
Chapter 29: The Ripening of Tree Fruits

"It's not easy. These tree fruits have finally ripened!"

Rex looked at the fruit trees in front of him, which were now full of ripe fruits, and he felt increasingly delighted as he looked.

It had been over a month since the arrival of the Taillow tribe led by Swellow.

And today, the tree fruits finally began to ripen. These tree fruits consisted of only three types: Fluffruit, Peacha Berries, and Orans Berries, all of which were quite common tree fruits.

During this period, the Taillow tribe had already settled in the orchard. Now, Swellow had also grown accustomed to resting near the orchard at night. However, it would assign the Taillow to patrol the area around the Rex Farm at night to prevent wild Pokémon from invading.

Swellow's training regimen had been modified by Rex. In the morning, he had Swellow lead the Taillow in weight training, and in the afternoon, he taught them the Air Cutter skill.

Currently, Swellow primarily served as a trainer to train these Taillow. After half a month of training, all of these Taillow had already learned this skill.

To train these Taillow, Rex had basically invested all the income from selling Mareep wool during this period.

However, with the improvement in the strength of the Taillow, Rex felt that he could no longer keep up and planned to temporarily suspend training. Fortunately, the tree fruits had finally ripened.

Since a few days ago, various Pokémon had been attracted by the fragrance of the tree fruits.

This included a large number of Bug-type Pokémon. However, after seeing the Taillow nesting in the fruit trees, these Pokémon collectively changed direction and fled back to the Orange Forest.

If they didn't leave, they felt like they were coming to deliver meals and feed themselves to these Taillow.

During this time, the most dangerous moment was when a Staravia led a large number of Starly in an attempt to drive away the Taillow tribe and then occupy the orchard.

However, before Rex could react, Swellow led the Taillow to defeat this group led by Staravia.

Following Swellow's command, the Taillow unleashed the Air Cutter skill together. Immediately, dense wind blades appeared in the sky, and just this attack alone caused at least half of the Starly to lose their combat capabilities.

After that, the Staravia serving as the leader was also defeated by Swellow, losing its combat capability, and the remaining Staravia scattered and fled.

Arriving upon hearing the news, Rex looked at the fallen Starly and Staravia on the ground with a speechless expression. However, Swellow also remembered Rex's instructions and didn't finish off these Pokémon, only rendering them incapable of fighting.

Because there were too many of these Pokémon, Rex didn't want to waste Poké Balls to capture them one by one. He took out his phone and directly contacted Officer Jenny to come and clean up the aftermath.

Officer Jenny, who was forced to work, rode her now Arcanine and arrived in less than 15 minutes, taking away these Pokémon. Before leaving, she gave Rex a disdainful look, telling him to be more careful in the future.

In response, Rex could only shrug his shoulders. He was also innocent; after all, he was the victim!

However, after Officer Jenny transferred 100,000 Alliance Coins as compensation for the wild Pokémon invasion, he had no objections whatsoever.

After the attack by the Starly tribe, until the first batch of tree fruits ripened completely, there were no more large-scale Pokémon invasions. Only occasional scattered Pokémon were attracted, but they were all driven away by Swellow.

"It's so delicious!"

Rex held a freshly picked Fluffruit in his hand, peeled off the tough skin, took a bite, and said with satisfaction.

Swellow also nodded in satisfaction. It felt the same way. Therefore, after the tree fruits ripened, it had already eaten its fill of tree fruits.

This wasn't Rex boasting. The fruit trees were all transformed by his life energy, so they were quite different from ordinary tree fruits. The life force contained within the tree fruits was much stronger.

Afterward, Rex commanded a group of Pokémon to harvest the tree fruits. However, he only stopped after picking one basket of each type of tree fruit, as he still needed to leave some as food for the Taillow.

Of course, if Yuli could successfully manufacture energy cubes from the tree fruits and the success rate was good, all these tree fruits could be made into energy cubes and provided to the Taillow to consume.

