This novel revolves around a 10-year-old boy who is tasked with stopping legendary forces from wreaking havoc on the region. He also wants to be the next Pokemon master
It was a beautiful day in the Ethor region, A young boy named Avian just turned 10. Avian decided when he was 5 that he would become a Pokémon master. Today was the big day, today was the day Avian would get to choose his partner Pokémon. "Avian, Avian?" called out Serenity. "Coming!" yelled out Avian running out of his house. So ready to meet your partner Pokémon? said Serenity. Yep, but I'm still deciding on what Pokémon I should pick said Avian. Well, you still have 5 minutes to decide on what Pokémon to pick said Serenity. Just then walking a big boom happened on the southern side of the town. Avian and Serenity sprinted in that direction, a huge meteor had struck the town. Flames were everywhere, the town in destruction. Just then 2 Pokémon appeared to be fighting. Both as big as buildings, they struck each other again. Avian looked in shock as 1 of the Pokémon went flying past him. Serenity hesitated, Avian let's go before this gets even worse. Avian nodded, they both ran as fast as they could. They ran up to professor Felix's office, Professor Felix stood there on the phone. Avian ran in and started shouting, Serenity followed him in.
The professor listened as chaos arose outside. I know what's going on out there, those are the 2 legendary Pokémon responsible for keeping the world in the natural order, something has disturbed this process so they have come to erase it. Avian processed the new information, he looked at the professor, I'll help, Let me help you figure this out. Serenity chimed in, ya me too even though it does sound dangerous I'll help. The professor smirked, you 2 kids are different always ready to help out no matter the risks. I have called in the champion and all the gym leaders to help us, while they arrive quickly choose your starter Pokémon. The professor took 3 Pokéballs out, here are your 3 options. Froakie the water Pokemon, Charmander, the fire Pokemon and Grookey the grass Pokemon. Avian looked intensely, Serenity spoke up, I choose Charmander. Avian looked up, clenched his fists. Then I'll choose you Froakie, Avian smiled, me and you will be the best of friends. Alright now I want you 2 to head out to Veastemere City, Medora Town is not safe. Avian looked at him, we already said we are helping out. You guys really are stubborn, laughed the Professor. Then now about this, there is a strong amount of energy coming from a town ahead of Vestemere city, I was going there myself but you guys can do it. Avian smirked at Serenity and together the shouted YES!
Avian and Serenity headed out at once, they received their Pokemon and left. They ran to the exit of Medora town, Avian looked back smirked and walked forward. They both walked through the forest and out to the open fields. Avian ran out on the field, he took out his pokeball and out came Froakie. Avian and Froakie ran around the field in search for their first battle. Then Serenity offered Avian a battle. Avian gladly accepted her offer, they both positioned themselves. Alright, guess I'll go first, Charmander use scratch, Froakie dodge and use bubble! Charmander got hit with a super effective attack, wow you know your types? Yep, studied hard. Charmander can you still fight? Char charmander, alright then Charmander use Metal claw, froakie jump up and use bubble. Charmander deflect them with metal claw! Wow interesting alright then, froakie run in their and use pound at the floor! Huh, Charmander use ember, DODGE IT AND USE POUND AND AIM IT AT THE FLOOR!! Dust is everywhere neither of them can see a thing. Alright Froakie use bubble, Charmander use scratch! Froakie dodge and use Bubble. Bubble hits charmander and it faints. Avian screams in joy, thank you for the battle. That was really fun, Charmander return. Alright let's start walking before it gets dark, just then a loud scream comes from the north, They look at each other and run in that direction.