

The next day Aaron woke up bright and early and went for early training and breakfast with Trapinch. He had her perform the moves it supposedly learned yesterday and sure enough although the effect was small she was able to use both new moves. The protect created a small green barrier while the move rockslide allowed it to use its power to create rocks although they were small. Aaron had her preform each move 50 times then he gave her some of his last special food to replenish her energy and nourish her body which has been growing rapidly due to the nutrition she has been getting. She is almost up to the full-grown height and weight for her lineage.

This was due to her rapid growth. Many Pokemon of the bug lineage have a short life span and grow very quickly. For example, Weedle only has a lifespan of two weeks and if they do not evolve within this time they will die. During this time the Weedle grows rapidly from the infant stage to adolescence. Many people believe that this is why all Beedrill are overprotective of their young although this is not proven. Trapinch being from the bug lineage makes it grow to maturity faster than most pokemon. Although it is fast for most pokemon it is slow in the Bug world. This is why Aaron is trying to supply as many nutrients as he can to Trapinch to promote healthy growth.


Aaron made his way to the Valor Gym early in the morning. He was then let in once he showed the guards his ID. He was brought to the training space that was filled with many large weights and various workout stations built for people and Pokemon. Aaron could see Bruce and a Machoke working out together and pumping each other up. Aaron just sat by the side until the duo was done.

When Bruce finished his workout he grabbed a towel and returned the pokemon. He then went and walked up to Aaron and said "Brat I have been expecting you."

Aaron was a little stunned at his attitude but he still nodded.

"A man of few words I see. My Father saw me yesterday and scolded me because of you."

Aaron went wide-eyed when suddenly he heard "Don't listen to him kid he is just joking with you."

The elderly man from yesterday approached the two on his Gogoat.

Bruce eyed the goat wearily and muttered under his breath "Damn Goat. Don't come near me"

"What are you still afraid of Gogo?"

Bruce nodded "You bet I am as many times as that devil traumatized me when I grew up. You know why I wanted my starter to be a fire Pokemon."

Humph, the goat snorted.

The old man laughed and then turned to Aaron. "I think that I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sawyer and this is my son Bruce. I am the Elder of Valor but really I just run its business since my son is incompetent dealing with people."

Bruce snorted but didn't retort.

"So what are we going to do for your compensation. First is the Pokemon my son received from you and second was the incident yesterday with our guild."

Aaron stood silent and was thinking

Sawyer smiled and asked "Do you want money? A Powerful Pokemon? How about I directly promote you to a Rank B trainer? What do you think kid?

Aaron remained silent searching for the right words.

Bruce then spoke up "As much as that Pokemon is worth quite a bit of money I do not have enough to pay for it so if you want money you will have to wait for a while."

Aaron shook his head he could make money but this was an opportunity for him to get something special.

"I don't really want money as I am getting by right now making money from missions. I would like to take a look at your special breeding house if that is possible."

The two men look stunned at the request of the boy who looked utterly nervous.

They both laughed together very loud "Hahahahah. That is great uhh" Uhh that's the best I have heard all-day

Aaron "What's so funny?"

Sawyer "Uhh how do I put this? A pokemon from our breeder house is only worth at max $900. The Krookodile that my brat received is worth about 1000 x more than what you were requesting. I was prepared to give you a precious egg of his champion-level Charizard which many within the guild consider invaluable."

Aaron was stunned

"Do you want to change your demands?"

Aaron shrugged and said, "If you can toss in two weight vests that would be good with me as I haven't been able to find one for my Trapinch."

Bruce "I like this Brat. He then went till the back of the training area and brought back two vests and a remote.

He then proceeded to hold it till it suddenly disappeared.

Aaron was stunned

Bruce took off a wristband and gave it to Aaron.

Here is a cheap spatial bracelet. They can only be made with the help of psychic pokemon but they still are quite convenient. He then went to the side and wrote a note and also gave it to him. Here use this to get into the facility. I will meet you there in a couple of hours.

