
Pokemon: - The Journey of a Reincarnator

Join my discord server. https://discord.gg/7UKG6SZy8u AZURE's server ____________ "Itsuki Kagami is my name" I was reincarnated in Pallet town; I was the neighbor of Ash Ketchum. I and Ash quickly became best friends because of our interest in the Pokémon.] Itsuki is reincarnated in pokemon world with 3 wishes. Itsuki wants to compete and defeat the Mc of pokemon. Itsuki is one year older than Ash. This novel is about the journey of a reincarnator who admired Ash and loved. Now after reincarnating to his favorite anime, Itsuki's greatest wish is to defeat Ash and make his own legend. Note:- Our MC is not a perfect man. He also has his shortcomings which will be shown in upcoming chapters. Also this world is different from the anime, because other Anime characters might exist in this world and will be introduced in upcoming chapters. ___________________ [If you want to read advance 19 chapters https://www.patreon.com/Azure_warrior.] __________________ I am not the owner of the cover image. Credit goes to the owner.

Azure_warrior · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
191 Chs

Chapter 21 - Cynthia vs Blaine [I]

1 hour later,

Itsuki still couldn't fall asleep. Itsuki was feeling nervous and excitement. The faster his heart beat became the more excited and nervous he became.

Cynthia was also the same. This was the first time she was sharing a room with someone of opposite gender, someone whom she considered as friend.


Both Itsuki and Cynthia had trouble sleeping. But after another hour, both of them finally fell asleep.


Next morning,

The sun ray entered the bedroom and fall on Cynthia which woke her up.

"Is it morning already?" Cynthia lazily rubbed her eyes. Cynthia then suddenly realized that yesterday she and Itsuki slept in the same room.

Cynthia instantly blushed and looked at the left side, only to see the face of sleeping Itsuki.


"He is still sleeping." Cynthia looked at Itsuki's face. 'He is really handsome.' Cynthia smiled while looking at Itsuki.

'His sleeping face is so cute.' Cynthia thought.


Cynthia then got up and took a bath. After walking out of the bathroom, Cynthia found that Itsuki had woken up and now was sitting in the couch.

"Did I make you wait?" Cynthia asked. Cynthia's cheeks were little red when she looked at Itsuki. Itsuki shook his head.

"No, I just woke up." Itsuki grabbed the towel and went to the bathroom.


After walking out of their room, many people looked at Cynthia and Itsuki which made both of them embarrassed for some reason.

Cynthia and Itsuki walked faster and went to a restaurant to have breakfast with their Pokémons.

During Breakfast time, Itsuki can see that his Pokémons did not liked the food taste because they are used to having tasty food made by Itsuki, who had cooking skills.


Itsuki did not bring out his Articuno since he did not want to attraction any attention. Itsuki knows that legendary Pokémons can live without having to eat. They are basically immortals.


After having breakfast, Itsuki and Cynthia asked some locals and made their way to the Cinnabar Island Gym.

"I am already feeling hot." Itsuki and Cynthia walked near the volcano. The gym was located very close to the volcano.

There was a mountain very close to the volcano. Itsuki and Cynthia stood in front of the entrance.

"There he is" Itsuki saw the gate open and the face of legendary bald old man was standing and looking at them with a smile.

"Did you two enjoy your stay at my Inn?"

"__" Itsuki & Cynthia did not comment.


"I see, looks like my Inn left you two so amazed that you cannot describe the feeling in words."

"__" Itsuki & Cynthia

Itsuki really wanted to hit this bald old man. Cynthia's expression turned cold.


Blaine led Itsuki and Cynthia to an underground battle field. The entire battlefield had small and big boulders on it. For some reason Itsuki and Cynthia started to feel very hot and both of them was sweating.

"You see, this gym was made near the volcano. Feeling little hot is something you two have to endure."

"Old man this is not 'Little' hot, it's too hot." Itsuki shouted while wiping the sweat from his cheeks.


"I have four Pokémons. Since both of you want to fight me, I will use to two Pokémons per battle. You can also only use 2 Pokémons but the challenger is allowed to switch Pokémons during battles." Blaine walked towards the other end of the battlefield.

"Itsuki, as we agreed, I will go first." Cynthia looked very excited for her battle. Cynthia walked and stepped in the battlefield.


'Blaine had a Magmar, his Magmar is shown very strong in the anime. Even Ash's Charizard had hard time defeating it. So if Blaine uses his Magmar during the first battle then I am confident that my Pokémons could win otherwise, it will be a very tough fight.'


"Come out, Ninetales."

Ninetales is a fox looking creature with nine tails on its back and she has light cream fur covering her entire body. Her height was about 1.1 meters.

[Pokémon: - Ninetales

_Level: - 30

_Type: - Fire

_Species: - Fox Pokémon

_Ability: - Fire Slash/ Drought

_Gender: - Female

_Fire Blast | Will-O-Wisp| | Solar Beam| Shadow ball| Tackle| Energy Ball]


"Blaine's Ninetales is strong. I wonder what Pokémon Cynthia will choose. Yesterday, Itsuki has seen some of her Pokémons but Itsuki felt that Cynthia still has few other Pokémons which she haven't showed him. 'Looks like she wants to surprise'


Itsuki remembers that in the original anime series, Cynthia only travelled with her Dragon Pokémon, Garchomp. But in this world, her Garchomp is yet to evolve.

