
please reset the booktitle Min_Rin 20231218092329 17

I'm deleting my book and going to write it again from the start

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Searching For You

Marley was born as Delon in 1959 .In 1975 Delon is 16 years old teenager. He had everything but he had nightmares from childhood. He would always have nightmares about a girl he liked suicided. But the weird thing is that he saw himself as a teenager and adult in his nightmares. The same girl suicide two times. When he waked up from nightmare he could feel everything like it happened just now. At first his parents took him to psychologist. Psychologists said there is nothing wrong with his mental health. They would just say that there were rare cases like that. It was not common but normal. Later slowly those emotions started to take over Delon as he became grown-up. He had those nightmares more often. The nightmares started to get clear slowly. It also started to effect his mental health. He was later diagnosed with depression. His parents also took him to different places as they thought he must be possessed by some evil spirit. But it was no use. When he was sixteen years old he started to sketch the girl in his dreams . He would sketch her tattered body under bloody clothe cover. He would also sketch her hanging from the tree. Other than those two things he also Saw her smiling brightly in his dreams . He sketched her on the sketching board. While he was still completing it his mom intered the room. She saw it and smiled. Mom" who is she? She is so pretty. She have got such a beautiful smile. Is she is your class fellow?"

Delon "No, mom ."

Mom "eyyyye,… Now you are hiding your crush from me ."

Delon while smiling "it's not like that mom."

Mom making silly face "okay okay I believe you."

Delon still don't understand why he would have those nightmares why he was in different age in his dreams. In the class they discussed about having dreams. He asked his teacher "Why do we dream about people that don't exist?"

Teacher "They do exit but we just don't notice them but our brain do . And then our brain create dream from the information it have stored. "

Delon finds it strange because he never saw the girl anywhere. If he would have it is not possible to not recognize her. Moreover he was having those dreams from childhood. He thought even if she exist then where she was? How come he never saw her. He took the sketch and asked his driver to look for a girl like that. He asked him to look for her everywhere in hospital or police station. One year passed but he couldn't find the girl . He is now seventeen years old. He was going for a trip out of country with his mom. They were going to Netherlands for Trip. He takes the sketch because he have been to Netherlands a lot of times. He thought maybe I saw her in Netherlands in childhood. But he couldn't find her in Netherlands.