i don't own anything but Alex and Kayla my friend owns jack all rights to Pokémon goes to their owner
Well you would think that ash or someone from the games are the main character but no its two twin brothers one named Alexander white Drifter and the others name is Jack Black Drifter
And this is their story.
Alex:(yawns) brother wake up it's time to start our journey!!
Jack: (yawns) I want to sleep more but the journey is more important than sleep right now plus I can sleep tonight.
Alex:well are eggs are supposed to hatch today
Jack: Yeah they keep moving and they are really warm.
Then they heard cracking
Alex:oh crap
Jack: Do my eyes deceive me? I think our eggs are hatching!!!
Alex's egg hatched into a shiny torchic
Jack's egg hatched into a shiny treecko
Alex:wow! We got shinies!!
Jack: I'm at a loss for words…
Alex:yeah same umm i think ima put it in a cherish ball!
Jack: Yeah I agree! I think we received 1 each for last year's Birthday.
Alex:we actually received a lot,but anyway we gotta go to the professor's lab
Jack: Yeah, I think it's right here in town.
Jack: Anyways I think we should get going we don't wanna keep the professor waiting
Alex:yeah your right
Jack: Well let's go.
Then we started rushing to his lab,when we arrived he wasnt fucking there
Jack: (annoyed) Are you fucking kidding me! (asks nearby assistant) Where the hell is professor Birch?
Assistant: he was in a rush to pick someone up because their pokemon was in bad condition
Jack: (softens his anger) I see… (to Alex) what now?
Alex:i don't know
Jack: hmmmm I think
All of a sudden professor burst through the door with some boy with a pikachu and the hooked the pikachu up to a machine
Alex::bruh what the hell they doin
Jack: I don't know but I think that Pikachu has an electric build up
Alex: i just want to start my journey so many problems
Jack: I hear you but we must wait
All the sudden the machine exploded and we got smoke all over our face
Alex: now i have to take a shower
Jack: yeah you do that but I'm gonna help
Alex: i guess we could that pikachu just took off and the boy jumped out the broken window
Jack: true but Treecko can search the trees for where they went.
Alex:yeah lets go
We rushed out into the forest
Jack: Where could they be?
Alex:throw out your treecko
Jack: Right, Treecko come out and help!
Treecko came out of his pokeball and looked at jack
Jack: There is a boy with black hair, a blue jacket and red hat chasing a Pikachu which is his partner, climb the trees and help us find them, please.
Treecko jumped into the trees and after a few minutes comes back pointing towards a certain area
Jack: Well done Treecko, now return.
Alex: we should hurry
Jack: Right
When we arrived we seen a group of people in a blimp one with blue hair the other with red and a talking meowth?
Alex:bruh did that cat just talk and whose these cosplayers
Jack: Doesn't matter they're all going down!
All a sudden two girls came out of nowhere with professor birch one of them chose a torch and told it to use amber
Alex: i dont think your saying that right
Jack: Show 'em who's boss Alex.
Alex: torchic come out and show them who's boss use ember!!
Jack: Treecko you too and Use Bullet Seed!
The pikachu was released after they absorbed all the eclectic of pikachu and our attacks damaged their machine alot and the boy had his pikachu use thunderbolt and they were sent flying
Alex:good riddance
Jack: Too easy.
The boy walked over with his pikachu in arms
Ash:thanks for the help my names ash
Jack: No problem, I'm Jack and this is my partner Treecko.
Alex:and im his brother alex and this is torchic
Professor birch walks over and asks what brings us here
Jack: We were looking for you but then we got wrapped up in the whole Team rocket bs.
Professor:oh sorry about that
Alex:it's cool but can we head back I wanna start my journey
Jack: Yeah… Same here
Just then the two beautiful sisters came over
May:hi I'm may and this is my sister kayla
Jack: Hi, I'm Jack. Nice to meet you.
Alex:I'm Alex nice to meet you did you come here to start your journey too
May: Yeah we did. I chose torchic as my partner.
Kayla: I chose mudkip
Alex:nice but we should really head back
Jack: Yeah we need our pokeballs and Pokedex.
Professor: right let's head back
When we arrived he gave all of use 5 pokeballs and a Pokedex
Jack: Thanks professor.
Professor:your welcome and enjoy your journey
When we left we seen may and Kayla cussing out ash for frying their bike so we walked over
Alex:I wouldn't mind buying you a new one
Jack: Yeah we have lots of cash plus ash has been through enough with his Pikachu being sick and all.
May: Your right, Sorry ash, Would it be alright if Kayla and I traveled with you two.
Alex:yeah sure but we should get going before it gets too late
Jack: yeah I want to get to Oldale town before night fall
Kayla:he's right sis we should get going
We all rushed too oldale town when we arrived it started to rain
Alex:that was a close one
Jack: Yeah it was
Alex well let's heal our pokemon and check into a room at the pokecenter
May: I agree let's get 2 rooms one for you and Jack the other for Kayla and I.
Alex:sounds good
Jack: I'm fine with that
Then we headed towards our room after healing our pokemon and closed the door and locked it
Alex: OOF that was a rough day
Jack: Yeah I agree but it was kinda fun except the team rocket people trying to catch Ash's Pikachu.
Alex: true but I kinda liked the redhead
Jack: Yeah she was cool, but not my type.
Alex:the nurse was pretty sexy too and so was the officer we seen to get into town
Jack: I noticed a teal haired police officer. She was pretty and hot.
Alex: well we should get some rest
Jack: Right, Goodnight
End of chapter 1