
-Route 4 Art vs Leaf

Random Pokémon Fact - Tornadus is the first pure flying type Pokémon.


Chapter 22

"Alright don't blame me if you lose" Art said with a playful smile.

"Go Cera" Art said as he let out his Beedrill.


"Let's go! Poly!" Leaf said as she sent out a Butterfree.

"You go first" Art said with a smile as he was interested in how much she improved.

"Alright then Poly use Tackle!" Leaf starts off with tackle as her butterfree then rushes towards Cera who was always prepared.

Art didn't make a move as he gauged the butterfrees strength as he sees Cera easily dodging the Tackle.

'It's quite strong but it isn't a match for Cera' Art thought.

"Cera use peck" Art said as Cera then appeared behind the Butterfree and used one of her pointy arms to use peck.

The Butterfree was sent flying but isn't knocked down since Art had told the girls to hold back their strength a bit.

"What?!" Leaf said as she wasn't expecting that from Art.

"Poly try sleep powder!" She said as he butterfree then tried to use sleep powder but that doesn't work on Cera since her wings are moving at fast speeds that the powder just gets blown away by the gust coming from her wings.

"That didn't work too? Then how about gust!" Leaf said as her Butterfree then flapped its wings harder and created a powerful gust of wind rushing towards Cera.

"Dodge then twinneedle" Art commanded and Cera easily dodges the attack and is rushing towards the butterfree.

"Now! Confusion!" Leaf hurriedly said as her butterfree then launched a confusion towards Cera who had gotten hit.

"Alright! We got em!" She celebrated but her celebration didn't last long when she saw Cera continuing her attack as she rushes out of the dust cloud.

"What?! How is that possible? Isn't Psychic super effective against poison types?" Leaf said like she was the one hit by the confusion.

Leaf didn't have enough time to react to Ceras speed as Cera then Hits both twinneedle causing the butterfree to faint.

"Poly return!" Leaf said as she returned her Butterfree into its poke ball.

"What is that beedrill made of? How is it so fast and strong at the same time?!" She complained as she looks at the Beedrill in front of her.

"Well a really hard training schedule can do that sometimes" Art said with a smile as he returned Cera into her poke ball.

"I won't lose easily this round! Go Mellow!" Leaf said as she sent out a Jigglypuff.

"A jigglypuff? In that case" Art said and reached for Fayes poke ball.

"Go Faye" He said as he let out the Ojou Sama Clefairy.

"I'll move first now. Faye start off with Minimize" Art called out minimize which had made Faye dodge a little more easier since minimize Shrinks the user a bit which makes it easier for them to dodge.

"Oh no you don't! Mellow use pound!" Leaf quickly reacted but was too late since Faye had already used the move and dodged the pound.

"Now Tickle" Art said as he saw the Jigglypuffs attack missed and took the opportunity to lower some of its stats.

Faye then had an evil glint in her eyes as she then tickled the jigglypuff with her small hands.

"Mellow get out of there!" Leaf said as her Jigglypuff tried but it failed as Faye kept tickling it.

Faye then stopped her assault and jumped back in front of Art while smiling arrogantly at the jigglypuff.

The jigglypuff saw this and immediately attacked Faye without the help of its trainer.

It immediately used a consecutive amount of pound towards Faye but Faye dodges most of them and the jigglypuff's attacks barely does anything to her right now since that tickle lowered its attack and defense.

"Mellow stop!" Leaf said to her Pokémon who complied begrudgingly since it knew it lost control over itself.

"Alright Disarming voice!" Leaf said as Mellow then used disarming Voice towards Faye who just smiled and waited for Arts command.

"Counter with Disaming voice too" Art said as Faye then used Disarming voice too and Hers and the jigglypuff's attack met in the middle and countered each other.

Faye smiled at the Jigglypuff with an arrogant face like she's looking down on it.

"Mellow stop! Don't fall for it!" Leaf said to her Pokémon who didn't listen to her and charged at Faye.

"End this Mega punch" Art said as Faye smiled and Charges at the jigglypuff with her right hand cocked back and a glowing white aura surrounds it.

Faye met Mellow in the middle as she and the jigglypuff who was going for a pound attacked each other with Faye dodging the pound and punching the jigglypuff in the face.

Mellow flew towards a tree knocked out and Faye standing where they meet happy with her Victory.

"*Sigh* well I'll have a talk with her later, Go Petal!" Leaf said as her Bulbasaur jumped into the battlefield.

"Sora let's do this" Art said as he threw out Soras poke ball as the Spearow then entered the Battlefield.

"Petal let's start of with Sleep powder!" Leaf said as her Bulbasaur then released some gray powder from its bulb that came rushing towards Sora.

"Send it back with Gust" Art said as Sora then flapped her wings faster and harder as a powerful Gust of wind sends back the Sleep powder while also simultaneously hitting the Bulbasaur with gust knocking it back.

"Petal!!" Leaf worriedly said as she looks at Petal still fine but it had took the Gust head on and luckily the Sleep powder didn't seem to hit her Bulbasaur.

'That's bullshit! How did it not put it to sle- oh wait Sora didn't hold back didn't she? *Sigh*' Art sighed in thought as he looks at Sora who just blasted the sleep powder away.

{B-bulba-saur!} Petal tried to get up but fainted on spot.

"*Sigh* I can't beat you at all" Leaf said as she returned Petal into her poke ball.



Small change Pokémon that a can trainer can hold is changed to 12 rather than 18.

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