
Pleasure lovin' you Mr. Ruin

"You call my name casually as if we're familiar…. People have died for just speaking my name without my permission." He said with a half crazed smile as if what he'd said didn't sound threatening. "As if I'm afraid of you." She muttered under her breath, still trying to get him off her. "You're not? How can an Abomination not be scary?" His bow shaped lips tilted up and his head bent cutely to the side. "Bet I can make you afraid though." "Great all-seeing-eyes!" Ruen scowled. "How can a mad man be attractive?!" She blurted out. "That too is an innate gift," she blushed at the reply. "Tell you what I'll help you get rid of big an' ugly and you'll tell me if you're afraid, yeah?" YES, WANT TO SEE LITTLE PUPPY EYES GO ROUN', a raspy voice exclaimed in his head. "What are you-?" Her voice died in her throat and her eyes went round as prophesied by the voice in Ruen's head. "If I scare you, be warned, that'll force you to wiggle that body for me, little one." He proclaimed hoarsely before turning to the vampire chasing Poppy. Her fingers bunched on her shirt and her full lips separated for a long soft breath to enter while her doe green eyes followed the trail of the brown thick fleshy spider limp with little brown hair on it that burst out of Ruen's back and dug into the chest of the man chasing after Poppy. Poppy's eyes stayed glued to Ruen's strange limp watching thick crimson liquid from the chest of the vampire, staining Ruen's spider limp and falling onto the ground. °°° Ruen Monroe is a man of many names; Mr. Error, Child of Ruins, Master of Abominations, and the degenerate one. Since he was a child one thing had been certain, which was that he was a mistake child, an Abomination, a monster that undermined the powers of the true deities, so he always followed that one rule for his safety– Survival at all costs everyone else be damned. Poppy Fletcher is a sweetheart baby, the entire depiction of a universe child, a classic protagonist if it were a book. Born with looks that may not be the prettiest but managed to captivate even the cruelest beasts, and loved by everyone…. But there is an error with this universe sweetheart, she had a deadly problem that has plagued her since childhood. As a sweetheart baby who had never seen true horror, Poppy immediately became allured by Ruen; she believed she had fallen in love with him at first sight and set out to begin to unravel the mysterious Mr. Error. Will Poppy who is the universe's sweetheart manage to show the Error who is an Abomination to the universe that it is not forbidden to love him but simply a Pleasure to love Mr. Ruin? *This story is based on an alternate world, so their technology, their histories, and their beliefs are entirely different from the real world.

Merci_Blaine03 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

Chapter 3: Stranger kids.

In R2 University existed a special species of college students. These children did not fall under the category of mere "human" but rather Preternatural species- children that were born with the blood of certain minor divinities (deities). In R2 university these children had the blood of the minor divinities (deities) that were sworn under the all-seeing-eyes Whispers.

Just like the Metaphysical creatures, and occurrences outside The Rogue houses these Preternatural children were different- some had inherited abilities inline with their bloodline, some had merely the blood of minor divinities (deities) without their powers. Some of these abilities were gentle, some were dangerous and others….. Others were simply beyond control.

Then…. Then there were the odd kinds of Preternatural creatures, the ones that were STRANGE. "Margaret!" A timid voice shouted in the massive hall of the shutterport.

A petite figure flung her little hands to both sides and began running to a taller female frame. The taller female flung her hands and began running too. "Poppy!" She yelled running to the much smaller female.

"Margaret!" The petite female- Poppy yelled once more running faster. All eyes were now on them as they yelled each other's names at the top of their lungs.

Poppy, the female with charcoal bone-straight black hair trailing down to her ribs, big doe bottled green eyes misty with excitement, an oval shaped face covered with hair, small hands tossed to the side as she let out an ugly crying sound along with the yells of "Margaret".

Margaret was much taller than Poppy, and much slender than the plump sized shortie. Margaret had dirty blonde curly hair that trailed down to her ample chest, her skin was not nearly as fair as Poppy's nor was it freckled as Poppy's but it was expected of the shortie that was often referred to as a lucked out albino.

"Margaret!" Poppy yelled burying her small face onto the chest of Margaret and pressing her small naturally pouty blood red lips into a thin line.

