
Pokemon: Divine Adventure.

A guy dies after watching Ash's last adventure in the anime of Pokemon. He meets Wexof who send him to the Pokemon world, he will meet new friends, new pokemons and the protagonists of both manga and anime. Let us see his new adventure. I dont own ANYTHING! All rights go to Nintendo and the fakemon go to Fer, creator of Pokemon Reloaded. There will be fakemon and the story will take inspiration from "Journey Towards Greatness" so I wanna apologize in case some events are extremely similar.

ZackDKaizo · Cómic
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31 Chs

VS Daisy.

It was daytime and Kaori prepared for his morning routine. He did some stretches, ate his breakfast, took a shower, groomed his Pokémon for them to be in top shape and went outside to wait.

Since the Gym will only be open during nighttime, he had to find other ways to entertain himself and his team. He went to some stores and sell all the Star Pieces and Stardust, he went to various restaurants to eat different types of food, bought some cooking, survival and Pokémon books.

After the delightful afternoon and evening, Kaori made his way to the Gym and entered.

Inside the Gym, the sisters were seen arranging their schedule about Gym battles and performances. Kaori arrived to challenge them and they accepted. The Gym arena is mostly covered in water, with some platforms for some Pokémon to stand in them.

"This will be a 2VS2 battle, the Gym Leader is not allowed to change its Pokémon but the challenger is. Are the rules clear?" Lily.

Both Daisy and Kaori nod.

"Then, select your Pokémon."

"Go, Goldeen!"

"Beedrill, I choose you!"

Both Pokémon enter the stage. Beedrill flies above the arena and Goldeen goes underwater.

"Begin!" Lily.

"Electroweb!" Kaori.

Beedrill spreads a big electric web to electrify the arena.

"Get out of the water and use Peck!" Daisy.

Goldeen impulses herself out of the water and tries to attack Beedrill.

"Poison Sting!"

Beedrill's sings glow purple and clash with the Peck. Despite being at type disadvantage, Beedrill breaks through and pushes Goldeen into one of the platforms.

"Bug Bite!"

Beedrill manifest a somewhat small greenish maw that was rushing towards Goldeen. Without the possibility of entering the water, Daisy found herself cornered and went of a risky move.

"Goldeen, Supersonic!"

Goldeen emits a soundwave from its horn, aiming it towards Beedrill.

Beedrill starts to get woozy in the air but still gets the hit with Bug Bite. A big explosion occurs and Goldeen is sent back to the electrified water, fainting afterwards.

"Goldeen can no longer continue, the winner of the battle is Beedrill." Lily.

Daisy calls Goldeen back and takes out another Pokémon. She then takes out Dewong after the arena stops being electrocuted.

"Beedrill, come back!" Kaori sends Beedrill back.

"Bulbasaur, Let's finish them!"

Kaori sends Bulbasaur and he lands in a platform.

"Dewong, use Ice Beam!" Daisy.

Dewong shoots a beam from its mouth and starts to freeze the area around.


Bulbasaur creates a massive light flash that blinds Dewong and makes him miss his attack. Bulbasaur then grabs Dewong and slams him into one of the platforms.

"Sleep Powder."

Bulbasaur releases some sleep-inducing spores to sleep Dewong.

"Dodge with Dive."

Dewong snaps from his blindness and dives underwater, dodging Bulbasaur's attack.

"Prepare for a snipe, Solar Beam."

Bulbasaur began to charge his attack.

"Dewong, freeze the entire area were Bulbasaur is."

Dewong starts to freeze the area, leaving no trace for Bulbasaur to either attack or defend. Bulbasaur was almost trapped within an ice capsule but was still charging its attack.

'Not bad, maybe I didn't give these sisters as much credit as they deserve.' Kaori thought after observing the ice prison.

"Now, throw Bulbasaur to the water." Daisy.

Dewong sprung out of the water and smacked the ice-ball prison into the water. Bulbasaur started to panic about the situation, a small black entity was also worried about Bulbasaur's well-being.

"Calm down Bulbasaur. Wait for my signal and shoot that Solar Beam." Kaori recomforted Bulbasaur.

Bulbasaur regains his focus and keeps gathering energy on the side of his bulb.

Slowly but surely, the whole ice prison starts to melt due to Bulbasaur's energy, leaving him open for attacks.

"Dewong, finish him with a Blizzard!" Daisy ordered.

Dewong unleashes a powerful attack that starts to freeze the water were Bulbasaur was submerged into.

Bulbasaur's body is slowly freezing but Kaori gives him the signal.

"Now! Full-power Solar Beam!"

Bulbasaur shoots a powerful Solar Beam and attacks Dewong. The Blizzard and Solar Beam clash and are at an impasse, Bulbasaur is at the losing end, due to him being weak to ice, but he still was trying to overcome Dewong.

"You can do it Bulbasaur! Focus the energy of the Solar Beam in a single point, and destroy the Blizzard!" Kaori.

In that moment, Bulbasaur begins to glow and breaks the ice that was surrounding him. His body became bigger, his Bulb started to open and his leaves grew. Bulbasaur evolved into Ivysaur.

Ivysaur's Solar Beam became stronger and overpowered Dewong's Blizzard.

The Solar Beam impacted on Dewong and send him flying until it hit the wall. Dewong then fell and landed on the floor with spiral eyes. Lily got closer and announced the result.

"Dewong can no longer continue Ivysaur wins the battle, which means, that the winner of the Gym battle is the challenger."

"Yes! We did it Ivysaur!" Kaori released his team and went to hug Ivysaur in the chilly water.

Daisy seemed disappointed at first, but later, she felt glad that she fought against Kaori. A spark inside of her re-ignited, a spark that craved for hot-headed battles against trainers, the unconventional tactics that will guide one to victory.

She felt, as if she has been reborn. With her spirits for battle back, she went towards Kaori and gave him the Cascade Badge.

"As symbol of your success at defeating the Cerulean City Gym, I grant you, the Cascade Badge." Daisy.


"Another one down! We got the Cascade Badge!" Kaori poses with his team.

After giving his regards to the sisters, Kaori goes to the Pokémon Center and heals his team. He then went to his hotel to take a well-deserved rest, he let Ivysaur out to let him get accustomed with his new size and strength.

At the next morning, Kaori was in a dilemma. He could go to either; Saffron, Vermillion or Celadon city.

'Saffron is a no-go from the get go. I can't afford to deal with the crazy-child version of Sabrina, better let Ash and that Haunter deal with them. That only leaves either Celadon or Vermillion city. I'll go check on Bill, if he gives me the SS Anne ticket, I'll go to Vermillion, if not, I'll go to Celadon.'

With a clear path in mind, Kaori made his way towards Bill's house.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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