, I see. Honestly you should have just talked to us first. Also you have a child together, you got married and did not even invite us?"

Ash, "Mom, the Yautja do not have marriage like we humans do. The rituals and traditions they have are more intimate and private unlike ours. Of course, we have a large feast after the rituals are done."

Raai'kiel, "The final ritual is to prove myself capable and worthy of my mate against one of my mate's family protectors. Forgive me for insulting you before warrior Red. I knew my mate lost his father but I failed to realize you became his protector."

Red, "Well then, you better be worthy in battle."

Raai'kiel smirked, "Of course."

Ash was relieved, he had been really worried about the reaction of his family to his mate and husband. He had worried he would need to run an intervention but luckily his family accepted Raai'kiel without any blood being shed. Next was the ritual, Raai'kiel had challenged Red to an all out fight with his Pokemon while Urrr'kiel had challenged Blue. Like Ash mentioned it was a private affair and no one outside directly family was allowed to watch the fight. They were doing this to become a family not for the sake of other's entertainment, that is what the hunts were for.

The fight was simply put very intense and Red as well as Blue were not holding back their strength. Raai'kiel and Urrr'kiel used everything they had observed and learned along side their mates to battle Red and Blue proving themselves. Though the fight ended up in a draw on both sides it was honestly very exciting and fun to watch not to forget Red and Blue had accepted the two Yautja after the battle. The rest of the world however were very suspicious and wary of them and it took a few days to answer their questions and calm them down.

Gary, "Hey Ashy."

Ash, "Yes?"

Gary, "We have to convince our friends next."

Ash sighed, "I know."

To say their friends were not happy to learn they had kids with their kidnappers was a huge understatement. Serena, May, Dawn and Misty pulled the two men aside and asked if they had been coerced, forced, tricked or assaulted. It has taken quite a bit to assure the women they were not tricked nor were they forced to have the kids and then introduced Pollium and Thran'si to them. The two girls won the ladies hearts with their polite greetings and obvious love for their Meemas that had the ladies look at Gary and Ash. The two pointed at their Pokemon who were at fault for that turn of events that happened.

The men however took longer to convince though they had to admit the girls were adorable and sweet. Paul especially was very protective of his friends and watching Ash and Gary get kidnapped had in a way made his protective instinct increase. Ash and Gary had explained about how Raai'kiel and Urrr'kiel had helped them retrieved the remains of their fathers. It had made some of them back off except for Max who it seems adopted Ash's stubborn nature. Max was very suspicious and used his ghost and psychic types to keep an eye on the two aliens.

Ash, "I told you your actions will come back to bite you."

Raai'kiel rumbled amused, "Yes you did my mate."

Ash, "You are enjoying this a little too much, aren't you?"

Raai'kiel, "What can I say? You raised a fine warrior and I welcome any challenges."

Ash huffed, "Of course you would."

Molly, "Ash, can we talk?"

Ash, "I will catch up later, Raai'kiel. Yes Molly?"

Molly walked away from Raai'kiel a bit then looked at him, "Ash, why him? There are so many other people who love you."

Ash listened to her then spoke, "I will be honest. The first reason was because I wanted to avoid a war between two planets."

Molly, "Oh... "

Ash, "The second reason was because he returned my family to me."

Molly, "Aunt Delia told us. I am happy Uncle was returned to us."

Ash smiled, "Third, he could actually keep up with the crazy that was my life and still help me up."

Molly, "What? Are you insinuating that he... "

Ash, "Yeah, he had already made up his mind back then."

Molly, "I do not know whether to be terrified or impressed."

Ash, "You know they only pick one mate. It is one mate or nine for them."

Molly, "Are you happy?"

Ash smiled, "Yes, I am very happy."

Molly, "I see. Thank you for answering my questions Ash. But if you ever need someone to help you. I want you to know you can count on me."

Ash, "You really have grown up, haven't you? Just a few years ago you, Max a Bonnie were following me around and now you are jumping to help me."

Molly flushed under the praise, "We are family. It is what we do for each other. And do not be upset by the distance Alain and the others are keeping. They are just wary of your husband."

Ash, "I don't blame them."

Ash knew this would not be easy and there was a very high chance he would lose some friends over this. But he did not despair too much, because in a way he understood their wariness, considering he had felt that way too in the beginning. He hoped that in the near future, the residents of both planets will be able to get along with each other. Now that he thought about it, none of the Legendary Pokemon had protested nor tried to stop them so he will take it as a green light to better the relationship.

Raai'kiel, "Ash?"

Pollium, "Meema?"

Ash, "She was just checking in."

Pollium, "Aunty really cares about you."

Raai'kiel, "Indeed."

Ash, "It will take time and patience but I say it is not impossible for humans and Yautja to be together."

The End!

Hope you enjoyed this series :)

I will start Pokemon Hoenn from next week.

Ellora25creators' thoughts