Margaret immediately wrapped her longer hands around Poppy, she too, let out ugly cries. "Poppy! I've missed you." It was horrendous what these two had been through- they hadn't seen each other without MAX (Maximum Advanced Xender)Skype for a whole 24hrs and the agony was too much to bare.

Margaret detached herself from Poppy. "I'm your bestie!" Margaret sang, balling her fist and bringing it towards Poppy.

Poppy looked at the fist with her bottled blue eyes, before balling her own pasty white hand. "I'm your bestie!" The two fist bumped each other, and then they raised both their hands, slapping it in a crossed manner.

"You're my bestie!" They sang together before bumping their hips. "We stick together through thick and thin!" They tickled the tips of each other's fingers while shaking their body then pulled themselves together to hug again.

"It's been horrible Margaret!" Poppy shrieked. The two were currently hugging in the middle of the Shuttleport. The port where the Shuttle transport device would carry the students of R2 university for their school trip. Their coursemates (classmates) were staring at the two with incredulous looks, a word crossing their minds, "losers".

"I know! I begged my dad to let me sleep at your house but he declined, he said we'd see each other tomorrow anyways. My heart literally fell out, my inner beast carried all night." Margaret whined, lifting Poppy's short plump figure off the ground.

A commonness amongst Preternatural children with abilities was they always harness a consciousness called Inner beast. This consciousness made them possess dissociative personality disorder as this consciousness was a fragment of them that represented their uniqueness. As for Margaret, her own consciousness was a Giantess. The Giantess could speak to Margaret and could often possess Margaret's body.

The Giantess was strong, and so Margaret was absurdly strong. When Margaret wanted she could use a special ability called "Morphing" to shift into the body of the Giantess that existed in her mind making her huge, tall, and strong. Of course the Giantess was still Margaret since it was born from a fragment of Margaret but the Giantess still had thoughts/ideas and other things that made it alive.

"Maggi! Maggi! Drop me down!" Poppy yelled, slapping gently on Margaret's hand that was crushing her innards.

Margaret realized herself and quickly dropped Poppy down. "Sorry Poppy! The Giantess is really excited, you know how out of control we can be when we're excited!" Margaret was referring to herself and the Giantess.

Poppy waved her hand. "It's fine Maggi! My inner beast is happy to see you too! I heard from Moses, who heard from Yemi, who heard Nana, who heard Esther, who heard from the Dean's daughter, who heard from the Dean that the school trip is going to be so exciting!"

Poppy and Margaret instinctively grabbed each other's hands and began jumping up and down again until the ground began the rumble. They both stopped, and Margaret scratched her blonde curls and smiled sheepishly, "sorry, super strength."

Poppy too joined the bashful smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Shuttle transport is about to start its countdown to shut all doors. All passengers are advised to enter the Shuttle. 99…."

"The shuttle!" The duo yelled together, running towards the direction of the Shuttle.

Margaret having longer legs than Poppy was faster, leaving Poppy to keep. She ran past a silhouette, bumping into a much broader figure and triggering a fall as she stepped on her shoelace.

Her face was fanning the ground and her big green eyes widened only to realize she was not touching the ground but instead finding herself being lifted off the ground. Her small legs rose from the ground and her eyes came face to face with the figure who lifted her off the ground with just a hand.

Her button nose twitched when a misty scent of both vanilla cake and strawberry fruit wafted her nose. Her head tilted to the side like a confused little puppy while her big eyes stared wide eyed at a brown skinned male with stormy maroon eyes.

"Wow," she breathed through her mouth, staring at the figure in front of her.

He was much taller even though she was currently staring at him from a hoisted position. He had curly midnight blue hair, thick carved midnight blue eyebrows that pulled up into a tight furrow, fair eyelashes that almost hooded his maaron eyes, an aristocratic nose, and peach-pale blue coloured full lips with the upper lip curved like a bow, the lower lip pierced with a hoop peircing, and a jaw…. A jaw sharp enough to cut through wood.

Staring fascinated at the frame holding her up without any sign of pressure on his what she thought as perfect face, she couldn't help the words that left her mouth. "Angel." The words were but a mere whisper but with the way his eyebrows settled and an expression of surprise covered his face he surely heard.

All of a sudden the male cocked his head to the side, and the surprised expression turned into a confused one. "Puppy?" He asked, staring at the furry ears that had sprouted from her black hair.