
Pokemon: Divine Adventure.

A guy dies after watching Ash's last adventure in the anime of Pokemon. He meets Wexof who send him to the Pokemon world, he will meet new friends, new pokemons and the protagonists of both manga and anime. Let us see his new adventure. I dont own ANYTHING! All rights go to Nintendo and the fakemon go to Fer, creator of Pokemon Reloaded. There will be fakemon and the story will take inspiration from "Journey Towards Greatness" so I wanna apologize in case some events are extremely similar.

ZackDKaizo · Cómic
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31 Chs

The Adventure Begins.

[Kaori POV]

It is the time. After waiting all this time, it finally the time to begin my adventure. The protagonists are all 10 and they will come here to take their starters.

This past year was very interesting and important to me. I learned a lot of different things about taking care Pokémons, Chimchar learned Double Team, Shadow Claw, U-turn and Mud-Slap.

I also discovered that the better a Pokémon controls his type, the more its hidden potential will grow. Chimchar continued to battle Pokémons and Poli for some training, its curious how nobody found it strange that after all that battling Chimchar never showed signs of evolving. Oh well, anime logic, I guess.

The first one to arrive was actually Red, the how to all this is because he slept outside the lab to be prepared. I'm pretty sure that Prof Oak would have lend him the couch though.

"Hello Red." Kaori.

"Hello Kaori. I'm here to receive the beginner set to begin my adventure." Red.

"I bet you are, go inside." Red.

"Wait there Kaori."

Blue and Gary entered the room as well, the only one missing was Ash, which to be honest I'm kinda glad for, I mean Ash without a Pikachu, can you believe such madness?

Anyway, now the trio would get their first Pokémons, except for Red that has Poli.

[Third Person POV]

"Where's Ash?" Prof Oak asks.

"Maybe still asleep, but who care I want to explore the world now." Blue.

"Hey! We promised him to begin our adventure at the same time." Red.

"He snoozes he loses." Gary.

"Well, since you three are here I'll let you chose between this Pokémons. The fire-type Charmander, the water-type Squirtle and the grass/poison-type Bulbasaur."

The moment Prof Oak release the three, Bulbasaur jumped and tackle Red lovingly. In this past year, Red got very close to Bulbasaur, almost as close as he is with Poli.

"Well Red, they say that the trainer chooses the Pokémon, but this is my first time to see the Pokémon choose its trainer." Oak.

"It doesn't matter. I was going to beg you to gift me this guy anyway. I shall call you: Saur." Red.

"Now that the situation is solved, what about…" Prof Oak tried to speak but saw both Squirtle and Charmander snuggling with Gary and Blue.

"What an interesting turn of events. Not once but thrice, huh, Professor?" Kaori.

"Well, he seems to be the most competent one between the three anyway." Blue.


"Wrong brother, this Squirtle is clearly the better choice."

"Squirtle, quirtle!"

"Both of you are wrong! Saur here is the best of Kanto's starters." Red.


While the trio discuss, Prof Oak gifts Kaori with another Bulbasaur.

"Here you go Kaori, consider it a payment for your hard work." Oak.

"Thanks Professor." Kaori received a Bulbasaur.

"A shame my delivery of the spare Charmander got delayed." Oak.

"Things like that happen." Kaori answers while thinking how convenient that was.

"Speaking of things that happen. What about the Squirtle and Pokédex that you gifted without my permission?" Oak.

Kaori gulps and remembers the events that happened a week ago.

(A week ago)

Kaori was having a relaxing time in the living room, him and Chimchar were watching TV, eating some cookies, you know, the normal stuff to do in a lazy day.

While relaxing, Kaori heard a noise from the backyard and went to see what happened. He sneakily went outside and saw a girl entering Prof Oak's room through the window.

'Good to see that she managed to fend off those Rocket grunts.' Kaori thought.

He has been pondering how he should handle the situation, and the answer he got was the next one.

The girl, known as Green, entered the storage room and saw five Poké balls.

'This one should be enough.' Green thought while releasing one Squirtle.

"Hey there blue fella, would you like to get out of this boring lab and go into a fun adventure with me?"

The Squirtle remembers that the Prof Oak said that he, alongside the other starters will be gifted to new trainers. So, he didn't saw anything suspicious and went with the girl.

"Now, I only need…"

"Looking for this, trespasser?" Kaori interrupts Green and shows her a Pokédex.

Green panics a little since she found out, but then tries to fool Kaori.

"Oh, good sir, I am so sorry *SOB* it's just that…"

"Cut the act, I can see your hand stretching towards your waist where I suppose you hide another Poké Ball." Kaori interrupts Green's act.

She was now cornered, she didn't want to harm anyone, just a simple dine and dash, but now, with Kaori here she doesn't have much choices.

Kaori starts walking towards Green and she gets more nervous, she doesn't want to hurt him, but if she has to, she will. Kaori the stops and extends his arm with the Pokédex towards Green.

