The journey of a new trainer into the roads of Infinity! Our hero, Marrok McKraken, sets off on the adventure of a lifetime as a pokemon trainer! Join him as he catches pokemon, travels the Sinnoh region and beyond, and battles pokemon, trainers, and anyone that would mess with him and his!
Hello, dear readers, and welcome! I wrote this as a bit of a foreword, to inform you, the readerb about some differences in my story and the normal pokemon novels/anine/manga/games that you have experienced before. the main difference, is the addition of a new region, and the inclusion of a concept called DELTA SPECIES.
For those of you knowledgable about the card game, you will know that delta specie pokemon are basically a mutation from the ordinary. this is similar to Alolan form pokemon, but is not locked to a region. an example would be a water/ground type turtwig, or a psychic/flying type blaziken. i was reminded of this concept by a friend, and found it could be fun. The Torren Region is where the delta pokemon can be found in high numbers, due to a special crystal that is found as a mineral in the farmland soil, and as crystal clusters dotting the landscape.
Any other information i hand out will be in-story, and i hope to see you there!
also, i hope to have the firat chapter out by the end of the week.