
Pokemon- Master of Steel

I am a big fan of Pokemon and this story is about a young boy whose dream is to become world's best trainer. Story about how he start loving steel type and his adventures in University and then Pokemon World. Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Pokemon Company. This is just a Fan-made novel.

ujjawalkant_rai · Cómic
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18 Chs

Chapter 3

Next Morning:

"Alan, hurry up, we are late." A young lady said to a 4-year-old kid eating bread and jam, a Scizor was standing near them, and a silver Beldum lying on the table, eating some brown cubes.

"Okay, I have finished breakfast, let's go," Alan said, taking a final bite.

"You should chew your food properly. Look at your friend Beldum. He eats after chewing food correctly." Alan's mother said.

Alan looked at the silver Pokemon. He had bandages and stitches on his body, but he looked good today, "But mom," he said.

"No, I won't tolerate it next time. Well, let's go, we should hurry now." Alan's mother said. They all stood up, and Alan's mother asked Dr. Joy to take care of Beldum for a while until they came back and asked Scizor to be with them.

They boarded on bus No. 12 to the Pokémon school. Celadon City is a big city. The Pokémon school is built outside the city. This school is very big. All children who dream of becoming Pokémon trainers/coordinators take admission in this school. There are other courses in other schools, such as Medical, Breeder, Engineering, etc.

It took about 45 minutes to reach near Gate 2 of the Pokemon School. This is the only Pokemon trainer school in the entire Kanto region. As it is very famous, many trainers from other regions also take admission here. Lecturers at this school include Professor Samuel Oak, his son Blue Oak and grandson Gary Oak. The famous coach Ash Ketchum and his father Red Ketchum also visited here as guest lecturers. Although Ash is busy with Alolan University, he rarely visits here.

"Can you tell me the way to the admissions counter?" Alan's mother asked the lady sitting behind the counter with the sign 'May I help you'.

"Yes Mam, go straight from here, then go left. After a few minutes' walk, you will arrive near the elevator and the admission counter is on the 4th floor." The kind woman replied.

Ellen's mother thanked her, and then walked in the direction the lady told her. A few minutes later, she arrived near the admission counter and went directly to the counter where a blonde lady was sitting. "Hello, mam, I have booked the online application form for my son's Admission, and got today's appointment." Allen's mother said.

"May I know the details?" asked the lady behind the counter.

"Sure, My son's name is Alan Parker and my name is Mia Parker. Yesterday I filled out the form online." Allen's mother replied.

"Yes, Mrs. Parker, please fill out this form and we can proceed to the next step." Said that the lady & gave Mia a 7-page form.

Mia filled out all the form within 10 minutes and then handed them to the lady. She checked the form, and then asked Mia to follow her.

"Hello Sir, we have a new application. This is the form filled out by Mrs. Parker." The lady said to a man with a big belly and brown hair, who was wearing a white suit shirt and brown blazer with brown pants.

"Yes, hello, Mrs. Parker, this is Andrew Thomas, who is in charge of enrollment here. Please sit down," Andrew said.

"Thank you, Mr. Thomas, I am here for enrollment of my son Alan." Mia replied.

After discussing for a while and completing all the procedures, and then paid the dormitory fee to the hostel (since students from Kanto can go to school for free), Mia thanked Andrew, and then walked out with her son. She went back to the same counter and collected the rule book and a pokeball booked under her son. She got Andrew's permission to keep Beldum with Alan.

Mia checked the rule book when that lady was preparing Alan's ID, because he was going to join the school after 1 month. She found that every student in the Pokemon School will get a Pokemon from the second grade of the school, and they will train the Pokemon till the age of 15, at age of 15 they will get graduation certificate and after that they can start their journey to any region they wish.

"Mam, everything is ready." The lady behind counter called Mia.

"Hello Mrs. Parker, here is ID card of Alan, this is your fee receipt for future reference, these are books of this semester which he can start reading as he has certificate from nursery so it means he can read these books." Said that lady handing over all the stuffs to Mia. Yes Alan has certificate from Nursery that he is eligible for admission in Pokemon School.

Mia took everything and thanked that lady then walked back to the hospital.

Alan is going to start his journey in Pokemon School soon, so what will be his life and how many new friends he will make, keep reading to know more.