"Here…take it." Kaori.

Green was confused, why would the man in front of her would gift her what she was going to steal.

"Despite entering here without permission, I can tell that you are a good person, not only that, but you clearly love Pokémons. Take this and learn more from the Pokémons, my only condition is that you won't get into trouble, and if you do, don't get caught. Also gather the gym badges and participate in the upcoming league, how about that, not a bad deal eh?" Kaori.

Green takes away the Pokédex and starts to leave the lab.

"There are 10 Poké Balls in the ground around there, don't step on them and be on your way."

"I don't promise anything, but, thank you." Green takes the Poké Balls and leaves.

"I wonder how many people will she scam." Kaori thinks while going back to the living room.

Afterwards, he had to make some sort of excuse to avoid Prof Oak's questioning. But he decided to trust Kaori on this one.

(End Flashback)

"So, No telling?" Prof Oak.

"Please just trust me with this one, she is a brown-haired girl wearing a black dress with black boots and white gloves. She sounds suspicious but, she is a good kid, I have a feeling telling me that." Kaori explains.

"Fine, I'll trust you, but if she causes trouble with that Pokédex, you will take the blame, understood?" Oak.

"Aye, sir." Kaori.

"Alright that's enough the three of you." Oak calls for the discussing trio and they stop.

Prof Oak takes a box that is filled with 5 Pokédexes.

"Now, this is the Pokédex, a data filled device that contains all information about the Pokémons that live in the Kanto Region. These devices will aid you in many ways, the how however, depends completely on you." Oak handles the devices to the group.

[Ding! Host has received a Kanto Pokédex]

'Oh? Do I get a prize or something?'

[Negative. Its just there to notify.]


Prof Oak gives the Pokédexes to the group and they receive them, alongside some empty Poké Balls.

"I guess this is it, our journey will begin." Red.

"Yeah, see you later loser." Blue rushes out of the lab.

"Hey! Come back!" Red leaves as well.

"Wont you go as well?" Kaori asks Gary.

"Not really, Daisy is going to give me a lift in her car, Blue got too impatient and left. I also want to taunt Ash for coming late. What about you?" Gary.

"I have to get some business done here before leaving, also, I want to see how Ash will solve the issue with his starter." Kaori.


"Oh crap! I'm late!" Young Ash sees his clock broken and realizes that is almost afternoon.

Ash quickly jumps out of bed and exits his house with a slice of bread in his mouth. When he reaches the lab, he sees Gary with his entourage saying goodbye.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the weak one from our group." Gary mocks Ash.

"Took you long enough, Red and Blue already left Pallet Town, and Daisy will give me a lift to Viridian city for a head start."

"Don't get too cocky! I will get my starter and then, I will become the champion of Kanto." Ash.

"Yeah right, as if you, who couldn't defeat any of us in our mock battles could be the champion."

"Leave him alone Gary." Kaori intervenes.

"Ash, come inside, Prof Oak is waiting. Best wishes in your travels Gary." Kaori enters the lab again.

Ash sticks his tongue out to mock Gary but he already lefts in the car. Ash enters the lab and look at a three different Poké Balls in a table.

"Well Ash, choose your starter." Oak.

"I have put a lot of thought to this and my answer is…Squirtle!" Ash grabs the Poké Ball with a water sticker and opens it, it is empty.

"Unfortunately, that one was taken by Gary, who did come in time." Oak.

"Ugh! Why did I oversleep?!" Ash.

"Then I choose as my Pokémon…Bulbasaur!" Ash opens a Poké Ball with a grass sticker and opens it, it is empty.

"It was already taken by someone who was not late." Oak.

"Ok, no problem, because my Pokémon will be…Charmander!" Ash opens the last Poké Ball with a flame sticker, it was empty as well.

"God helps those who get up early, and in this case the Pokémon wins." Oak.

"Does this mean that I won't be getting a Pokémon?" Ash asks saddened.

"Well, there is one left but…" Oak.

"I must have a Pokémon! No matter which one it is!" Ash exclaims.

Prof Oak hits a switch in the table that shows a hidden compartment in which a Poké Ball with a lighting sticker on it.

"I have to warn you that there is a problem with this one in particular." Prof Oak warns Ash and releases the Pokémon.

A Pikachu gets out from the Poké Ball and Ash tries to hug it but Pikachu shocks him.

'Its amazing how ash was still alive after all those shocks, maybe that's why he was a little too foolish during his travels through Unova.' Kaori wondered.

After a few moments of shenanigans, Ash leaves Pallet Town and Kaori leaves minutes later.

'My adventure will begin starting today. Time to enjoy this world to its maximum!'

Kaori starts to run and tries to catch up to the epic fight against the Spearows.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

I'm on a roll these days. The caps will keep rolling for a while.

ZackDKaizocreators' thoughts