"Dad, can you show him the way?"

Sawyer nodded happily and made his way out of the Gym with Aaron.

Bruce stayed behind and thought of something. Okay so that ring at most was worth 10,000 and the Pokemon from that place is around 1,000 so I still might owe him around 800,000. He frowned as he was always straightforward about his debts.

He sat on the floor for a while till an idea came to his mind 'yeah that will work'

He then started to make a letter to the other two gym leaders.


Aaron and Sawyer made their way to the District 11. On the way there Aaron started to meditate. He had picked this up due to the stress of his previous life along with what he remembered from fanfics where MC's can cultivate a type of energy and most of that required meditation.

The elder looked at the young man meditating and nodded. Most of the elite trainers had cultivated some sort of Aura and yet this rookie seems to be ahead of his peers just by meditating. There were many types of Aura and it was quite common in elite trainers because of tapping into the power in battles. Although it only seemed to heighten their senses and refine their bodies.

After they arrived in the district they were checked by the guards on duty. While they walked to their destination Sawyer started to explain to Aaron about the Agriculture District.

"The Agriculture District is primarily separated into three different sections. The first section is the farms that grow berries and other necessary plants and vegetables. They are often infested with wild Pokemon. This leads to many missions being assigned to clear them out.

The second section is the largest because it provides most of the food for the whole city-state. It houses most of the livestock and essential pokemon that are needed. The fishery houses Magicarp while the fields house Mareep and Miltank. The breeding houses mostly focus on Torchic, Corphish, Tempig, and Ducklett. Torchic provides the chicken, Ducklett the duck, Tempig provides pork, and Corphish the crawdads. Overall the amount of Torchic and Tempig is far less available than the Ducklett and Corphish due to the environment in and around Junction. The swampland allows those two Pokemon to thrive with ease.

Aaron asked, "Aren't you afraid of the Pokemon breaking out and evolving and such?"

The man laughed "Nono it is fine the water pools are lined with Everstone and most of the animals are drugged with a mix of stun spore and sleep powder keeping them ever so docile. Every once in awhile there will be a Pokemon that would be able to resist all of these and it has to be directly killed."

Aaron gulped and nodded

"The third section is the private section which is the smallest. Many of the retired trainers run this district and oversee the companies that want to raise certain pokemon for their business. If they are not able to raise it then they will have to rely on trainers to capture pokemon from the wild to use. Most civilian and trainer owned companies don't want the hassle of raising the Pokemon so they commission various hunting missions."

Aaron nodded but was thinking something totally different "Torchic, Tempig, Frokie are all part of the Royal three Starters from different regions and they are using them as food!!!"

Soon enough the two of them arrived at a large facility where they were allowed to enter due to Sawyer. He then turned to Aaron and gave him a pass.

"Here go and look around the facility as I have some things to do. Our business specializes in exotic foods so there are probably some pokemon here that you will never be able to see in the wild around our city-state. You are allowed to take some of them." And with that, he left down the hallway.

Aaron then started down the main hallway that separated all of the different breeding areas. He started a large fishery. When he arrived he saw a massive stone pool with hundreds of Krabby in and all along the edges of the pool where different smaller houses that seemed to house eggs. that housed. He was impressed as there were many workers overlooking the pool. He then made his way to the next pool which housed a bunch of small turtles.

What are those Pokemon? Aaron then tried to analyze them and his watch gave him the basic information.


Chewtle (Female)


Ability: Strong Jaw, Locked (Swift Swim)

Attribute: Water

Potential: Light Red

Strength: Mid Jr.

Moves: Water Gun, Tackle, Bite


"Ohh so its a Chewtle." Aaron then proceeded to scan all of the pokemon in the pool that he could and he determined something. Similar to the Sandile group that he had previously encountered most pokemon only have a Red or Orange aptitude while one with the rare yellow aptitude.

