
Pokémon - Savage World

What happens when you go to the Pokémon universe and you realize that the adorable creatures aren’t as cute as you thought and they will just as likely kill you. Pokémon battles have casualties, strolls through the woods end up with missing family members. Join our MC as he becomes the greatest Pokémon master ever and slays women faster than he earns badges First time writing. Will do 1 chapter a week at least. ————————— I don’t own any rights to Pokémon or anything affiliated with it. ————————— Also looking for someone to create a good cover for me.

NewManagement · Cómic
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43 Chs

Battle royal.... boy really

B-"Pull back to the wood line guys, it will give us some protection from the spearows." Bash, Storm, and Slimer ran back into the trees. Only a few spearows flew toward them. The spearows could no long just bomb them from the sky, they had to weave in and out of the tree canopy avoid branches. This would be easy for normal size birds but these spearows were bigger than most large eagles. This also made them easy targets. B-"Storm, when they get close stun them. Try to make them crash into the ground or trees. We need to get them on the ground." Just like that, when the birds got close and try to attack. Storm manage to stun them as they were dive bombing the group. One crashed into the tree and died from the impact. The other three managed to miss the trees but still ended up on the ground. Slimer made short work of them, he had effectively shot each of the fallen birds.

The birds were screeching realizing they were doomed. Three of the five were stuck on the ground, the other two were slowly running back to the beach. The rattatas noticed them and charged at them. I had noticed a few more dead rats on the beach. It looked like the spearows were slowly winning the fight. It didn't take long for the rats to get to the sticky birds. The rats wasted no time and within 30 seconds the two birds had been ripped apart. The spearows in the air noticed the death of 2 of their own. Enraged they started dive attack the rats. They would swoop down, and drill peck the top of the rats, aiming for their heads. The rats in turn would try quick attack and fang attacks on the diving birds. The rats were losing to the enraged birds. They made there way toward the tree line where we were hidden behind some trees and bushes. B-[Stun some of the birds as they dive bomb the rats Storm]. At that point a few birds that were in the process of attacking hit the ground hard. They missed their targets and crashed into the ground. Since they dived into the ground in the middle of the rats, they were torn to shreds very quickly. All the remaining rats were hurt and bleeding. I was just trying to reduce the number of Pokémon we had to kill. Might as well make it easier on us. There were still 6 rattatas remaining and just 3 spearows. B-[If the birds dive down stun them, lets try and get them all]. The spearows were just circling the rats, not sure what happened to the other birds. The turned and flew off above the trees. The rats were packed up together tightly waiting for the spearows to come back. I wanted to give them a few moments before attacking. Letting the adrenalin run through their system and have it crash on themselves. After a few minutes passed the rats had turned around and had started eating the dead spearows. B-[Slimer, try and get as many of them with your slime shot. Storm if any get away stun and attack them. Let's try to finish this as fast as possible.] Watching Slimer, he stood up on his hind legs, he had bubbles forming at his mouth. He pulled his head back and then launched his attack, the green bubble beam was at least 3 times as big as the one I have been watching him use. The bubble beam hit the group of rattatas, splashing all of them. Some of them were stuck to the ground, 2 were stuck together. 2 rats on the far side of the group were splashed but not enough to have them stuck to anything. Storm had charged at them, stunning both. It didn't take long for him to finish them off. B-[Alright lets scan them then kill them]. I scanned all the stuck animals, they were all normal pokemon. I had Slimer bite their heads and kill them off. As soon as they were dead, I tossed them into my storage space. I picked up everything, spearow and rat parts both. We went back to the spearows that were stuck on the ground in the woods. I scanned the three of them, they were all normal as well. I guess getting a variant pokemon was rare. Once again Slimer finished them off and I tossed them into the space with Slimer. B-[Lets head up the coast a bit, Storm you take the lead]. We took off running up the coast along the tree line. We Ran for about 20 minutes before coming to a stop. Entered a little way into the woods and took both me and storm into the space.

Delia had already started cutting up the animals that I had tossed into the space. The slime had made it a horrible mess. B-[Slimer, can you clean off the slime of these bodies?] Slimer-[Yeah have everyone stand back.] B-"Everyone get back, Slimer is going to clean them." At that point Slimer stood up and start shooting a blue bubble blast at the pile of animals. The green sludge that was covering the animals just rinsed right off their bodies. I guess the blue blast dissolved the green sludge. This made the hole process faster. We spent the next 2 hours going through the bodies, removing the pokecores and separating body parts of the animals. Although nothing expires or gets old in the space. I still ended up covering them as it was a little un nerving to see piles of meat and bones. We ended up with 17 cores. I started scanning them to see what we made this haul.

Small- L 4, M 3, H 3

Medium – L3, M 2 +2 wind, H 1 wind

B-"Lucy do you want to eat these three wind pokecores? Will she be okay doing that Delia?" D-"She just said that just wanted to eat the high quality wind one." I tossed her the pokecore and she swallowed it like a treat. Not paying much attention to her after that we started making plans for continuing the way. After about 20 minutes of chatting we were about to leave the space when Lucy started crying. D-"Lucy is in pain, she is having horrible pains in her stomach, she might be giving birth."

MFVO- Well now isn't this interesting. A pokemon is about to give birth, I wonder how many will survive… To think about it where is the father? Is Lucy a slutty Evee or is there something we don't know or hell even care about she is just a dog or fox or whatever you classify an Evee as. God I can't believe I'm doing voice overs for this shit. I need to fire my agent. Well I wonder what sort of bastard pups will be born.

Last chance to give ideas for Evee’s pups she ate 3 wind 2 grass 1 earth. I have a few combos in mind. Next chapter will be a day or 2 since work is busy

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