
Pokemon: A Real World

Waking up with no knowledge of himself Eren Jagger must make his way to civilization slowly picking up the pieces of his past while stumbling across opportunities and falling into adversity. the challenges are great and the rewards are unknown but this child is not as simple as one might expect. P.S I own only OCs and that's about it, thanks.

McTripp · Derivados de juegos
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: You Want To Chu Chu Train Me!?

Hi Readers, I am back at you with another chapter and this time it is normal in length... also, the title is a great one for anybody who is old enough to remember this episode of the Simpsons. thanks for reading and as always comment and let me know what you think.


The top of the eggs shell was lifted like a lid as a small white scaly snake's head emerged from the egg. her purple eyes looked around lazily before landing on Eren and when she saw him he could feel her joy through their bond. "Ekans!" she cried out excitedly in her cute baby Pokémon voice she flickered her tongue out and the whole inside of her mouth was visible it was purple just like her eyes she had a gold band that rang just below her head.

Eren was captivated and almost moved to hold her but caught himself. "Hi there Ekans are you able to control your Poison Point ability? I can't hold before we get it under control."

The baby Pokémon turned its head to the side slightly in contemplation before nodding. after a few seconds, the shine to her scales diminished.

Seeing this Eren immediately moved the hold Ekans gently lifted her as she slowly slithered the rest of her almost one-meter-long body out of its shell. he lightly scratched the Ridge behind her eyes making the female Ekans body tremble in delight. " Kasara told me that baby Pokémon should eat their eggs as it's good for their bodies Ekans but I've also prepared some milk and Pidgey breast for you to eat if you are still hungry."

Ekans nodded and went to eat her egg while Eren looked at her status.

Name: N/A

Species: Ekans (Albino White.)(Shiny.)

Gender: Female.

Rank: Baby (Newborn.)

Potential: Light Gold -> Gold.

Age: 3 minutes.

Size: 96 centimetres.

Bloodline: Arbok/Dragonite (Titanboa, Ancient, Shiny.)

Bond: Weak. (Improved.) ( blood bonded with Eren Jagger.)

Abilities: Intimidate (i), Poison Point(i).

Hidden Abilities: Microscale(i).

Moves: Poison Sting(i), Leer(i).

Egg Moves: ScaryFace(i), Swagger(i), Coil(i), Extremespeed(i), Dragon Dance(i), Dragon Breath(i).

Tutored Moves: N/A

Description: Ekans the snake Pokémon. This Pokémon is an ambush predator that is known for its liking of Pigdey, Ekans is mostly found in forests and in the surroundings of bird-type Pokémon nests they are highly Poisonous so take care when approaching.

"Wow," Eren excitedly exclaimed, her Potential has risen to Gold after hatching.

Eren focused on Ekans Titanboa's bloodline and another Description popped up.

Description: (Titanboa.) (Gargantuan Gene)The Ancestors of this Pokémon suffered from a gene mutation causing them to be greater in size than their brethren.

reading this Eren felt blown away and quickly checked the other two bloodlines.

Description: (Ancient.) The Ancestry line of this Pokémon dates back thousands of years as one of the most successful of its species its line has always remained powerful and unbroken.

Description: (Shiny.) (Alternative colour gene.) Dubbed Shiny by their fellow Pokémon. The "Shiny" title is given to Pokémon who have suffered a colour gene mutation. While in some Pokémon clans they are shunned as being different it is undeniable that all Shiny Pokémon hold a greater potential.

Eren was so happy he wanted to jump with joy. gone were the feelings of nervousness and in their place grew a dream. a dream to one day be the very best, like no one ever was!

Ekans finally finished devouring her eggs shell and turned to see her human. she felt the happiness and excitement through the bond and slithered back to him coiling in his lap and hissing softly.

Eren slowly feed his Ekans the Pidgey meat and Berry blended Miltank milk. And as Ekans finished her first meal she soon fell asleep in Erens lap,

The baby stage of a Pokémon's life was when their bodies were at their weakest. they couldn't use any attacks and would only eat and then sleep for around 4 hours before waking up only to eat again, this was the routine for their first week until reaching the Juvenile stage. And so Eren settled into this routine along with his Ekans.

The Dratini egg still had a little over 15 days till it would hatch but Eren was already anticipating it.


As the week passed, Eren and Ekans bond grew and so too did his relationship with Kasara and Marcus.

With Eren now being fully healed and rested he began helping out around the Ranger's Station. and his daily interactions with the Rangers gave Eren a sense of respect towards them, they were the first line of defence and warning if there was a Pokémon tide as well as a deterrent for poachers and the mediators between the Pokémon clans on the edges of the forest and humans. when he asked why they had to deter the poachers from killing Pokémon Marcus explained that most of the Pokémon in the forest were sentient and that the quality of the meat was better than the non-sentient Pokémon. but hunting sentient Pokémon would often stir the local Pokémon clans up into a frenzy. human's had already started the practice of breeding and farming non-sentient for food so there was no need to hunt wild sentient Pokémon other than greed. Eren then asked if he could see the difference between the sentient and non-sentient Pokémon and Marcus agreed taking he out to a small roofed building next to the log house Marcus then pulled out a pokéball and summoned out a small Pidgey telling Eren that it was going to be a gift to him but Eren quickly declined, he had an Ekans and the little bird probably wouldn't last more then a few seconds.

Still, Eren walked up and gently scratched Pidgeys head.

Name: N/A

Species: Pidgey.

Gender: Female.

Rank: Juvenile. (Low.)

Potential: Light Green.

Age: 4 months

Size: 24 centimeters

Bloodline: Pidgeot/Pidgeot.

Bond: None (Pokéball.)

Abilities: Keen Eye(i).

Hidden Abilities: Big Pecks(i).

Moves: Tackle(i), Growl(i).

Egg Moves: Gust(i).

Tutored Moves: N/A

Marcus then recalled the Pidgey and Brought Eren into the aptly named hen house. the walls were lined with shelves that had nests lining along them, and each nest had a Pidgey roosting on an egg. it was an odd sight to see them being so... unintelligible. they were not interested in anything going on around them and just seemed focused on their task.

Eren walked to one of the Pidgeys who tried to nip at his fingers before it relaxed as he put his on its head giving it a Scratch.

Name: N/A

Species: Pidgey.

Gender: Female.

Rank: Juvenile. (Mid.)

Potential: Red.

Age: 6 months

Size: 31 centimeters

Bloodline: Pidgeotto/Pidgeotto.

Bond: N/A

Abilities: Keen Eye(i).

Hidden Abilities: Big Pecks(i).

Moves: Tackle(i), Growl(i).

Egg Moves: N/A

Tutored Moves: N/A

"So the Pokémon doesn't have to be fully evolved to give birth to its eggs?" Eren asked in confusion.

Marcus lifted an eyebrow at his question before replying. " Where did you get that assumption? No, they don't, the reason we breed these non-sentient Pidgey from Pidgeottos is that if they evolved into Pidgeots and bred, the eggs will have a greater chance of being sentient."

Eren had an idea of what was going but he had to check first, he went around to all the Pidgeys in the hen house and found that they all had red potential. Eren thanked Marcus and quickly went back to his room to write down his findings.


The next day Eren woke up with a happy little Ekans doing figure 8s on his chest and stomach he giggled and laughed at her antics and called up for some head scratches which she thoroughly enjoyed. 7 days had passed since Ekans had hatched and she had finally entered the Juvenile (low) stage, so it was time to start their training!

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