After all, the nutrients provided by pure tree fruits were far inferior to those extracted and blended from various tree fruit essences into energy cubes.

"Yuli, the tree fruits have been harvested!"

From afar, Rex called out to Yuli, who was shearing the Mareep wool.

"Really? That's great. I still need some time to finish shearing the wool. You can put the tree fruits inside the house first!"

After wiping the sweat from her forehead, Yuli said.

"That's right, that's right. Akiko hasn't finished her work either!"

Beside Yuli was Akiko. She was currently helping to move the sheared Mareep wool into the box specially designed to store Mareep wool. However, watching her move the wool, Rex inexplicably felt like laughing.

This was because when she was moving the wool, she always tried to carry as much as possible, causing her to be almost submerged in wool by the end. Fortunately, the wool was light and fluffy, so she could handle it.

However, it became even funnier after she put down the Mareep wool. Due to the large amount of static electricity on the Mareep wool, her hair stood on end, making her look like a lion.

As for why this little guy was here, it had to be mentioned a few days ago. That day, Yuli rode Swellow to the orphanage to visit her brothers and sisters.

Since Tailow evolved into Swellow, Rex had treated it as a benefit for the employees of the Rex Farm.

Every time Yuli wanted to go to the orphanage, she would have Swellow take her there and then return to the farm. This period of time did not take more than 15 minutes.

And at 7:00 in the evening, Rex would have Swellow come over on time to pick up Yuli and bring her back. This whole process would not take Swellow more than half an hour, and it didn't mind carrying passengers either.

Of course, the main reason was that Yuli's cooking was too delicious, completely winning over Swellow's stomach. While enjoying the energy cubes, Swellow also liked to eat with Rex. This was a habit it had formed with Rex in the forest.

So, Rex estimated that even if he didn't give orders, Swellow would be willing to help Yuli.

That day, after Yuli went back, she was detained by Akiko.

She wanted Yuli to take her to the Farm together. On the one hand, she wanted to live with her beloved sister, and on the other hand, Yuli had told her a lot about the Rex Farm, making her yearn for it.

However, the other people

 were relatively older and, even if they wanted to follow Yuli to the farm to play, they were afraid of causing displeasure to their sister boss and getting scolded, so they endured it and didn't speak up.

However, Akiko was too young to consider these things and just wanted to be with her sister.

So, after Yuli refused, she took out her strongest weapon, "crying," and it was the kind of crying that couldn't be stopped even if her eyes were swollen.

Yuli felt very distressed watching her cry. In the end, she had no choice but to pick up the phone and tell Rex about it.

Originally, Rex thought that Yuli was calling for something important, but he didn't expect it to be this. He agreed on the spot to let Akiko come to the Rex Farm to stay for a while, after all, how much could a child eat!

Moreover, Rex also allowed Yuli to bring her brothers and sisters who wanted to come to the farm to play and treated it as an employee benefit of the Rex Farm.

However, Yuli didn't want to trouble Rex too much, so this time, she only brought Akiko, the little troublemaker. As for the others, she could only promise to bring them over to play later.

When she heard that Akiko could come to the Rex Farm with Yuli, Akiko finally stopped crying and smiled. Fortunately, during this time, Swellow's strength had improved a bit again, otherwise, it might not have been able to carry the two of them back at once.

When the little guy saw Rex for the first time, it called out "big brother, big brother," making Rex feel ecstatic.

In his previous life, he only had one brother, and in this world, he was an only child. He had imagined before that if he had a sister, he would definitely share all his delicious food and fun with her.

"Akiko is so good. You can stay with your brother as long as you want in the future!"

Rex said to Akiko on the spot.

"How can that be? Boss, if you spoil her like this, she will be spoiled!"

After hearing Rex's words, Yuli hurriedly intervened.

"It's settled!"

After hearing Yuli's words, Rex directly made the decision, as if a layer of mist had covered Akiko's bright big eyes, and he directly agreed.

Your support is my motivation!

(End of Chapter)

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