
The Beginning

Have you ever felt like the ugly duckling? Well this forgotten Princess has, her name is Amora she is the only daughter the the King and Queen. She has two older brothers Helios and Hesperus, the are twins and the first born sons. The kingdom was on the border of the fairy realm, Amora loved to sit at the edge of the kingdom watching the fairies. Amora was 16 years old, to her parents she was lovely but she felt they only ever where just saying that. She was only 5 foot 5 inches tall, she had long light brown hair she had full pouty lips that where slightly pink. Her eyes were golden and rosy cheeks with a fair complexion what most would called the vision of beauty.

She looked nothing like her family and that had some in the Kingdom whispering about it saying things like "is she even the king's daughter?" Rather than listen to the staffs whispers and dirty looks.She would go to the edge of the kingdom near the forest of the fairy lands. She would watch them work and go about tending to the forest and all its creatures, sometimes she would sketch them. Her brother's where the talk of the Kingdom both 6 feet tall and muscular with broad shoulders, Golden hair to their shoulders and piercing eyes also golden in color they almost glowed. They had their mothers stunning looks and charisma, the had their fathers build and stature along with his chiseled jaw.

The whole castle was busy getting ready for the ball that was to happen in two days. All the princess' from the surrounding kingdoms were coming as it was time for her 25 year old brothers to pick their brides. Helios was a finicky princes he was a scholarly type and tended to over think everything. He knew what kind of princess he wanted. He wanted someone sweet and kind just like his little sister. She had a beauty about her that she never saw herself. She always smiled and never had a mean word to say to anyone even when they where nothing but rude to her. She had a purity that could not be matched. He hoped one day she would see her own beauty and learn to hold her head up high as she could be the most lovely princess ever. If he could find another princess half as wonderful as his sister her would be happy. Hesperus was however was not as picky, he was a big flirt. He would chace just about anything in a skirt if he thought it would get him some action. With his looks who wouldn't want him and it was true there wasn't a lady who didn't hope to get his attention.

The kingdom of Valor was one of the largest in the region of Valkyrie all the surrounding kingdoms wanted to be in the good graces of King Phosphorus. The ball was not just going the royals but every noble family that had both daughters and sons. Queen Achelios was hoping that Amora might find someone that catches her eye more than the fairies she is always drawing. Little did anyone know in the kingdom that Amora had caught the eye of a demon named Oneiroi. As she had been watching the fairy folk he has been watching her. She was the most lovely thing he had ever seen. It was so out of character for him want something so good so pure. He was demon after so it would only be natural for him to want someone dark like him. He just could not help himself being drawn to her, soon it would be time for her to be married off. That thought broke his heart there is no way the King and Queen would let a demon marry their only daughter.

The day of the ball Amora sat in her usual spot. As she sat there drawing she was thinking to herself "I wish I was as pretty as the other princess' that will be here tonight. No one will even give me a second look. I mean if I can sit here and not even the fairies notice me no one else will either." If she only knew what others thought of her. There is no real reason as to why she never thought very highly of herself. Other than at every ball there was never anyone who ever came to talk to her. Tears started to fall down her cheeks when she thought on how alone she felt. Oneiroi saw her crying and all he wanted to do was hold her in a hug and tell her she was not alone. He did not have the courage to do something so bold, she may just run screaming anyways. Before she knew it, it was getting late and she still had to get ready for the ball. Without realizing it Oneiroi had come out of the shadows and closer to Amora. He was reaching out a hand just to touch a strand of hair just once that is all he wanted. Amora looked up from her drawing and realized she was going to be late if she did not hurry to get ready. She stood and dusted off her dress and turned to take one more look at the forest. She was thinking about when the last time she would ever see the fairies would be. She thought she saw something coming out of the shadows of the forest but she could not be sure because all she saw was what looked like a human shape shadow. Until she looked a little higher and that is when she saw the most striking blue eyes looking back her. The eyes looking at her had her captivated. She was not afraid, nore did she try and run. Locking eyes neither one moved and inch. Oneiroi has never seen eyes so golden and lovely in all his long life. Amora was not sure what this strange sensation was that seemed to come over. Was this the power of his eyes alone or was it something more. Looking at Amora was like looking at the sun you were blinded by the beauty of it. Oneiroi being so close to her could not stop himself he reached out and stroked her cheek. Her warmth was a stark contrast to his cold skin. She slightly shivered at his touch as it was so cold. She dare not speak not knowing that if she said a word to him if he would leave. This is the first time and one of the many creatures that lived in the forest ever came this close to her.

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