Aaron shook his head and headed to the other facilities he was excited to see the other facilities and pokemon. None of them really stood out to him. He wanted something special since he only had one chance at this.

After he toured most of the facilities he agreed with the Valor Elder. They have pokemon here that would not be normally been seen by trainers of the city-state. He also heard rumors that this facility had the best "products" compared to the state-run facilities. He had tried to get access to a couple of closed areas but he wasn't allowed in to see what Pokemon that they housed. They were reserved for members of Valor even if he had a pass. He assumed that the areas were meant to house fire type pokemon so he concluded that it might contain Torchic and Tempig based on what the Elder had said

So far he had entered the facilities of Krabby, Chewtle, FarFetched, Shroomish, Ducklett, and Deerling. He thought of trying to get a Deerling as they were rare and could become a strong support Pokemon since it had a strong grass affinity. Sadly the best Pokemon there had only low yellow potential. He was running out of areas to tour and he still had not found a pokemon that he wanted.

When he was leaving the Deeriling facility he heard his name being called.

"That's weird almost no one should know my name." Aaron turned around to see two girls coming toward him. One of them was waving to him and while they approached. Aaron had a weird look on his face 'I don't think that I know them. How do they know me. Other than my "reputation" but they seem happy to see me.'

When the two girls arrived in front of him they saw his confused face.

The older girl sighed "You don't remember me do you?"

Aaron shook his head

The younger girl laughed. "Sister this is the first time that a boy has not remembered you. How do you feel?" She was covering her mouth from laughing looking at Aaron's still confused face.

???: "You really don't remember me?"

Aaron shrugged his shoulders and was about to turn and walk away as he didn't like annoyances and he was eager to go get his next Pokemon.

She stomped her foot " My name is Gwen you asked me some questions and played with my Pokemon before your trial."

Aaron feet stopped moving and he turned back. He smiled politely and said "Nice to meet you again Gwen. Now I will be off."

He started to take off in the other direction again.

"Hehe Sister it looks like he is trying to avoid you."

"Hmph quiet you brat. Aaron why are you here?"

Aaron without looking back "Probably the same reason the both of you are."

The two girls eyes widened and Gwen nodded.

Aaron stopped as he turned around and asked "Why are you here by the way?"

Gwen was resisting the urge to beat this kid up.

Gwen "We where going to try to get a second Pokemon for my sister but we haven't found a good one yet."

Aaron nodded he then turned to the girl that looked around his age and looked at her. She looked very similar to Gwen only a little younger and had a little mischievous vibe in her.

Aaron asked " What was your first Pokemon?"

The girl smiled and brought out a Pokeball and released her Pokemon.

Chirp Chirp

A small navy blue and white bird with a red face and chest came out and immediately made flew onto the girl's shoulder It was not that big only about half a foot tall but it had a long tail and a sharp beak.

"This is Fila and my name is Roxy." She said with a sweet smile.

Aaron nodded "Aaron" he then analyzed her pokemon.


Taillow (Female)


Ability: Guts, Locked (Scrappy)

Attribute: Normal, Flying

Potential: Dark Yellow

Strength: Low Intermediate

Moves: Growl, Peck, Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Wing Attack, Double Team, Defog (Egg)


Aaron nodded and said "Its a beautiful Pokemon. It should be about to evolve soon. Make sure to provide it some nutritious food and make it exercise. It would be best if you could have a couple of battles before you go into the wild so its evolution won't be inturupted."

Gwen was gaping "How do you know that it will evolve soon?

While her sister was excited at the potential for her Pokemon's evolution. She had been training it hard and it was difficult to fight in missions due to its lack of power behind its attack forcing it to rely on its speed.

Aaron just shrugged and smiled then continued "Do you want a recommendation for your next Pokemon?"