"Come out, Gastrodon."


"A Gastrodon, I remember this Pokémon is from Sinnoh region. Looks like Cynthia is going to use Pokémons from Sinnoh region in the Indigo League. Gastrodon has natural immunity against water type attacks but against a fire type Cynthia has a type advantage." Itsuki had some plans of catching some specific Pokémons from Sinnoh region and Itsuki also wanted to participate in the Sinnoh League.


[Pokémon: - Gastrodon

_Level: - 28

_Type: - Water and Ground

_Species: - Sea Slug Pokémon

_Ability: - Sticky Hold/ Storm Drain

_Gender: - Male

_Water Gun | Water Pulse| | | Rain Dance| Mud Slap]


"hmm, Gastrodon level is lower than Blaine's Ninetales but Gastrodon has a type advantage against Ninetales. It Looks like this battle is going to be very interesting." Itsuki found a place to sit.


"Ninetales use Shadow Ball."

Ninetales! A black ball formed on her mouth.

"Gastrodon, use Water Pulse."

Gastrodon! A Water ball formed on Hastordon's mouth and threw it towards the coming shadow ball.



Both moves collided and created black smoke in the battlefield.

Blaine smiled; he did not want to give Cynthia time to attack.

"Ninetales, Use energy ball."



Multiple energy balls formed on the Ninetales tails and shot towards Gastrodon's direction.

Cynthia hearing Blaine's words, she quickly ordered Gastrodon.

"Use Water Mud slap to protect yourself from those Energy balls."


Several balls mud formed near Gastrodon and hit with the energy balls.


Again black smoke spread in the battlefield.


"Gastrodon, use rain dance" Cynthia

Hearing Cynthia's words, Blaine knew that he was in disadvantage.

"Ninetales, use fire Blast."


Ninetales opened her mouth and shot a 1 meter big star shaped fire blast towards Gastrodon.


"The move would have been more effective if Gastrodon hadn't used rain dance." Under the rain, any fire type moves will be greatly weakened by 50%.

"Gastrodon, use Water Gun"

Gastrodon opened his mouth and shot a powerful water blast which easily destroyed the fire blast and approached towards Ninetales.


"Ninetales, quickly dodge." Blaine sighed in relief when Ninetales dodged the Water gun in just neck of time but

"Gastrodon, water pulse" Cynthia was waiting for this opportunity. She quickly asked her Gastrodon to use water Pulse.

The blue ball looking attack directly hit Ninetales who was still busy dodging the attack of Water gun.




"One of the great uses of Rain dance is that Rain dance increases the power of any water related move by 50%."

Ninetales took direct hit and was also confused, which is a additional effect of water pulse.

"Ninetales! Blaine panicked. Ninetales was under the affect of confusion. It's been a long time since he faced this type of situation.


"Gastrodon, finish this with Water gun." Cynthia it was impossible to Ninetales to dodge this move.

Blaine panicked and quickly shouted.

"Ninetales, use energy ball."


Ninetales created some energy ball but threw to some other direction.


And the water gun directly hit Ninetales.


When the smoke cleared, Ninetales has fainted and was unable to battle.


"Arcanine, let win"

Arcanine is a large, bulky canine Pokémon that also possesses traits of tigers and lions. It has a distinct long dog-like muzzle with a large round black nose. Its eyes are triangular in shape, with black pupils. It has short diamond-shaped orange ears with cream colored insides. The majority of Arcanine's body is covered with bright orange fur with jagged black stripes, resembling the fur of a tiger. Its most of its head and face, and its chest, legs, are covered in light cream colored fluffy tufts of fur. It has a long puffy cream-colored tail.


[Pokémon: - Arcanine

_Level: - 37

_Type: - Fire

_Species: - Pseudo Legendary Pokémon

_Ability: - Flash Fire

_Gender: - Male

_Flamethrower | Extreme Speed| | Flame Wheel | Double Team| | Bite]


"Some Pokémons are called Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon because of their rarity and power. Pokémons like Arcanine is of the examples of Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon. Blaine's Arcanine is very powerful. With proper tactic, Blaine's Arcanine can even take down Pokémon of higher levels." Itsuki also wanted to catch a Arcanine but he knew that finding Arcanine is extremely hard and time consuming.


"Arcanine, Use Double team then use Extreme speed."

Arca! Arcanine roared loudly then charged towards the Gastrodon.

More than 20 Arcanine appeared and charged together towards Gastrodon. Arcanine's speed suddenly increased as a white thin cloak wrapped around its body.


"Gastrodon, quickly use Water gun" Cynthia shouted but before Gastrodon could prepare his water gun, Arcanine hit Gastrodon body and send Gastrodon sent flying.


Gastrodon fainted directly.


"Well, it does to be expected. Arcanine's level is 37 while Gastrodon is only 28; there was a huge power difference between Aracine and Gastrodon." Itsuki also feels that Cynthia's Gastrodon will become even more powerful and increase its level by the time of Indigo League.

'Knowing Cynthia's personality, she won't allow her Pokémons to remain weak.'


[For advance chapters


**Announcement:- If we managed to reach 400 power stones then I am going to release 3 chapters or even more depending on the number.}}}