Gwen "We don't need it"

Roxy " Sure"

Aaron nodded ignoring Gwen and said "If you are looking at the pokemon in this facility I recommend you go with a Deerling. It is a docile pokemon of normal and grass type which will help cover your Taillow's weakness to rock and electric type. Since most of the pokemon around here seem to be water or rock from mountain area and the grassland along with some of all types in the Forrest region. You will be able to compensate with type advantages. Also, Deerling is great at survival and support moves while it is in tune with nature which could help you out."

Roxy nodded and contemplated while Gwen just huffed in the annoyance at being ignored.

Roxy "Sounds good I want to see a Deerling before I make my decision."

Aaron nodded and started walking towards the facility he just left letting the two girls follow behind him.

When they arrived Gwen took charge and handed some papers to one of the managers there.

They then took them to the large grass pen where Aaron had previously seen. The two girls naturally had hearts in their eyes as they loved cute things. Roxy immediately started to try to find one that she liked as she now had her heart set on this breed of Pokemon.

Aaron then analyzed the Pokemon further with his watched and found out they all had a (drugged) status. He frowned at that as Deerling almost all where very docile along with Miltanks. He then turned to the manager and asked " Do you have any newborns that we can take a look at?"

The manager looked at him questioningly and Gwen looked at Aaron then nodded to the Manager.

Manager "Yes we do have some newborns… but"

Aaron interrupted "Are they drugged yet?"

Manager " Uhhh… well there is one egg group that is hatching over the next 3 days or so. We can check them. We usually use the sleeping agent only after a week old."

Aaron nodded and the group followed the manager to a smaller pen in an egg house. There was a large nest on one side and a small grassy patch on the other side. There was an older Deerling in there who was taking care of three newborn fawns.

While the girls approached the newborns. Aaron took a look around and saw that the edges of the area were lined with Everstones.

Aaron shook his head at the measures that this facility took and then analyzed the three infants

Deerling (male) - Dark Red - Early Infant

Deerling (female) -Light Orange - Early Infant

Deerling (female) - Light Red - Early Infant

Aaron sighed as none of the three infants had potential according to the system. He knew that potential isn't everything but it played a factor in the growth and how easy it was to train and adapt. He knew that the pokemon here are bred to be livestock and not Combat Pokemon so they don't care about potential.




Suddenly a crackling sound filled the room. The older Deerling ears perked up but it didn't move.

Suddenly a bright light shown out of one of the eggs nearest the two girls. Till it disappeared revealing a very small Deerling was left there blinking its eyes looking around.

But something was different about this one instead of the usual shades of yellow that the various Deerlings where known for it had a pink flower and markings.

The manager gasped and hurriedly called on the radio "Hurry We have a mutant in Lab D-3. Bring the extermination team."

The girls where startled Gwen not so much but more Roxy. She hurriedly shouted, "No I want that one."

The manager went wide-eyed at that and tried to reason with her but failed to convince her. She then approached the young pokemon who was exploring the surroundings with curiosity. She then asked "Deery want with me? I can get you out of here and not be taken by those baddies" She said with a sad voice.

The Pokemon seemed to understand vaguely the intentions of Roxy and rubbed its head against her.

Roxy was excited and pulled out a blue Pokeball and Deerling touched it and disappeared into red light. It was immediately caught without resistance.

Aaron just watched everything from afar. He then left the girls to their own thing.

He just smirked at his Analysis


Deerling (Female) (Shiny)


Ability: Chlorophyll, Unlocked (Serene Grace)

Attribute: Normal Grass

Potential: Dark Green

Strength: Low Jr.

Moves: Tackle, Camouflage, Agility (EGG), and Grass Whistle (EGG)


Aaron smirked, " That is not a mutant that is Shiny and it has good potential. Looks like it is going to be a powerhouse in the future if it is trained right."

He suddenly stiffened thinking of something.

"Crap I Forgot to buy a Pokeball!!!"

Sorry for not posting lately had a couple of tests in my classes. I will now be on schedule since I have free time.

The_Runic_Chef_457creators' thoughts
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